// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview
* This is a component extension that implements a text-to-speech (TTS)
* engine powered by Google's speech synthesis API.
* This is an "event page", so it's not loaded when the API isn't being used,
* and doesn't waste resources. When a web page or web app makes a speech
* request and the parameters match one of the voices in this extension's
* manifest, it makes a request to Google's API using Chrome's private key
* and plays the resulting speech using HTML5 audio.
* The main class for this extension. Adds listeners to
* chrome.ttsEngine.onSpeak and chrome.ttsEngine.onStop and implements
* them using Google's speech synthesis API.
* @constructor
function TtsExtension() {}
TtsExtension.prototype = {
* The url prefix of the speech server, including static query
* parameters that don't change.
* @type {string}
* @const
* @private
SPEECH_SERVER_URL_: 'https://www.google.com/speech-api/v2/synthesize?' +
* A mapping from language and gender to voice name, hardcoded for now
* until the speech synthesis server capabilities response provides this.
* The key of this map is of the form '<lang>-<gender>'.
* @type {Object<string>}
* @private
'en-gb-male': 'rjs',
'en-gb-female': 'fis',
* The arguments passed to the onSpeak event handler for the utterance
* that's currently being spoken. Should be null when no object is
* pending.
* @type {?{utterance: string, options: Object, callback: Function}}
* @private
currentUtterance_: null,
* A mapping from voice name to language and gender, derived from the
* manifest file. This is used in case the speech synthesis request
* specifies a voice name but doesn't specify a language code or gender.
* @type {Object<{lang: string, gender: string}>}
* @private
voiceNameToLangAndGender_: {},
* This is the main function called to initialize this extension.
* Initializes data structures and adds event listeners.
init() {
// Get voices from manifest.
const voices = chrome.runtime.getManifest().tts_engine.voices;
for (let i = 0; i < voices.length; i++) {
this.voiceNameToLangAndGender_[voices[i].voice_name] = {
lang: voices[i].lang,
gender: voices[i].gender,
url: chrome.runtime.getURL('audio.html'),
reasons: ['AUDIO_PLAYBACK'],
justification: 'Use the audio element',
// Install event listeners for the ttsEngine API.
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(message => {
switch (message.command) {
case 'onStart':
if (this.currentUtterance_) {
this.currentUtterance_.callback({'type': 'start', 'charIndex': 0});
case 'onStop':
* Handler for the chrome.ttsEngine.onSpeak interface.
* Gets Chrome's Google API key and then uses it to generate a request
* url for the requested speech utterance. Sets that url as the source
* of the HTML5 audio element.
* @param {string} utterance The text to be spoken.
* @param {Object} options Options to control the speech, as defined
* in the Chrome ttsEngine extension API.
* @private
onSpeak_(utterance, options, callback) {
// Ignore the utterance if it is empty. Continue such processing causes no
// speech and fails all subsequent calls to process additional utterances.
if (utterance.length === 0) {
callback({'type': 'end', 'charIndex': 0});
// Truncate the utterance if it's too long. Both Chrome's tts
// extension api and the web speech api specify 32k as the
// maximum limit for an utterance.
if (utterance.length > 32768) {
utterance = utterance.substr(0, 32768);
try {
// First, stop any pending audio.
this.currentUtterance_ = {
utterance: utterance,
options: options,
callback: callback,
command: 'setCurrentUtterance',
currentUtterance: this.currentUtterance_,
let lang = options.lang;
let gender = options.gender;
if (options.voiceName) {
lang = this.voiceNameToLangAndGender_[options.voiceName].lang;
gender = this.voiceNameToLangAndGender_[options.voiceName].gender;
if (!lang) {
lang = navigator.language;
// Look up the specific voice name for this language and gender.
// If it's not in the map, it doesn't matter - the language will
// be used directly. This is only used for languages where more
// than one gender is actually available.
const key = lang.toLowerCase() + '-' + gender;
const voiceName = this.LANG_AND_GENDER_TO_VOICE_NAME_[key];
let url = this.SPEECH_SERVER_URL_;
chrome.systemPrivate.getApiKey(key => {
url += '&key=' + key;
url += '&text=' + encodeURIComponent(utterance);
url += '&lang=' + lang.toLowerCase();
if (voiceName) {
url += '&name=' + voiceName;
if (options.rate) {
// Input rate is between 0.1 and 10.0 with a default of 1.0.
// Output speed is between 0.0 and 1.0 with a default of 0.5.
url += '&speed=' + (options.rate / 2.0);
if (options.pitch) {
// Input pitch is between 0.0 and 2.0 with a default of 1.0.
// Output pitch is between 0.0 and 1.0 with a default of 0.5.
url += '&pitch=' + (options.pitch / 2.0);
// This begins loading the audio but does not play it.
// When enough of the audio has loaded to begin playback,
// the 'canplaythrough' handler will call this.onStart_,
// which sends a start event to the ttsEngine callback and
// then begins playing audio.
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: 'setUrl', url});
} catch (err) {
callback({'type': 'error', 'errorMessage': String(err)});
this.currentUtterance_ = null;
* Handler for the chrome.ttsEngine.onStop interface.
* Called either when the ttsEngine API requests us to stop, or when
* we reach the end of the audio stream. Pause the audio element to
* silence it, and send a callback to the ttsEngine API to let it know
* that we've completed. Note that the ttsEngine API manages callback
* messages and will automatically replace the 'end' event with a
* more specific callback like 'interrupted' when sending it to the
* TTS client.
* @private
onStop_() {
if (this.currentUtterance_) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: 'pause'});
'type': 'end',
'charIndex': this.currentUtterance_.utterance.length,
this.currentUtterance_ = null;
* Handler for the chrome.ttsEngine.onPause interface.
* Pauses audio if we're in the middle of an utterance.
* @private
onPause_() {
if (this.currentUtterance_) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: 'pause'});
* Handler for the chrome.ttsEngine.onPause interface.
* Resumes audio if we're in the middle of an utterance.
* @private
onResume_() {
if (this.currentUtterance_) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: 'play'});
(new TtsExtension()).init();