// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_icon_button/cr_icon_button.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/icons_lit.html.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_progress/cr_progress.js';
import './icons.html.js';
import './viewer_download_controls.js';
import './viewer_page_selector.js';
import './shared_vars.css.js';
// <if expr="enable_ink">
import './viewer_annotations_bar.js';
import './viewer_annotations_mode_dialog.js';
// </if>
import type {CrActionMenuElement} from 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_action_menu/cr_action_menu.js';
import {AnchorAlignment} from 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_action_menu/cr_action_menu.js';
// <if expr="enable_pdf_ink2">
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import {EventTracker} from 'chrome://resources/js/event_tracker.js';
// </if>
import {CrLitElement} from 'chrome://resources/lit/v3_0/lit.rollup.js';
import type {PropertyValues} from 'chrome://resources/lit/v3_0/lit.rollup.js';
import {FittingType, FormFieldFocusType} from '../constants.js';
// <if expr="enable_pdf_ink2">
import {PluginController, PluginControllerEventType} from '../controller.js';
// </if>
import {record, UserAction} from '../metrics.js';
import {getCss} from './viewer_toolbar.css.js';
import {getHtml} from './viewer_toolbar.html.js';
declare global {
interface HTMLElementEventMap {
'annotation-mode-toggled': CustomEvent<boolean>;
'display-annotations-changed': CustomEvent<boolean>;
'fit-to-changed': CustomEvent<FittingType>;
export interface ViewerToolbarElement {
$: {
sidenavToggle: HTMLElement,
menu: CrActionMenuElement,
'present-button': HTMLButtonElement,
'two-page-view-button': HTMLButtonElement,
export class ViewerToolbarElement extends CrLitElement {
static get is() {
return 'viewer-toolbar';
static override get styles() {
return getCss();
override render() {
return getHtml.bind(this)();
static override get properties() {
return {
// <if expr="enable_ink or enable_pdf_ink2">
annotationAvailable: {type: Boolean},
annotationMode: {
type: Boolean,
reflect: true,
// </if>
// <if expr="enable_pdf_ink2">
canRedoAnnotation_: {type: Boolean},
canUndoAnnotation_: {type: Boolean},
// </if>
docTitle: {type: String},
docLength: {type: Number},
embeddedViewer: {type: Boolean},
hasEdits: {type: Boolean},
hasEnteredAnnotationMode: {type: Boolean},
// <if expr="enable_pdf_ink2">
hasInk2Edits: {type: Boolean},
// </if>
formFieldFocus: {type: String},
loadProgress: {type: Number},
loading_: {
type: Boolean,
reflect: true,
pageNo: {type: Number},
pdfAnnotationsEnabled: {type: Boolean},
// <if expr="enable_pdf_ink2">
pdfInk2Enabled: {type: Boolean},
// </if>
printingEnabled: {type: Boolean},
rotated: {type: Boolean},
viewportZoom: {type: Number},
zoomBounds: {type: Object},
sidenavCollapsed: {type: Boolean},
twoUpViewEnabled: {type: Boolean},
moreMenuOpen_: {
type: Boolean,
reflect: true,
fittingType_: {type: Number},
viewportZoomPercent_: {type: Number},
// <if expr="enable_ink">
showAnnotationsModeDialog_: {type: Boolean},
// </if> enable_ink
docTitle: string = '';
docLength: number = 0;
embeddedViewer: boolean = false;
hasEdits: boolean = false;
hasEnteredAnnotationMode: boolean = false;
// <if expr="enable_pdf_ink2">
hasInk2Edits: boolean = false;
// </if>
formFieldFocus: FormFieldFocusType = FormFieldFocusType.NONE;
loadProgress: number = 0;
pageNo: number = 0;
pdfAnnotationsEnabled: boolean = false;
printingEnabled: boolean = false;
rotated: boolean = false;
viewportZoom: number = 0;
zoomBounds: {min: number, max: number} = {min: 0, max: 0};
sidenavCollapsed: boolean = false;
twoUpViewEnabled: boolean = false;
protected displayAnnotations_: boolean = true;
private fittingType_: FittingType = FittingType.FIT_TO_PAGE;
protected moreMenuOpen_: boolean = false;
protected loading_: boolean = true;
private viewportZoomPercent_: number = 0;
// <if expr="enable_ink or enable_pdf_ink2">
annotationAvailable: boolean = false;
annotationMode: boolean = false;
// </if>
// <if expr="enable_ink">
protected showAnnotationsModeDialog_: boolean = false;
// </if>
// <if expr="enable_pdf_ink2">
pdfInk2Enabled: boolean = false;
protected canRedoAnnotation_: boolean = false;
protected canUndoAnnotation_: boolean = false;
private currentStroke: number = 0;
private mostRecentStroke: number = 0;
private pluginController_: PluginController = PluginController.getInstance();
private tracker_: EventTracker = new EventTracker();
constructor() {
// </if>
override willUpdate(changedProperties: PropertyValues<this>) {
if (changedProperties.has('loadProgress')) {
this.loading_ = this.loadProgress < 100;
if (changedProperties.has('viewportZoom')) {
this.viewportZoomPercent_ = Math.round(100 * this.viewportZoom);
// <if expr="enable_pdf_ink2">
if (changedProperties.has('formFieldFocus')) {
// </if>
override updated(changedProperties: PropertyValues<this>) {
// viewportZoomPercent_ always updates with viewportZoom, see above.
if (changedProperties.has('viewportZoom')) {
this.getZoomInput_().value = `${this.viewportZoomPercent_}%`;
protected onSidenavToggleClick_() {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('sidenav-toggle-click'));
protected fitToButtonIcon_(): string {
return this.fittingType_ === FittingType.FIT_TO_PAGE ? 'pdf:fit-to-height' :
/** @return The appropriate tooltip for the current state. */
protected getFitToButtonTooltip_(
fitToPageTooltip: string, fitToWidthTooltip: string): string {
return this.fittingType_ === FittingType.FIT_TO_PAGE ? fitToPageTooltip :
// <if expr="enable_ink">
protected showInkAnnotationButton_(): boolean {
// <if expr="enable_pdf_ink2">
if (this.pdfInk2Enabled) {
return false;
// </if> enable_pdf_ink2
return this.pdfAnnotationsEnabled;
// </if> enable_ink
// <if expr="enable_pdf_ink2">
protected showInk2Buttons_(): boolean {
return this.pdfInk2Enabled && this.pdfAnnotationsEnabled;
// </if>
// <if expr="enable_ink or enable_pdf_ink2">
protected showAnnotationsBar_(): boolean {
return this.pdfAnnotationsEnabled && !this.loading_ && this.annotationMode;
// </if>
protected onPrintClick_() {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('print'));
protected onRotateClick_() {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('rotate-left'));
protected toggleDisplayAnnotations_() {
this.displayAnnotations_ = !this.displayAnnotations_;
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
'display-annotations-changed', {detail: this.displayAnnotations_}));
// <if expr="enable_ink">
if (!this.displayAnnotations_ && this.annotationMode) {
// </if>
protected onPresentClick_() {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('present-click'));
protected onPropertiesClick_() {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('properties-click'));
protected getAriaChecked_(checked: boolean): string {
return checked ? 'true' : 'false';
protected getAriaExpanded_(): string {
return this.sidenavCollapsed ? 'false' : 'true';
protected toggleTwoPageViewClick_() {
const newTwoUpViewEnabled = !this.twoUpViewEnabled;
new CustomEvent('two-up-view-changed', {detail: newTwoUpViewEnabled}));
protected onZoomInClick_() {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('zoom-in'));
protected onZoomOutClick_() {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('zoom-out'));
forceFit(fittingType: FittingType) {
// The fitting type is the new state. We want to set the button fitting type
// to the opposite value.
this.fittingType_ = fittingType === FittingType.FIT_TO_WIDTH ?
FittingType.FIT_TO_PAGE :
fitToggle() {
const newState = this.fittingType_ === FittingType.FIT_TO_PAGE ?
FittingType.FIT_TO_WIDTH :
new CustomEvent('fit-to-changed', {detail: this.fittingType_}));
this.fittingType_ = newState;
protected onFitToButtonClick_() {
private getZoomInput_(): HTMLInputElement {
return this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('#zoom-controls input')!;
protected onZoomChange_() {
const input = this.getZoomInput_();
let value = Number.parseInt(input.value, 10);
value = Math.max(Math.min(value, this.zoomBounds.max), this.zoomBounds.min);
if (this.sendZoomChanged_(value)) {
const zoomString = `${this.viewportZoomPercent_}%`;
input.value = zoomString;
* @param value The new zoom value
* @return Whether the zoom-changed event was sent.
private sendZoomChanged_(value: number): boolean {
if (Number.isNaN(value)) {
return false;
// The viewport can have non-integer zoom values.
if (Math.abs(this.viewportZoom * 100 - value) < 0.5) {
return false;
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('zoom-changed', {detail: value}));
return true;
protected onZoomInputPointerup_(e: Event) {
(e.target as HTMLInputElement).select();
protected onMoreClick_() {
const anchor = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector<HTMLElement>('#more')!;
this.$.menu.showAt(anchor, {
anchorAlignmentX: AnchorAlignment.CENTER,
anchorAlignmentY: AnchorAlignment.AFTER_END,
noOffset: true,
protected onMoreOpenChanged_(e: CustomEvent<{value: boolean}>) {
this.moreMenuOpen_ = e.detail.value;
protected isAtMinimumZoom_(): boolean {
return this.zoomBounds !== undefined &&
this.viewportZoomPercent_ === this.zoomBounds.min;
protected isAtMaximumZoom_(): boolean {
return this.zoomBounds !== undefined &&
this.viewportZoomPercent_ === this.zoomBounds.max;
// <if expr="enable_ink">
protected onDialogClose_() {
const confirmed =
this.showAnnotationsModeDialog_ = false;
if (confirmed) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('annotation-mode-dialog-confirmed'));
// </if>
// <if expr="enable_ink or enable_pdf_ink2">
protected onAnnotationClick_() {
// <if expr="enable_pdf_ink2">
if (this.pdfInk2Enabled) {
// </if> enable_pdf_ink2
// <if expr="enable_ink">
if (!this.rotated && !this.twoUpViewEnabled) {
this.showAnnotationsModeDialog_ = true;
// </if> enable_ink
toggleAnnotation() {
const newAnnotationMode = !this.annotationMode;
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
'annotation-mode-toggled', {detail: newAnnotationMode}));
// <if expr="enable_pdf_ink2">
// Don't toggle display annotations for Ink2.
if (this.pdfInk2Enabled) {
// </if> enable_pdf_ink2
if (newAnnotationMode && !this.displayAnnotations_) {
// </if> enable_ink or enable_pdf_ink2
// <if expr="enable_pdf_ink2">
* Handles whether the undo and redo buttons should be enabled or disabled
* when a new ink stroke is added to the page.
private handleFinishInkStroke_() {
this.mostRecentStroke = this.currentStroke;
// When a new stroke is added, it can always be undone. Since it's the most
// recent stroke, the redo action cannot be performed.
this.canUndoAnnotation_ = true;
this.canRedoAnnotation_ = false;
* Undo an annotation stroke, if possible.
undo() {
if (!this.canUndoAnnotation_) {
assert(this.currentStroke > 0);
assert(this.formFieldFocus !== FormFieldFocusType.TEXT);
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
{detail: this.currentStroke, bubbles: true, composed: true}));
* Redo an annotation stroke, if possible.
redo() {
if (!this.canRedoAnnotation_) {
assert(this.currentStroke < this.mostRecentStroke);
assert(this.formFieldFocus !== FormFieldFocusType.TEXT);
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
{detail: this.currentStroke, bubbles: true, composed: true}));
* Update whether the undo and redo buttons should be enabled or disabled.
* Both buttons should be disabled when a text form field has focus. Undo and
* redo should be disabled when there are no possible undo and redo actions
* respectively.
private updateCanUndoRedo_() {
const isTextFormFieldFocused =
this.formFieldFocus === FormFieldFocusType.TEXT;
this.canUndoAnnotation_ = !isTextFormFieldFocused && this.currentStroke > 0;
this.canRedoAnnotation_ =
!isTextFormFieldFocused && this.currentStroke < this.mostRecentStroke;
* Reset the stroke counts for testing. This allows tests to re-use the same
* toolbar.
resetStrokesForTesting() {
this.currentStroke = 0;
this.mostRecentStroke = 0;
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
'strokes-updated', {detail: 0, bubbles: true, composed: true}));
// </if>
protected isFormFieldFocused_(): boolean {
return this.formFieldFocus !== FormFieldFocusType.NONE;
* Updates the toolbar's presentation mode available flag depending on current
* conditions.
protected presentationModeAvailable_(): boolean {
// <if expr="enable_ink">
return !this.annotationMode && !this.embeddedViewer;
// </if>
// <if expr="not enable_ink">
return !this.embeddedViewer;
// </if>
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'viewer-toolbar': ViewerToolbarElement;
customElements.define(ViewerToolbarElement.is, ViewerToolbarElement);