
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


build_webui("build") {
  grd_prefix = "omnibox"

  # TODO( Remove this once `terser` (JS minifier) has been
  # updated to support the new `with` syntax.
  optimize = false

  web_component_files = [
  html_to_wrapper_template = "native"

  static_files = [

  # Some of the files below even though they hold web component definitions,
  # they don't use dedicated HTML files for each web component and therefore for
  # the purposes of build_webui() are passed as non_web_component_files.
  non_web_component_files = [

  mojo_files_deps =
      [ "//chrome/browser/ui/webui/omnibox:mojo_bindings_ts__generator" ]
  mojo_files =
      [ "$root_gen_dir/chrome/browser/ui/webui/omnibox/omnibox.mojom-webui.ts" ]

  ts_tsconfig_base = "tsconfig_base.json"
  ts_deps = [

  webui_context_type = "trusted"