// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import './strings.m.js';
import {assert} from '//resources/js/assert.js';
import {skColorToHexColor, skColorToRgba} from '//resources/js/color_utils.js';
import {EventTracker} from '//resources/js/event_tracker.js';
import {loadTimeData} from '//resources/js/load_time_data.js';
import type {PointF} from '//resources/mojo/ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom-webui.js';
import {PolymerElement} from '//resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import type {DomRepeat} from '//resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {BrowserProxyImpl} from './browser_proxy.js';
import type {BrowserProxy} from './browser_proxy.js';
import {skColorToRgbaWithCustomAlpha} from './color_utils.js';
import {type CursorTooltipData, CursorTooltipType} from './cursor_tooltip.js';
import {findWordsInRegion} from './find_words_in_region.js';
import {CenterRotatedBox_CoordinateType} from './geometry.mojom-webui.js';
import type {CenterRotatedBox} from './geometry.mojom-webui.js';
import {bestHit} from './hit.js';
import {UserAction} from './lens.mojom-webui.js';
import {INVOCATION_SOURCE} from './lens_overlay_app.js';
import {recordLensOverlayInteraction} from './metrics_utils.js';
import type {CursorData, DetectedTextContextMenuData, SelectedTextContextMenuData} from './selection_overlay.js';
import {CursorType} from './selection_utils.js';
import type {GestureEvent} from './selection_utils.js';
import type {BackgroundImageData, Line, Paragraph, Text, TranslatedLine, TranslatedParagraph, Word} from './text.mojom-webui.js';
import {Alignment, WritingDirection} from './text.mojom-webui.js';
import {getTemplate} from './text_layer.html.js';
import type {TranslateState} from './translate_button.js';
import {toPercent} from './values_converter.js';
const MIN_FONT_SIZE = 1;
const MAX_FONT_SIZE = 100;
// Highest font size where the opacity of the background should be 100%.
// Lowest font size where the opacity of the background should be transparent
// Rotates the target coordinates to be in relation to the line rotation.
function rotateCoordinateAroundOrigin(
pointToRotate: PointF, angle: number): PointF {
const newX =
pointToRotate.x * Math.cos(-angle) - pointToRotate.y * Math.sin(-angle);
const newY =
pointToRotate.y * Math.cos(-angle) + pointToRotate.x * Math.sin(-angle);
return {x: newX, y: newY};
// Returns true if the word has a valid bounding box and is renderable by the
// TextLayer.
function isWordRenderable(word: Word): boolean {
// For a word to be renderable, it must have a bounding box with normalized
// coordinates.
// TODO(b/330183480): Add rendering for IMAGE CoordinateType
const wordBoundingBox = word.geometry?.boundingBox;
if (!wordBoundingBox) {
return false;
return wordBoundingBox.coordinateType ===
// Return the text separator if there is one, else returns a space.
function getTextSeparator(word: Word): string {
return (word.textSeparator !== null && word.textSeparator !== undefined) ?
word.textSeparator :
' ';
// Returns true if index is in the range [start, end]. End index may be lesser
// than start index.
function isInRange(index: number, start: number, end: number): boolean {
return (index >= start && index <= end) || (index >= end && index <= start);
export interface TextLayerElement {
$: {
textRenderCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement,
translateContainer: DomRepeat,
wordsContainer: DomRepeat,
interface HighlightedLine {
height: number;
left: number;
top: number;
width: number;
rotation: number;
interface TranslatedLineData {
alignment: Alignment;
contentLanguage: string;
line: TranslatedLine;
words: TranslatedWordData[];
paragraphIndex: number;
interface TranslatedWordData {
word: Word;
index: number;
* Element responsible for highlighting and selection text.
export class TextLayerElement extends PolymerElement {
static get is() {
return 'lens-text-layer';
static get template() {
return getTemplate();
static get properties() {
return {
renderedWords: {
type: Array,
value: () => [],
shouldRenderTranslateWords: {
type: Boolean,
reflectToAttribute: true,
highlightedLines: {
type: Array,
computed: 'getHighlightedLines(selectionStartIndex, selectionEndIndex)',
selectionStartIndex: {
type: Number,
value: -1,
selectionEndIndex: {
type: Number,
value: -1,
isSelectingText: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
reflectToAttribute: true,
debugMode: {
type: Boolean,
value: loadTimeData.getBoolean('enableDebuggingMode'),
reflectToAttribute: true,
selectionOverlayRect: Object,
// The rendering context of the canvas used to measure font size of translated
// text.
private context: CanvasRenderingContext2D;
// The words rendered in this layer.
private renderedWords: Word[];
// Whether to render the translated text received on the overlay rather than
// the detected text.
private shouldRenderTranslateWords: boolean;
// All of the translated words returned in onTranslateTextReceived with
// non-translated words also filled in where translation failed.
private translatedWordsInOrder: Word[];
// The current target language the user requested to translate to.
private currentTranslateLanguage: string;
// The rendered translated words in order from onTranslateTextReceived.
private renderedTranslateWords: TranslatedWordData[];
// The rendered translated lines in order from onTranslateTextReceived.
private renderedTranslateLines: TranslatedLineData[];
// The rendered translated paragraphs in order from onTranslateTextReceived.
private renderedTranslateParagraphs: TranslatedParagraph[];
// The currently selected lines.
private highlightedLines: HighlightedLine[];
// The index of the word in renderedWords at the start of the current
// selection. -1 if no current selection.
private selectionStartIndex: number;
// The index of the word in renderedWords at the end of the current selection.
// -1 if no current selection.
private selectionEndIndex: number;
// Whether the user is currently selecting text.
private isSelectingText: boolean;
// The bounds of the parent element. This is updated by the parent to avoid
// this class needing to call getBoundingClientRect()
private selectionOverlayRect: DOMRect;
// An array that corresponds 1:1 to renderedWords, where lineNumbers[i] is the
// line number for renderedWords[i]. In addition, the index at lineNumbers[i]
// corresponds to the Line in lines[i] that the word belongs in.
private lineNumbers: number[];
// An array that corresponds 1:1 to renderedWords, where paragraphNumbers[i]
// is the paragraph number for renderedWords[i]. In addition, the index at
// paragraphNumbers[i] corresponds to the Paragraph in paragraphs[i] that the
// word belongs in.
private paragraphNumbers: number[];
// The lines received from OnTextReceived.
private lines: Line[];
// The paragraphs received from OnTextReceived.
private paragraphs: Paragraph[];
// The content language received from OnTextReceived.
private contentLanguage: string;
private eventTracker_: EventTracker = new EventTracker();
private listenerIds: number[];
// IoU threshold for finding words in region.
private selectTextTriggerThreshold: number =
private browserProxy: BrowserProxy = BrowserProxyImpl.getInstance();
override ready() {
this.context = this.$.textRenderCanvas.getContext('2d')!;
override connectedCallback() {
document, 'detect-text-in-region',
(e: CustomEvent<CenterRotatedBox>) => {
document, 'translate-mode-state-changed',
(e: CustomEvent<TranslateState>) => {
this.shouldRenderTranslateWords = e.detail.translateModeEnabled;
this.currentTranslateLanguage = e.detail.targetLanguage;
// Set up listener to listen to events from C++.
this.listenerIds = [
override disconnectedCallback() {
id => assert(this.browserProxy.callbackRouter.removeListener(id)));
this.listenerIds = [];
private handlePointerEnter() {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent<CursorData>(
{bubbles: true, composed: true, detail: {cursor: CursorType.TEXT}}));
new CustomEvent<CursorTooltipData>('set-cursor-tooltip', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: {tooltipType: CursorTooltipType.TEXT_HIGHLIGHT},
private handlePointerLeave() {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent<CursorData>(
{bubbles: true, composed: true, detail: {cursor: CursorType.DEFAULT}}));
new CustomEvent<CursorTooltipData>('set-cursor-tooltip', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: {tooltipType: CursorTooltipType.REGION_SEARCH},
private detectTextInRegion(box: CenterRotatedBox) {
const selection =
findWordsInRegion(this.renderedWords, box, this.selectionOverlayRect);
if (selection.iou < this.selectTextTriggerThreshold) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
'hide-detected-text-context-menu', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
const left = box.box.x - box.box.width / 2;
const right = box.box.x + box.box.width / 2;
const top = box.box.y - box.box.height / 2;
const bottom = box.box.y + box.box.height / 2;
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent<DetectedTextContextMenuData>(
'show-detected-text-context-menu', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: {
selectionStartIndex: selection.startIndex,
selectionEndIndex: selection.endIndex,
handleDownGesture(event: GestureEvent): boolean {
const translatedWordIndex =
this.translatedWordIndexFromPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY);
const wordIndex = translatedWordIndex ?
translatedWordIndex :
this.wordIndexFromPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY);
// Ignore if the click is not on a word.
if (wordIndex === null) {
return false;
this.selectionStartIndex = wordIndex;
this.selectionEndIndex = wordIndex;
this.isSelectingText = true;
return true;
handleRightClick(event: PointerEvent) {
// If the user right-clicks a highlighted word, restore the selected text
// context menu.
const wordIndex = this.wordIndexFromPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY);
if (wordIndex !== null &&
wordIndex, this.selectionStartIndex, this.selectionEndIndex)) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('restore-selected-text-context-menu', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
handleDragGesture(event: GestureEvent) {
const imageBounds = this.selectionOverlayRect;
const normalizedX = (event.clientX - imageBounds.left) / imageBounds.width;
const normalizedY = (event.clientY - imageBounds.top) / imageBounds.height;
const words = this.shouldRenderTranslateWords ?
this.translatedWordsInOrder :
const hit = bestHit(words, {x: normalizedX, y: normalizedY});
if (!hit) {
this.selectionEndIndex = words.indexOf(hit);
handleUpGesture() {
private sendSelectedText() {
this.isSelectingText = false;
const highlightedText = this.getHighlightedText();
const lines = this.getHighlightedLines();
const containingRect = this.getContainingRect(lines);
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent<SelectedTextContextMenuData>(
'show-selected-text-context-menu', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: {
text: highlightedText,
contentLanguage: this.contentLanguage,
left: containingRect.left,
right: containingRect.right,
top: containingRect.top,
bottom: containingRect.bottom,
selectionStartIndex: this.selectionStartIndex,
selectionEndIndex: this.selectionEndIndex,
// On selection complete, send the selected text to C++.
highlightedText, this.selectionStartIndex, this.selectionEndIndex);
recordLensOverlayInteraction(INVOCATION_SOURCE, UserAction.kTextSelection);
selectAndSendWords(selectionStartIndex: number, selectionEndIndex: number) {
this.selectWords(selectionStartIndex, selectionEndIndex);
selectionStartIndex: number, selectionEndIndex: number) {
this.selectWords(selectionStartIndex, selectionEndIndex);
this.isSelectingText = false;
// Do not show the selected text context menu, but update the data so that
// it is shown correctly if the user right-clicks on the text.
const highlightedText = this.getHighlightedText();
const lines = this.getHighlightedLines();
const containingRect = this.getContainingRect(lines);
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent<SelectedTextContextMenuData>(
'update-selected-text-context-menu', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: {
text: highlightedText,
contentLanguage: this.contentLanguage,
left: containingRect.left,
right: containingRect.right,
top: containingRect.top,
bottom: containingRect.bottom,
selectionStartIndex: this.selectionStartIndex,
selectionEndIndex: this.selectionEndIndex,
this.getHighlightedText(), this.contentLanguage,
this.selectionStartIndex, this.selectionEndIndex);
recordLensOverlayInteraction(INVOCATION_SOURCE, UserAction.kTranslateText);
cancelGesture() {
private unselectWords() {
this.selectionStartIndex = -1;
this.selectionEndIndex = -1;
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
'hide-selected-text-context-menu', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
'hide-detected-text-context-menu', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
private selectWords(selectionStartIndex: number, selectionEndIndex: number) {
this.selectionStartIndex = selectionStartIndex;
this.selectionEndIndex = selectionEndIndex;
private onTextReceived(text: Text) {
// Reset all old text.
const receivedWords = [];
this.lineNumbers = [];
this.paragraphNumbers = [];
this.lines = [];
this.paragraphs = [];
this.contentLanguage = text.contentLanguage ?? '';
let lineNumber = 0;
let paragraphNumber = 0;
// Flatten Text structure to a list of arrays for easier rendering and
// referencing.
for (const paragraph of text.textLayout.paragraphs) {
for (const line of paragraph.lines) {
for (const word of line.words) {
// Filter out words with invalid bounding boxes.
if (isWordRenderable(word)) {
// Need to set this.renderedWords to a new array instead of
// this.renderedWords.push() to ensure the dom-repeat updates.
this.renderedWords = receivedWords;
assert(this.lineNumbers.length === this.renderedWords.length);
assert(this.paragraphNumbers.length === this.renderedWords.length);
// If there is any translate text in the Text object, we need to handle that
// case as well. Otherwise, this is a no-op.
const renderedTranslateParagraphs =
text.textLayout.paragraphs.filter((paragraph) => {
return paragraph.translation !== null;
if (renderedTranslateParagraphs.length > 0) {
// Used to notify the post selection renderer so that, if a region has
// already been selected, text in the region can be detected.
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
'finished-receiving-text', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
private onTranslateTextReceived(text: Text) {
// Reset all translated text.
let wordIndex = 0;
let paragraphNumber = 0;
const receivedWords = [];
const receivedTranslatedWords = [];
const receivedTranslatedLines = [];
this.renderedTranslateParagraphs = [];
// Flatten Text structure to a list of arrays for easier rendering and
// referencing.
for (const paragraph of text.textLayout.paragraphs) {
// We are looking for translated paragraphs first. If they do not exist,
// we should default to the detected text. Just because we have
// translations for some paragraphs does not mean we have translations
// for all paragraphs.
if (paragraph.translation) {
for (const line of paragraph.translation.lines) {
const translatedWordDataInLine = [];
for (const word of line.words) {
// Filter out words with invalid bounding boxes.
if (isWordRenderable(word)) {
const translatedWordData:
TranslatedWordData = {word, index: wordIndex};
const translatedLineData: TranslatedLineData = {
alignment: paragraph.translation.alignment ??
contentLanguage: paragraph.contentLanguage ?? '',
words: translatedWordDataInLine,
paragraphIndex: paragraphNumber,
} else {
for (const line of paragraph.lines) {
for (const word of line.words) {
// Filter out words with invalid bounding boxes.
if (isWordRenderable(word)) {
this.renderedTranslateLines = receivedTranslatedLines;
this.renderedTranslateWords = receivedTranslatedWords;
this.translatedWordsInOrder = receivedWords;
private calculateFontSizePixels(translatedLine: TranslatedLineData): number {
const line = translatedLine.line;
if (!line.geometry) {
// TODO(b/330183480): Currently, we are assuming that word coordinates are
// normalized. We should still implement rendering in case this assumption
// is ever violated.
if (line.geometry.boundingBox.coordinateType !==
CenterRotatedBox_CoordinateType.kNormalized) {
// Convert the normalized line geometry to pixels.
const isTopToBottom = this.isTranslatedLineVertical(translatedLine);
const translatedLineWidth =
(line.geometry.boundingBox.box.width * this.selectionOverlayRect.width);
const translatedLineHeight =
(line.geometry.boundingBox.box.height *
// Swap width and height if we are rendering the text vertically.
const lineWidth =
isTopToBottom ? translatedLineHeight : translatedLineWidth;
const lineHeight =
isTopToBottom ? translatedLineWidth : translatedLineHeight;
this.$.textRenderCanvas.width = lineWidth;
this.$.textRenderCanvas.height = lineHeight;
// The line translation can contain text that is not actually a part of this
// particular line. Because of this, we need to loop through the words and
// create the line string ourselves.
let text = '';
for (let i = 0; i < line.words.length; i++) {
const word = line.words[i];
text += word.plainText;
text += getTextSeparator(word);
let low = MIN_FONT_SIZE;
let high = MAX_FONT_SIZE;
// Use binary search to find optimal font size.
while (low <= high) {
const mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);
// The font families here should cover what is default used by the text in
// the HTML.
this.context.font = `${mid}px Roboto, "Cantarell", Arial, sans-serif`;
const textMetrics = this.context.measureText(text);
// Check if the text fits within the container
const textHeight = textMetrics.actualBoundingBoxAscent +
if (textMetrics.width >= lineWidth || textHeight >= lineHeight) {
high = mid - 1;
} else {
low = mid + 1;
return Math.min(low - 1, MAX_FONT_SIZE);
// Returns the rectangle circumscribing the given lines.
private getContainingRect(lines: HighlightedLine[]) {
const left = Math.min(...lines.map((line) => line.left));
const right = Math.max(...lines.map((line) => line.left + line.width));
const top = Math.min(...lines.map((line) => line.top));
const bottom = Math.max(...lines.map((line) => line.top + line.height));
return {left, right, top, bottom};
// Used by the HTML template to get the array of highlighted lines to render
// whenever the selection indices change.
private getHighlightedLines(): HighlightedLine[] {
const newHighlightedLines: HighlightedLine[] = [];
// Return early if there isn't a valid selection.
if (this.selectionStartIndex === -1 || this.selectionEndIndex === -1) {
return newHighlightedLines;
const startIndex =
Math.min(this.selectionStartIndex, this.selectionEndIndex);
const endIndex = Math.max(this.selectionStartIndex, this.selectionEndIndex);
const words = this.shouldRenderTranslateWords ?
this.translatedWordsInOrder :
let currentLineIndex = this.lineNumbers[startIndex];
let startWord: Word = words[startIndex];
let endWord: Word = words[startIndex];
// Get max dimensions per line.
for (let i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
if (this.lineNumbers[i] !== currentLineIndex) {
// Add the line
startWord, endWord, this.isTopToBottomWritingDirection(i)));
// Save new line data.
startWord = words[i];
currentLineIndex = this.lineNumbers[i];
endWord = words[i];
// Add the last line in the selection
startWord, endWord, this.isTopToBottomWritingDirection(endIndex)));
return newHighlightedLines;
// Given two words, returns the bounding box that properly encapsulates this
// region.
private calculateHighlightedLine(
startWord: Word, endWord: Word, isTopToBottom: boolean): HighlightedLine {
// We only render words with geometry, so these geometry's should be
// guaranteed to exist.
// Grab the bounding boxes for easier to read code
const startWordBoundingBox = startWord.geometry.boundingBox;
const endWordBoundingBox = endWord.geometry.boundingBox;
// Since the two words in a line can be at an angle, there center points are
// not necessarily in a straight line. We need to calculate the slope
// created by the selected boxes to align the boxes vertically so we can
// generate the containing box.
const slope = (endWordBoundingBox.box.y - startWordBoundingBox.box.y) /
(endWordBoundingBox.box.x - startWordBoundingBox.box.x);
// Calculate the angle needed to rotate to align the items linearly. If
// slope is undefined because the denominator was zero, we default to no
// rotation.
let rotationAngle = slope ? Math.atan(slope) : 0;
// Top to bottom languages need to rotate by an extra 90 degrees for the
// logic to work correctly.
if (isTopToBottom) {
rotationAngle += 1.5708;
// Get the new linearly aligned center points.
const relativeStartCenter = rotateCoordinateAroundOrigin(
{x: startWordBoundingBox.box.x, y: startWordBoundingBox.box.y},
const relativeEndCenter = rotateCoordinateAroundOrigin(
{x: endWordBoundingBox.box.x, y: endWordBoundingBox.box.y},
// Calculate the dimensions for our containing box using the new center
// points and the same width and height as before.
const containingBoxTop = Math.min(
relativeStartCenter.y - startWordBoundingBox.box.height / 2,
relativeEndCenter.y - endWordBoundingBox.box.height / 2);
const containingBoxLeft = Math.min(
relativeStartCenter.x - startWordBoundingBox.box.width / 2,
relativeEndCenter.x - endWordBoundingBox.box.width / 2);
const containingBoxBottom = Math.max(
relativeStartCenter.y + startWordBoundingBox.box.height / 2,
relativeEndCenter.y + endWordBoundingBox.box.height / 2);
const containingBoxRight = Math.max(
relativeStartCenter.x + startWordBoundingBox.box.width / 2,
relativeEndCenter.x + endWordBoundingBox.box.width / 2);
// The generate the center point and undo the rotation so it is back to
// being relative to the position of the selected line.
const containingCenter = rotateCoordinateAroundOrigin(
x: (containingBoxRight + containingBoxLeft) / 2,
y: (containingBoxTop + containingBoxBottom) / 2,
// Since width and height don't change with rotation, simply get the width
// and height.
const containingBoxWidth = containingBoxRight - containingBoxLeft;
const containingBoxHeight = containingBoxBottom - containingBoxTop;
// Convert to easy to render format.
return {
top: containingCenter.y - containingBoxHeight / 2,
left: containingCenter.x - containingBoxWidth / 2,
width: containingBoxWidth,
height: containingBoxHeight,
(startWordBoundingBox.rotation + endWordBoundingBox.rotation) / 2,
// Returns whether the word at the given index is a top to bottom written
// language.
private isTopToBottomWritingDirection(wordIndex: number): boolean {
const paragraph = this.paragraphs[this.paragraphNumbers[wordIndex]];
return paragraph.writingDirection === WritingDirection.kTopToBottom;
private getHighlightedText(): string {
// Return early if there isn't a valid selection.
if (this.selectionStartIndex === -1 || this.selectionEndIndex === -1) {
return '';
const startIndex =
Math.min(this.selectionStartIndex, this.selectionEndIndex);
const endIndex = Math.max(this.selectionStartIndex, this.selectionEndIndex);
const selectedWords = this.shouldRenderTranslateWords ?
this.translatedWordsInOrder.slice(startIndex, endIndex + 1) :
this.renderedWords.slice(startIndex, endIndex + 1);
return selectedWords
.map((word, index) => {
return word.plainText +
(index < selectedWords.length - 1 ? getTextSeparator(word) : '');
/** @return The CSS styles string for the given word. */
private getWordStyle(word: Word): string {
const horizontalLineMarginPercent =
loadTimeData.getInteger('verticalTextMarginPx') /
const verticalLineMarginPercent =
loadTimeData.getInteger('horizontalTextMarginPx') /
// Words without bounding boxes are filtered out, so guaranteed that
// geometry is not null.
const wordBoundingBox = word.geometry!.boundingBox;
// TODO(b/330183480): Currently, we are assuming that word
// coordinates are normalized. We should still implement
// rendering in case this assumption is ever violated.
if (wordBoundingBox.coordinateType !==
CenterRotatedBox_CoordinateType.kNormalized) {
return '';
// Put into an array instead of a long string to keep this code readable.
const styles: string[] = [
`width: ${
wordBoundingBox.box.width + 2 * horizontalLineMarginPercent)}`,
`height: ${
wordBoundingBox.box.height + 2 * verticalLineMarginPercent)}`,
`top: ${
wordBoundingBox.box.y - (wordBoundingBox.box.height / 2) -
`left: ${
wordBoundingBox.box.x - (wordBoundingBox.box.width / 2) -
`transform: rotate(${wordBoundingBox.rotation}rad)`,
return styles.join(';');
private getTranslatedLineStyle(translatedLineData: TranslatedLineData):
string {
const translatedLine = translatedLineData.line;
if (!translatedLine.geometry) {
return '';
const lineBoundingBox = translatedLine.geometry.boundingBox;
// TODO(b/330183480): Currently, we are assuming that word
// coordinates are normalized. We should still implement
// rendering in case this assumption is ever violated.
if (lineBoundingBox.coordinateType !==
CenterRotatedBox_CoordinateType.kNormalized) {
return '';
const lineFontSizePixels = this.calculateFontSizePixels(translatedLineData);
const styles: string[] = [
`background-color: ${
this.getBackgroundColorForLine(translatedLine, lineFontSizePixels)}`,
`color: ${skColorToHexColor(translatedLine.textColor)}`,
`justify-content: ${this.getLineAlignment(translatedLineData.alignment)}`,
`font-size: ${lineFontSizePixels}px`,
`width: ${toPercent(lineBoundingBox.box.width)}`,
`height: ${toPercent(lineBoundingBox.box.height)}`,
`top: ${
toPercent(lineBoundingBox.box.y - (lineBoundingBox.box.height / 2))}`,
`left: ${
toPercent(lineBoundingBox.box.x - (lineBoundingBox.box.width / 2))}`,
`text-shadow: ${
this.getOutlineStyleForLine(translatedLine, lineFontSizePixels)}`,
`transform: rotate(${lineBoundingBox.rotation}rad)`,
`writing-mode: ${this.getWritingModeForLine(translatedLineData)}`,
return styles.join(';');
private getBackgroundImageDataStyle(translatedLineData: TranslatedLineData):
string {
const translatedLine = translatedLineData.line;
if (!translatedLine.geometry) {
return '';
const lineBoundingBox = translatedLine.geometry.boundingBox;
// TODO(b/330183480): Currently, we are assuming that word
// coordinates are normalized. We should still implement
// rendering in case this assumption is ever violated.
if (lineBoundingBox.coordinateType !==
CenterRotatedBox_CoordinateType.kNormalized) {
return '';
const backgroundImageData = translatedLine.backgroundImageData;
if (!backgroundImageData) {
return '';
// Both background image padding values are relative to the line height.
const horizontalPadding =
backgroundImageData.horizontalPadding * lineBoundingBox.box.height;
const verticalPadding =
backgroundImageData.verticalPadding * lineBoundingBox.box.height;
const styles: string[] = [
`width: ${toPercent(lineBoundingBox.box.width + horizontalPadding)}`,
`height: ${toPercent(lineBoundingBox.box.height + verticalPadding)}`,
`top: ${
lineBoundingBox.box.y - (lineBoundingBox.box.height / 2) -
(0.5 * verticalPadding))}`,
`left: ${
lineBoundingBox.box.x - (lineBoundingBox.box.width / 2) -
(0.5 * horizontalPadding))}`,
return styles.join(';');
private getOutlineStyleForLine(line: TranslatedLine, fontSize: number):
string {
if (!line.backgroundImageData) {
return 'none';
const outlineColor = skColorToRgba(line.backgroundPrimaryColor);
const outlineWidth = fontSize * 0.02;
return `-${outlineWidth}px ${outlineWidth}px 0 ${outlineColor},
${outlineWidth}px ${outlineWidth}px 0 ${outlineColor},
${outlineWidth}px -${outlineWidth}px 0 ${outlineColor},
-${outlineWidth}px -${outlineWidth}px 0 ${outlineColor}`;
private getBackgroundColorForLine(line: TranslatedLine, fontSize: number):
string {
// When background image data is present, we only want it to be opaque for
// very small text for accessibility reasons.
if (line.backgroundImageData && fontSize >= FONT_SIZE_TRANSPARENT_BOUND) {
return 'transparent';
// If background image data is not present, the background should be opaque.
// Below opaque bound, it should be fully opaque.
if (!line.backgroundImageData ||
(line.backgroundImageData && fontSize <= FONT_SIZE_OPAQUE_BOUND)) {
return skColorToRgba(line.backgroundPrimaryColor);
// Font sizes between the two values should iversely interpolate over 0-255
// for opacity.
const opacityRatio = (fontSize - FONT_SIZE_OPAQUE_BOUND) /
const clampedOpacity = Math.min(Math.max(opacityRatio, 0), 1);
return skColorToRgbaWithCustomAlpha(
line.backgroundPrimaryColor, clampedOpacity);
private isTranslatedLineVertical(line: TranslatedLineData): boolean {
const writingDirection =
return writingDirection === WritingDirection.kTopToBottom;
private getWritingModeForLine(line: TranslatedLineData): string {
if (this.isTranslatedLineVertical(line)) {
return 'vertical-lr';
return 'horizontal-tb';
private getLineAlignment(alignment: Alignment|null): string {
if (alignment === Alignment.kDefaultLeftAlgined) {
return 'left';
} else if (alignment === Alignment.kCenterAligned) {
return 'center';
} else if (alignment === Alignment.kRightAligned) {
return 'right';
return 'center';
private resetCanvasPixelRatioIfNeeded() {
const transform = this.context.getTransform();
if (transform.a !== window.devicePixelRatio ||
transform.d !== window.devicePixelRatio) {
window.devicePixelRatio, 0, 0, window.devicePixelRatio, 0, 0);
private getBlobUrlFromImageData(imageData: BackgroundImageData): string {
const imageBytesBuffer = imageData.backgroundImage;
assert(imageBytesBuffer.invalidBuffer !== true);
let bytes: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array();
if (imageBytesBuffer.bytes !== undefined) {
bytes = new Uint8Array(imageBytesBuffer.bytes);
} else if (imageBytesBuffer.sharedMemory !== undefined) {
const {bufferHandle, size} = imageBytesBuffer.sharedMemory;
const {buffer} = bufferHandle.mapBuffer(0, size);
bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);
} else {
return '';
// The image should always be a webp image.
const blob = new Blob([bytes], {type: 'image/webp'});
return URL.createObjectURL(blob);
/** @return The CSS styles string for the given highlighted line. */
private getHighlightedLineStyle(line: HighlightedLine): string {
// Put into an array instead of a long string to keep this code readable.
const styles: string[] = [
`width: ${toPercent(line.width)}`,
`height: ${toPercent(line.height)}`,
`top: ${toPercent(line.top)}`,
`left: ${toPercent(line.left)}`,
`transform: rotate(${line.rotation}rad)`,
return styles.join(';');
* @return Returns the index in renderedWords of the word at the given point.
* Returns null if no word is at the given point.
private wordIndexFromPoint(x: number, y: number): number|null {
const topMostElement = this.shadowRoot!.elementFromPoint(x, y);
if (!topMostElement || !(topMostElement instanceof HTMLElement)) {
return null;
return this.$.wordsContainer.indexForElement(topMostElement);
* @returns Returns the index in translatedWordsInOrder of the word at the
* given point. Returns null if no word is at the given point.
private translatedWordIndexFromPoint(x: number, y: number): number|null {
const topMostElement = this.shadowRoot!.elementFromPoint(x, y);
if (!topMostElement || !(topMostElement instanceof HTMLElement)) {
return null;
const wordIndexString = topMostElement.dataset['wordIndex'];
if (!wordIndexString) {
return null;
return parseInt(wordIndexString) ?? null;
// Testing method to get the words on the page.
getWordNodesForTesting() {
return this.shadowRoot!.querySelectorAll('.word');
// Testing method to get the translated words on the page.
getTranslatedWordNodesForTesting() {
return this.shadowRoot!.querySelectorAll('.translated-word');
// Testing method to get the highlighted words on the page.
getHighlightedNodesForTesting() {
return this.shadowRoot!.querySelectorAll('.highlighted-line');
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'lens-text-layer': TextLayerElement;
customElements.define(TextLayerElement.is, TextLayerElement);