
 * @license
 * Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

 * @fileoverview Rendering for iframed most visited titles.

 * The origin of this request.
const MV_DOMAIN_ORIGIN: string = '{{ORIGIN}}';

 * Converts an RGB color number to a hex color string if valid.
 * @param color A 6-digit hex RGB color code as a number.
 * @return A CSS representation of the color or null if invalid.
function convertToHexColor(color: number): string|null {
  // Color must be a number, finite, with no fractional part, in the correct
  // range for an RGB hex color.
  if (isFinite(color) && Math.floor(color) === color && color >= 0 &&
      color <= 0xffffff) {
    const hexColor = color.toString(16);
    // Pads with initial zeros and # (e.g. for 'ff' yields '#0000ff').
    return '#000000'.substr(0, 7 - hexColor.length) + hexColor;
  return null;

 * Validates a RGBA color component. It must be a number between 0 and 255.
 * @param component An RGBA component.
 * @return True if the component is valid.
function isValidRBGAComponent(component: number): boolean {
  return isFinite(component) && component >= 0 && component <= 255;

 * Converts an Array of color components into RGBA format "rgba(R,G,B,A)".
 * @param rgbaColor Array of rgba color components.
 * @return CSS color in RGBA format or null if invalid.
function convertArrayToRGBAColor(rgbaColor: number[]): string|null {
  // Array must contain 4 valid components.
  if (rgbaColor instanceof Array && rgbaColor.length === 4 &&
      isValidRBGAComponent(rgbaColor[0]!) &&
      isValidRBGAComponent(rgbaColor[1]!) &&
      isValidRBGAComponent(rgbaColor[2]!) &&
      isValidRBGAComponent(rgbaColor[3]!)) {
    return 'rgba(' + rgbaColor[0]! + ',' + rgbaColor[1]! + ',' + rgbaColor[2]! +
        ',' + rgbaColor[3]! / 255 + ')';
  return null;

 * Parses query parameters from Location.
 * @param location The URL to generate the CSS url for.
 * @return Dictionary containing name value pairs for URL.
 * TODO(dbeam): we should update callers of this method to use
 * URLSearchParams#get() instead (which I have a higher confidence handles
 * escaping and edge cases correctly). Note: that calling URLSearchParams#get()
 * also has the behavior of only returning the first &param= in the URL (i.e.
 * ?param=1&param=2 + .get('param') would return '1').
function parseQueryParams(location: Location): MostVisitedParams {
  const params = Object.create(null);
  const query =;
  const vars = query.split('&');
  for (let i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
    const pair = vars[i]!.split('=');
    const k = decodeURIComponent(pair[0]!);
    if (k in params) {
      // Duplicate parameters are not allowed to prevent attackers who can
      // append things to |location| from getting their parameter values to
      // override legitimate ones.
      return Object.create(null);
    } else {
      params[k] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]!);
  return params;

 * Creates a new most visited link element.
 * @param params URL parameters containing styles for the link.
 * @param href The destination for the link.
 * @param title The title for the link.
 * @param text The text for the link or none.
 * @param direction The text direction.
 * @return A new link element.
function createMostVisitedLink(
    params: MostVisitedParams, href: string, title: string, text: string,
    direction: string): HTMLAnchorElement {
  const styles = getMostVisitedStyles(params, !!text);
  const link = document.createElement('a'); = styles.color; = styles.fontSize + 'px';
  if (styles.fontFamily) { = styles.fontFamily;
  if (styles.textAlign) { = styles.textAlign;
  if (styles.textFadePos) {
    const dir = /^rtl$/i.test(direction) ? 'to left' : 'to right';
    // The fading length in pixels is passed by the caller.
    const mask = 'linear-gradient(' + dir + ', rgba(0,0,0,1), rgba(0,0,0,1) ' +
        styles.textFadePos + 'px, rgba(0,0,0,0))'; = 'clip'; = mask;
  if (styles.numTitleLines && styles.numTitleLines > 1) {

  link.href = href;
  link.title = title; = '_top';
  // Include links in the tab order.  The tabIndex is necessary for
  // accessibility.
  link.tabIndex = 0;
  if (text) {
    // Wrap text with span so ellipsis will appear at the end of multiline.
    const spanWrap = document.createElement('span');
    spanWrap.textContent = text;
  link.addEventListener('focus', function() {
    window.parent.postMessage('linkFocused', MV_DOMAIN_ORIGIN);
  link.addEventListener('blur', function() {
    window.parent.postMessage('linkBlurred', MV_DOMAIN_ORIGIN);

  link.addEventListener('keydown', function(event: KeyboardEvent) {
    if (event.keyCode === 46 /* DELETE */ ||
        event.keyCode === 8 /* BACKSPACE */) {
          'tileBlacklisted,' + params.pos, MV_DOMAIN_ORIGIN);
    } else if (
        event.keyCode === 13 /* ENTER */ || event.keyCode === 32 /* SPACE */) {
      // Event target is the <a> tag. Send a click event on it, which will
      // trigger the 'click' event registered above.
      ( as HTMLElement).click();

  return link;

 * Returns the color to display string with, depending on whether title is
 * displayed, the current theme, and URL parameters.
 * @param params URL parameters specifying style.
 * @param isTitle if the style is for the Most Visited Title.
 * @return The color to use, in "rgba(#,#,#,#)" format.
function getTextColor(params: MostVisitedParams, isTitle: boolean): string {
  // 'RRGGBBAA' color format overrides everything.
  if ('c' in params && params.c!.match(/^[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}$/)) {
    // Extract the 4 pairs of hex digits, map to number, then form rgba().
    const t = params.c!.match(/(..)(..)(..)(..)/)!.slice(1).map(function(s) {
      return parseInt(s, 16);
    return 'rgba(' + t[0] + ',' + t[1] + ',' + t[2] + ',' + t[3]! / 255 + ')';

  // For backward compatibility with server-side NTP, look at themes directly
  // and use param.c for non-title or as fallback.
  const apiHandle = chrome.embeddedSearch.newTabPage;
  const ntpTheme = apiHandle.ntpTheme;
  let c = '#777';
  if (isTitle && ntpTheme && !ntpTheme.usingDefaultTheme) {
    // Read from theme directly
    c = convertArrayToRGBAColor(ntpTheme.textColorRgba) || c;
  } else if ('c' in params) {
    c = convertToHexColor(parseInt(params.c!, 16)) || c;
  return c;

interface MostVisitedParams {
  c?: string;
  dummy?: string;
  fs?: string;
  f?: string;
  ntl?: string;
  pos?: string;
  rid?: string;
  ta?: string;
  tf?: string;

interface MostVisitedStyles {
  color: string;
  fontFamily: string;
  fontSize: number;
  numTitleLines?: number;
  textAlign?: string;
  textFadePos?: number;

 * Decodes most visited styles from URL parameters.
 * - c: A hexadecimal number interpreted as a hex color code.
 * - f: font-family.
 * - fs: font-size as a number in pixels.
 * - ta: text-align property, as a string.
 * - tf: text fade starting position, in pixels.
 * - ntl: number of lines in the title.
 * @param params URL parameters specifying style.
 * @param isTitle if the style is for the Most Visited Title.
 * @return Styles suitable for CSS interpolation.
function getMostVisitedStyles(
    params: MostVisitedParams, isTitle: boolean): MostVisitedStyles {
  const styles: MostVisitedStyles = {
    color: getTextColor(params, isTitle),  // Handles 'c' in params.
    fontFamily: '',
    fontSize: 11,
  if ('f' in params && /^[-0-9a-zA-Z ,]+$/.test(params.f!)) {
    styles.fontFamily = params.f!;
  if ('fs' in params) {
    const fs = parseInt(params.fs!, 10);
    if (isFinite(fs)) {
      styles.fontSize = fs;
  if ('ta' in params && /^[-0-9a-zA-Z ,]+$/.test(params.ta!)) {
    styles.textAlign = params.ta;
  if ('tf' in params) {
    const tf = parseInt(!, 10);
    if (isFinite(tf)) {
      styles.textFadePos = tf;
  if ('ntl' in params) {
    const ntl = parseInt(params.ntl!, 10);
    if (isFinite(ntl)) {
      styles.numTitleLines = ntl;
  return styles;

 * Returns whether the given URL has a known, safe scheme.
function isSchemeAllowed(url: string): boolean {
  return url.startsWith('http://') || url.startsWith('https://') ||
      url.startsWith('ftp://') || url.startsWith('chrome-extension://');

 * @param location A location containing URL parameters.
 * @param fill A function called with styles and data to fill.
function fillMostVisited(
    location: Location,
    fill: (
        params: MostVisitedParams,
        data: chrome.embeddedSearch.newTabPage.MostVisitedItemData) => void) {
  const params = parseQueryParams(location);
  const rid = parseInt(params.rid!, 10);
  if (!isFinite(rid)) {
  const data = chrome.embeddedSearch.newTabPage.getMostVisitedItemData(rid);
  if (!data) {
  if (data.url && !isSchemeAllowed(data.url)) {

  const dummy = parseInt(params.dummy!, 10);
  if (isFinite(dummy)) {
    (data as chrome.embeddedSearch.newTabPage.MostVisitedItemData & {
      dummy: boolean,
    }).dummy = true;

  if (data.direction) {
    document.body.dir = data.direction;
  fill(params, data);

window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  fillMostVisited(window.location, function(params, data) {
        params, data.url, data.title, data.title, data.direction));