// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {$} from 'chrome://resources/js/util.js';
import {BrowserBridge} from './browser_bridge.js';
import {addNode} from './util.js';
import {DivView} from './view.js';
/** @type {?DnsView} */
let instance = null;
* This view displays information on the host resolver:
* - Has a button to lookup the host.
* - Has a button to clear the host cache.
export class DnsView extends DivView {
constructor() {
this.browserBridge_ = BrowserBridge.getInstance();
this.dnsLookUpInput_ = $(DnsView.DNS_LOOKUP_INPUT_ID);
this.dnsLookUpOutputDiv_ = $(DnsView.DNS_LOOKUP_OUTPUT_ID);
'submit', this.onSubmitResolveHost_.bind(this), false);
$(DnsView.CLEAR_CACHE_BUTTON_ID).onclick = () => {
onSubmitResolveHost_(event) {
const hostname = this.dnsLookUpInput_.value;
if (hostname === '') {
this.dnsLookUpOutputDiv_.innerHTML = trustedTypes.emptyHTML;
const span = addNode(this.dnsLookUpOutputDiv_, 'span');
.then(result => {
const resolvedAddresses = JSON.stringify(result.resolved_addresses);
const div = addNode(span, 'div');
div.textContent =
`Resolved IP addresses of "${hostname}": ${resolvedAddresses}.`;
div.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
if (result.alternative_endpoints.length > 0) {
result.alternative_endpoints.forEach((endpoint) => {
const json = JSON.stringify(endpoint);
const div = addNode(span, 'div');
div.textContent = `Alternative endpoint: ${json}.`;
div.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
} else {
const div = addNode(span, 'div');
div.textContent = `No alternative endpoints.`;
div.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
.catch(error => {
const div = addNode(span, 'div');
div.textContent =
`An error occurred while resolving "${hostname}" (${error}).`;
div.style.color = 'red';
div.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
this.dnsLookUpInput_.value = '';
static getInstance() {
return instance || (instance = new DnsView());
DnsView.TAB_ID = 'tab-handle-dns';
DnsView.TAB_NAME = 'DNS';
DnsView.TAB_HASH = '#dns';
// IDs for special HTML elements in dns_view.html
DnsView.MAIN_BOX_ID = 'dns-view-tab-content';
DnsView.DNS_LOOKUP_FORM_ID = 'dns-view-dns-lookup-form';
DnsView.DNS_LOOKUP_INPUT_ID = 'dns-view-dns-lookup-input';
DnsView.DNS_LOOKUP_OUTPUT_ID = 'dns-view-dns-lookup-output';
DnsView.DNS_LOOKUP_SUBMIT_ID = 'dns-view-dns-lookup-submit';
DnsView.CLEAR_CACHE_BUTTON_ID = 'dns-view-clear-cache';