:host {
/* Variables controlling the rendered post selection */
--post-selection-corner-width: 4px;
--post-selection-corner-hitbox-max-size: 40px;
position: relative;
#postSelectionScrim {
background-color: var(--color-scrim);
height: 100%;
opacity: 20%;
transition: opacity cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.0, 0, 1.0) 400ms;
width: 100%;
/** Render the selected part of the image again so it appears glowing over
the scrim */
#backgroundImageCanvas {
clip-path: rect(var(--selection-top)
calc(var(--selection-left) + var(--selection-width))
calc(var(--selection-top) + var(--selection-height))
round var(--post-selection-cutout-corner-radius));
height: 100%;
inset: 0;
object-fit: contain;
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
#postSelection {
/* Scrim is rendered here too, so that the rendered screenshot is dark
* as if it were under the scrim as well. */
background-color: var(--color-scrim);
border-radius: var(--post-selection-cutout-corner-radius);
height: var(--selection-height);
left: var(--selection-left);
margin: auto;
opacity: 5%;
position: absolute;
top: var(--selection-top);
width: var(--selection-width);
#selectionCorners {
background-image: paint(post-selection);
height: calc(var(--selection-height) +
(2 * var(--post-selection-corner-width)));
left: calc(var(--selection-left) - var(--post-selection-corner-width));
position: absolute;
top: calc(var(--selection-top) - var(--post-selection-corner-width));
width: calc(var(--selection-width) +
(2 * var(--post-selection-corner-width)));
z-index: 5; /* Position above words. */
.corner-hit-box {
height: 50%;
max-height: var(--post-selection-corner-hitbox-max-size);
max-width: var(--post-selection-corner-hitbox-max-size);
min-height: var(--post-selection-corner-length);
min-width: var(--post-selection-corner-length);
pointer-events: all;
position: absolute;
width: 50%;
#topLeft {
cursor: nw-resize;
left: 0;
top: 0;
transform: translate(-25%, -25%)
#topRight {
cursor: ne-resize;
top: 0;
right: 0;
transform: translate(25%, -25%)
#bottomRight {
cursor: se-resize;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
transform: translate(25%, 25%)
#bottomLeft {
cursor: sw-resize;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
transform: translate(-25%, 25%)
<div id="postSelectionScrim"
style$="[[getScrimStyleProperties(height, width)]]">
<div hidden$="[[!hasSelection(height, width)]]">
<canvas id="backgroundImageCanvas" height="[[canvasPhysicalHeight]]"
style$="height: [[canvasHeight]]px; width: [[canvasWidth]]px;">
<!-- This inner postSelection div isn't technically required, but helps make
testing easier and more readable. -->
<div id="postSelection"></div>
<div id="selectionCorners">
<template is="dom-repeat" items="[[cornerIds]]">
<div id="[[item]]" class="corner-hit-box"></div>