// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import './strings.m.js';
import './omnibox_input.js';
import './omnibox_output.js';
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import {sendWithPromise} from 'chrome://resources/js/cr.js';
import {loadTimeData} from 'chrome://resources/js/load_time_data.js';
import type {OmniboxPageHandlerRemote, OmniboxResponse} from './omnibox.mojom-webui.js';
import {AutocompleteControllerType, OmniboxPageCallbackRouter, OmniboxPageHandler} from './omnibox.mojom-webui.js';
import type {DisplayInputs, OmniboxInput, QueryInputs} from './omnibox_input.js';
import type {OmniboxOutput} from './omnibox_output.js';
* Javascript for omnibox.html, served from chrome://omnibox/
* This is used to debug omnibox ranking. The user enters some text into a box,
* submits it, and then sees lots of debug information from the autocompleter
* that shows what omnibox would do with that input.
* The simple object defined in this javascript file listens for contain events
* on omnibox.html, sends (when appropriate) the input text to C++ code to start
* the omnibox autcomplete controller working, and listens from callbacks from
* the C++ code saying that results are available. When results (possibly
* intermediate ones) are available, the Javascript formats them and displays
* them.
declare global {
interface HTMLElementEventMap {
'query-inputs-changed': CustomEvent<QueryInputs>;
'display-inputs-changed': CustomEvent<DisplayInputs>;
'filter-input-changed': CustomEvent<string>;
'import': CustomEvent<OmniboxExport>;
'process-batch': CustomEvent<BatchSpecifier>;
'response-select': CustomEvent<number>;
'responses-count-changed': CustomEvent<number>;
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'OmniboxInput': OmniboxInput;
'OmniboxOutput': OmniboxOutput;
interface OmniboxRequest {
inputText: string;
callback: (omniboxResponse: OmniboxResponse) => void;
display: boolean;
interface BatchSpecifier {
batchName: string;
batchMode: string;
batchQueryInputs: QueryInputs[];
interface OmniboxExport {
versionDetails: Record<string, string>;
queryInputs: QueryInputs;
displayInputs: DisplayInputs;
responsesHistory: OmniboxResponse[][];
let browserProxy: BrowserProxy;
let omniboxInput: OmniboxInput;
let omniboxOutput: OmniboxOutput;
let exportDelegate: ExportDelegate;
class BrowserProxy {
private callbackRouter_: OmniboxPageCallbackRouter =
new OmniboxPageCallbackRouter();
private handler_: OmniboxPageHandlerRemote;
private lastRequest: OmniboxRequest | null = null;
constructor(omniboxOutput: OmniboxOutput) {
this.handler_ = OmniboxPageHandler.getRemote();
private handleNewAutocompleteResponse(
controllerType: AutocompleteControllerType, response: OmniboxResponse) {
if (controllerType === AutocompleteControllerType.kMlDisabledDebug) {
const isDebugController =
controllerType === AutocompleteControllerType.kDebug;
const isForLastPageRequest =
this.isForLastPageRequest(response.inputText, isDebugController);
// When unfocusing the browser omnibox, the autocomplete controller
// sends a response with no combined results. This response is ignored
// in order to prevent the previous non-empty response from being
// hidden and because these results wouldn't normally be displayed by
// the browser window omnibox.
if (isForLastPageRequest && this.lastRequest!.display ||
omniboxInput.connectWindowOmnibox && !isDebugController &&
response.combinedResults.length) {
// TODO(orinj|manukh): If `response.done` but not `isForLastPageRequest`
// then callback is being dropped. We should guarantee that callback is
// always called because some callers await promises.
if (isForLastPageRequest && response.done) {
this.lastRequest = null;
private handleNewAutocompleteQuery(
controllerType: AutocompleteControllerType, inputText: string) {
if (controllerType === AutocompleteControllerType.kMlDisabledDebug) {
const isDebugController =
controllerType === AutocompleteControllerType.kDebug;
// If the request originated from the debug page and is not for display,
// then we don't want to clear the omniboxOutput.
if (this.isForLastPageRequest(inputText, isDebugController) &&
this.lastRequest!.display ||
omniboxInput.connectWindowOmnibox && !isDebugController) {
inputText: string, resetAutocompleteController: boolean,
cursorPosition: number, zeroSuggest: boolean,
preventInlineAutocomplete: boolean, preferKeyword: boolean,
currentUrl: string, pageClassification: number,
display: boolean): Promise<OmniboxResponse> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
this.lastRequest = {inputText, callback: resolve, display};
inputText, resetAutocompleteController, cursorPosition, zeroSuggest,
preventInlineAutocomplete, preferKeyword, currentUrl,
isForLastPageRequest(inputText: string, isDebugController: boolean): boolean {
// Note: Using inputText is a sufficient fix for the way this is used today,
// but in principle it would be better to associate requests with responses
// using a unique session identifier, for example by rolling an integer each
// time a request is made. Doing so would require extra bookkeeping on the
// host side, so for now we keep it simple.
return isDebugController && !!this.lastRequest &&
this.lastRequest!.inputText.trimStart() === inputText;
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
omniboxInput = document.querySelector('omnibox-input')!;
omniboxOutput = document.querySelector('omnibox-output')!;
browserProxy = new BrowserProxy(omniboxOutput);
exportDelegate = new ExportDelegate(omniboxOutput, omniboxInput);
omniboxInput.addEventListener('query-inputs-changed', e => {
e.detail.inputText, e.detail.resetAutocompleteController,
e.detail.cursorPosition, e.detail.zeroSuggest,
e.detail.preventInlineAutocomplete, e.detail.preferKeyword,
e.detail.currentUrl, e.detail.pageClassification, true);
e => omniboxOutput.updateDisplayInputs(e.detail));
'filter-input-changed', e => omniboxOutput.updateFilterText(e.detail));
omniboxInput.addEventListener('import', e => exportDelegate.import(e.detail));
'process-batch', e => exportDelegate.processBatchData(e.detail));
'export-clipboard', () => exportDelegate.exportClipboard());
'export-file', () => exportDelegate.exportFile());
e => omniboxOutput.updateSelectedResponseIndex(e.detail));
'responses-count-changed', e => omniboxInput.responsesCount = e.detail);
class ExportDelegate {
private omniboxInput_: OmniboxInput;
private omniboxOutput_: OmniboxOutput;
constructor(omniboxOutput: OmniboxOutput, omniboxInput: OmniboxInput) {
this.omniboxInput_ = omniboxInput;
this.omniboxOutput_ = omniboxOutput;
* Import a single data item previously exported. Returns true if a single
* data item was imported for viewing; false if import failed.
import(importData: OmniboxExport): boolean {
if (!validateImportData(importData)) {
// TODO(manukh): Make use of this return value to fix the UI state bug in
// omnibox_input.js -- see the related TODO there.
return false;
this.omniboxInput_.queryInputs = importData.queryInputs;
this.omniboxInput_.displayInputs = importData.displayInputs;
return true;
* This is the worker function that transforms query inputs to accumulate
* batch exports, then finally initiates a download for the complete set.
private async processBatch(
batchQueryInputs: QueryInputs[], batchName: string) {
const batchExports = [];
for (const queryInputs of batchQueryInputs) {
const omniboxResponse = await browserProxy.makeRequest(
queryInputs.inputText, queryInputs.resetAutocompleteController,
queryInputs.cursorPosition, queryInputs.zeroSuggest,
queryInputs.preventInlineAutocomplete, queryInputs.preferKeyword,
queryInputs.currentUrl, queryInputs.pageClassification, false);
const exportData = {
// TODO(orinj|manukh): Make the schema consistent and remove the extra
// level of array nesting. [[This]] is done for now so that elements
// can be extracted in the form import expects.
responsesHistory: [[omniboxResponse]],
displayInputs: this.omniboxInput_.displayInputs,
const variationInfo =
await sendWithPromise('requestVariationInfo', true);
const pathInfo = await sendWithPromise('requestPathInfo');
const now = new Date();
const fileName = `omnibox_batch_${ExportDelegate.getTimeStamp(now)}.json`;
// If this data format changes, please roll schemaVersion.
const batchData = {
schemaKind: 'Omnibox Batch Export',
schemaVersion: 3,
dateCreated: now.toISOString(),
author: '',
description: '',
authorTool: 'chrome://omnibox',
versionDetails: ExportDelegate.getVersionDetails(),
appVersion: navigator.appVersion,
ExportDelegate.download(batchData, fileName);
* Event handler for uploaded batch processing specifier data, kicks off
* the processBatch asynchronous pipeline.
processBatchData(processBatchData: BatchSpecifier) {
if (processBatchData.batchMode && processBatchData.batchQueryInputs &&
processBatchData.batchName) {
processBatchData.batchQueryInputs, processBatchData.batchName);
} else {
const expected = {
batchMode: 'combined',
batchName: 'name for this batch of queries',
batchQueryInputs: [{
inputText: 'example input text',
cursorPosition: 18,
resetAutocompleteController: false,
cursorLock: false,
zeroSuggest: false,
preventInlineAutocomplete: false,
preferKeyword: false,
currentUrl: '',
pageClassification: '4',
console.error(`Invalid batch specifier data. Expected format: \n${
JSON.stringify(expected, null, 2)}`);
exportClipboard() {
.catch(error => console.error('unable to export to clipboard:', error));
exportFile() {
const exportData = this.exportData;
const timeStamp = ExportDelegate.getTimeStamp();
const fileName =
ExportDelegate.download(exportData, fileName);
private get exportData(): OmniboxExport {
return {
versionDetails: ExportDelegate.getVersionDetails(),
queryInputs: this.omniboxInput_.queryInputs,
displayInputs: this.omniboxInput_.displayInputs,
// 20 entries will be about 7mb and 180k lines. That's small enough to
// attach to bugs.chromium.org which has a 10mb limit.
responsesHistory: this.omniboxOutput_.responsesHistory.slice(-20),
private static download(object: Object, fileName: string) {
const content = ExportDelegate.jsonStringify(object);
const blob = new Blob([content], {type: 'application/json'});
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url;
a.download = fileName;
private static jsonStringify(data: Object): string {
return JSON.stringify(data, (_, value) =>
typeof value === 'bigint' ? value.toString() : value, 2);
* Returns a sortable timestamp string for use in filenames.
private static getTimeStamp(date: Date = new Date()): string {
const iso = date.toISOString();
return iso.replace(/:/g, '').split('.')[0]!;
private static getVersionDetails(): Record<string, string> {
const loadTimeDataKeys = ['cl', 'command_line', 'executable_path',
'language', 'official', 'os_type', 'profile_path', 'useragent',
'version', 'version_processor_variation', 'version_modifier'];
return Object.fromEntries(
loadTimeDataKeys.map(key => {
let valueOrError;
try {
valueOrError = loadTimeData.getValue(key);
} catch (e) {
valueOrError = (e as Error).toString();
return [key, valueOrError];
* This is the minimum validation required to ensure no console errors.
* Invalid importData that passes validation will be processed with a
* best-attempt; e.g. if responses are missing 'relevance' values, then those
* cells will be left blank.
function validateImportData(importData: OmniboxExport): boolean {
queryInputs: {},
displayInputs: {},
responsesHistory: [[{combinedResults: [], resultsByProvider: []}]],
const INVALID_MESSAGE = `Invalid import format; expected \n${
JSON.stringify(EXPECTED_FORMAT, null, 2)};\n`;
if (!importData) {
console.error(INVALID_MESSAGE + 'received non object.');
return false;
if (!importData.queryInputs || !importData.displayInputs) {
'import missing objects queryInputs and displayInputs.');
return false;
if (!Array.isArray(importData.responsesHistory)) {
console.error(INVALID_MESSAGE + 'import missing array responsesHistory.');
return false;
if (!importData.responsesHistory.every(Array.isArray)) {
console.error(INVALID_MESSAGE + 'responsesHistory contains non arrays.');
return false;
if (!importData.responsesHistory.every(
responses => responses.every(
({combinedResults, resultsByProvider}) =>
Array.isArray(combinedResults) &&
Array.isArray(resultsByProvider)))) {
'responsesHistory items\' items missing combinedResults and ' +
'resultsByProvider arrays.');
return false;
return true;