
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_hidden_style.css.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_shared_vars.css.js';
// <if expr="is_chromeos">
import './printer_setup_info_cros.js';
// </if>
import './print_preview_vars.css.js';
import '../strings.m.js';

import {I18nMixin} from 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/i18n_mixin.js';
import {WebUiListenerMixin} from 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/web_ui_listener_mixin.js';
import {hasKeyModifiers} from 'chrome://resources/js/util.js';
import {PolymerElement} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';

import {DarkModeMixin} from '../dark_mode_mixin.js';
import {Coordinate2d} from '../data/coordinate2d.js';
import type {Destination} from '../data/destination.js';
import type {Margins, MarginsSetting} from '../data/margins.js';
import {CustomMarginsOrientation, MarginsType} from '../data/margins.js';
import type {MeasurementSystem} from '../data/measurement_system.js';
import type {MediaSizeValue, Settings, Ticket} from '../data/model.js';
import {DuplexMode} from '../data/model.js';
import {ScalingType} from '../data/scaling.js';
import {Size} from '../data/size.js';
import {Error, State} from '../data/state.js';
import type {NativeLayer} from '../native_layer.js';
import {NativeLayerImpl} from '../native_layer.js';
import {areRangesEqual} from '../print_preview_utils.js';

import type {PrintPreviewMarginControlContainerElement} from './margin_control_container.js';
import {MARGIN_KEY_MAP} from './margin_control_container.js';
import type {PluginProxy} from './plugin_proxy.js';
import {PluginProxyImpl} from './plugin_proxy.js';
import {getTemplate} from './preview_area.html.js';
// <if expr="is_chromeos">
import {PrinterSetupInfoInitiator, PrinterSetupInfoMessageType} from './printer_setup_info_cros.js';
// </if>
import {SettingsMixin} from './settings_mixin.js';

export type PreviewTicket = Ticket&{
  headerFooterEnabled: boolean,
  pageRange: Array<{to: number, from: number}>,
  pagesPerSheet: number,
  isFirstRequest: boolean,
  requestID: number,

export enum PreviewAreaState {
  LOADING = 'loading',
  DISPLAY_PREVIEW = 'display-preview',
  OPEN_IN_PREVIEW_LOADING = 'open-in-preview-loading',
  OPEN_IN_PREVIEW_LOADED = 'open-in-preview-loaded',
  ERROR = 'error',

export interface PrintPreviewPreviewAreaElement {
  $: {marginControlContainer: PrintPreviewMarginControlContainerElement};

// <if expr="is_chromeos">
export function shouldShowCrosPrinterSetupError(
    state: State, error: Error): boolean {
  return state === State.ERROR && error === Error.INVALID_PRINTER;
// </if>

const PrintPreviewPreviewAreaElementBase =

export class PrintPreviewPreviewAreaElement extends
    PrintPreviewPreviewAreaElementBase {
  static get is() {
    return 'print-preview-preview-area';

  static get template() {
    return getTemplate();

  static get properties() {
    return {
      destination: Object,

      documentModifiable: Boolean,

      error: {
        type: Number,
        notify: true,

      margins: Object,

      measurementSystem: Object,

      pageSize: Object,

      previewState: {
        type: String,
        notify: true,
        value: PreviewAreaState.LOADING,

      state: Number,

      pluginLoadComplete_: {
        type: Boolean,
        value: false,

      documentReady_: {
        type: Boolean,
        value: false,

      previewLoaded_: {
        type: Boolean,
        notify: true,
        computed: 'computePreviewLoaded_(documentReady_, pluginLoadComplete_)',

      // <if expr="is_chromeos">
      printerOffline_: {
        type: Number,
        value: PrinterSetupInfoMessageType.PRINTER_OFFLINE,
        readOnly: true,

      previewAreaInitiator_: {
        type: Number,
        value: PrinterSetupInfoInitiator.PREVIEW_AREA,
        readOnly: true,
      // </if>

      showCrosPrinterSetupInfo_: {
        type: Boolean,
        computed: 'computeShowCrosPrinterSetupInfo(state, error)',
        reflectToAttribute: true,

  static get observers() {
    return [
      'pluginOrDocumentStatusChanged_(pluginLoadComplete_, documentReady_)',
      'onStateOrErrorChange_(state, error)',

  destination: Destination;
  documentModifiable: boolean;
  error: Error;
  margins: Margins;
  measurementSystem: MeasurementSystem|null;
  pageSize: Size;
  previewState: PreviewAreaState;
  state: State;
  private pluginLoadComplete_: boolean;
  private documentReady_: boolean;
  private previewLoaded_: boolean;

  private showCrosPrinterSetupInfo_: boolean = false;
  private nativeLayer_: NativeLayer|null = null;
  private lastTicket_: PreviewTicket|null = null;
  private inFlightRequestId_: number = -1;
  private pluginProxy_: PluginProxy = PluginProxyImpl.getInstance();
  private keyEventCallback_: ((e: KeyboardEvent) => void)|null = null;

  override connectedCallback() {

    this.nativeLayer_ = NativeLayerImpl.getInstance();
        'page-preview-ready', this.onPagePreviewReady_.bind(this));

  private computePreviewLoaded_(): boolean {
    return this.documentReady_ && this.pluginLoadComplete_;

  getLastTicketForTest(): PreviewTicket|null {
    return this.lastTicket_;

  previewLoaded(): boolean {
    return this.previewLoaded_;

   * Called when the pointer moves onto the component. Shows the margin
   * controls if custom margins are being used.
   * @param event Contains element pointer moved from.
  private onPointerOver_(event: PointerEvent) {
    const marginControlContainer = this.$.marginControlContainer;
    let fromElement = event.relatedTarget as HTMLElement | null;
    while (fromElement !== null) {
      if (fromElement === marginControlContainer) {

      fromElement = fromElement.parentElement;

   * Called when the pointer moves off of the component. Hides the margin
   * controls if they are visible.
   * @param event Contains element pointer moved to.
  private onPointerOut_(event: PointerEvent) {
    const marginControlContainer = this.$.marginControlContainer;
    let toElement = event.relatedTarget as HTMLElement | null;
    while (toElement !== null) {
      if (toElement === marginControlContainer) {

      toElement = toElement.parentElement;

  private pluginOrDocumentStatusChanged_() {
    if (!this.pluginLoadComplete_ || !this.documentReady_ ||
        this.previewState === PreviewAreaState.ERROR) {

    this.previewState =
        this.previewState === PreviewAreaState.OPEN_IN_PREVIEW_LOADING ?
        PreviewAreaState.OPEN_IN_PREVIEW_LOADED :

   * @return 'invisible' if overlay is invisible, '' otherwise.
  private getInvisible_(): string {
    return this.isInDisplayPreviewState_() ? 'invisible' : '';

   * @return 'true' if overlay is aria-hidden, 'false' otherwise.
  private getAriaHidden_(): string {
    return this.isInDisplayPreviewState_().toString();

   * @return Whether the preview area is in DISPLAY_PREVIEW state.
  private isInDisplayPreviewState_(): boolean {
    return this.previewState === PreviewAreaState.DISPLAY_PREVIEW;

   * @return Whether the preview is currently loading.
  private isPreviewLoading_(): boolean {
    return this.previewState === PreviewAreaState.LOADING;

   * @return 'jumping-dots' to enable animation, '' otherwise.
  private getJumpingDots_(): string {
    return this.isPreviewLoading_() ? 'jumping-dots' : '';

   * @return The current preview area message to display.
  private currentMessage_(): TrustedHTML {
    switch (this.previewState) {
      case PreviewAreaState.LOADING:
        return this.i18nAdvanced('loading');
      case PreviewAreaState.DISPLAY_PREVIEW:
        return window.trustedTypes!.emptyHTML;
      // <if expr="is_macosx">
      case PreviewAreaState.OPEN_IN_PREVIEW_LOADING:
      case PreviewAreaState.OPEN_IN_PREVIEW_LOADED:
        return this.i18nAdvanced('openingPDFInPreview');
      // </if>
      case PreviewAreaState.ERROR:
        // The preview area is responsible for displaying all errors except
        // print failed.
        return this.getErrorMessage_();
        return window.trustedTypes!.emptyHTML;

   * @param forceUpdate Whether to force the preview area to update
   *     regardless of whether the print ticket has changed.
  startPreview(forceUpdate: boolean) {
    if (!this.hasTicketChanged_() && !forceUpdate &&
        this.previewState !== PreviewAreaState.ERROR) {
    this.previewState = PreviewAreaState.LOADING;
    this.documentReady_ = false;
        previewUid => {
          if (!this.documentModifiable) {
            this.onPreviewStart_(previewUid, -1);
          this.documentReady_ = true;
        type => {
          if (type === 'SETTINGS_INVALID') {
            this.error = Error.INVALID_PRINTER;
            this.previewState = PreviewAreaState.ERROR;
          } else if (type !== 'CANCELLED') {
            this.error = Error.PREVIEW_FAILED;
            this.previewState = PreviewAreaState.ERROR;

  // <if expr="is_macosx">
  /** Set the preview state to display the "opening in preview" message. */
  setOpeningPdfInPreview() {
    this.previewState = this.previewState === PreviewAreaState.LOADING ?
        PreviewAreaState.OPEN_IN_PREVIEW_LOADING :
  // </if>

   * @param previewUid The unique identifier of the preview.
   * @param index The index of the page to preview.
  private onPreviewStart_(previewUid: number, index: number) {
    if (!this.pluginProxy_.pluginReady()) {
      const plugin = this.pluginProxy_.createPlugin(previewUid, index);

    this.pluginLoadComplete_ = false;
    if (this.inDarkMode) {
        previewUid, index, !this.getSettingValue('color'),
        (this.getSettingValue('pages') as number[]), this.documentModifiable);

   * Called when the plugin loads the preview completely.
   * @param success Whether the plugin load succeeded or not.
  private onPluginLoadComplete_(success: boolean) {
    if (success) {
      this.pluginLoadComplete_ = true;
    } else {
      this.error = Error.PREVIEW_FAILED;
      this.previewState = PreviewAreaState.ERROR;

   * Called when the preview plugin's visual state has changed. This is a
   * consequence of scrolling or zooming the plugin. Updates the custom
   * margins component if shown.
   * @param pageX The horizontal offset for the page corner in pixels.
   * @param pageY The vertical offset for the page corner in pixels.
   * @param pageWidth The page width in pixels.
   * @param viewportWidth The viewport width in pixels.
   * @param viewportHeight The viewport height in pixels.
  private onPreviewVisualStateChange_(
      pageX: number, pageY: number, pageWidth: number, viewportWidth: number,
      viewportHeight: number) {
    // Ensure the PDF viewer isn't tabbable if the window is small enough that
    // the zoom toolbar isn't displayed.
    const tabindex = viewportWidth < 300 || viewportHeight < 200 ? '-1' : '0';
        'tabindex', tabindex);
        new Coordinate2d(pageX, pageY));
        pageWidth / this.pageSize.width);
        new Size(viewportWidth, viewportHeight));
    // Align the margin control container with the preview content area.
    // The offset may be caused by the scrollbar on the left in the preview
    // area in right-to-left direction.
    const previewDocument = this.shadowRoot!
    if (previewDocument && previewDocument.documentElement) {
      this.$ =
          previewDocument.documentElement.offsetLeft + 'px';

   * Called when a page's preview has been generated.
   * @param pageIndex The index of the page whose preview is ready.
   * @param previewUid The unique ID of the print preview UI.
   * @param previewResponseId The preview request ID that this page
   *     preview is a response to.
  private onPagePreviewReady_(
      pageIndex: number, previewUid: number, previewResponseId: number) {
    if (this.inFlightRequestId_ !== previewResponseId) {
    const pageNumber = pageIndex + 1;
    let index = this.getSettingValue('pages').indexOf(pageNumber);
    // When pagesPerSheet > 1, the backend will always return page indices 0 to
    // N-1, where N is the total page count of the N-upped document.
    const pagesPerSheet = (this.getSettingValue('pagesPerSheet') as number);
    if (pagesPerSheet > 1) {
      index = pageIndex;
    if (index === 0) {
      this.onPreviewStart_(previewUid, pageIndex);
    if (index !== -1) {
      this.pluginProxy_.loadPreviewPage(previewUid, pageIndex, index);

  private onDarkModeChanged_() {
    if (this.pluginProxy_.pluginReady()) {

    if (this.previewState === PreviewAreaState.DISPLAY_PREVIEW) {

   * Processes a keyboard event that could possibly be used to change state of
   * the preview plugin.
   * @param e Keyboard event to process.
  handleDirectionalKeyEvent(e: KeyboardEvent) {
    // Make sure the PDF plugin is there.
    // We only care about: PageUp, PageDown, Left, Up, Right, Down.
    // If the user is holding a modifier key, ignore.
    if (!this.pluginProxy_.pluginReady() ||
        !['PageUp', 'PageDown', 'ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight', 'ArrowUp',
             .includes(e.key) ||
        hasKeyModifiers(e)) {

    // Don't handle the key event for these elements.
    const tagName = (e.composedPath()[0] as HTMLElement).tagName;
    if (['INPUT', 'SELECT', 'EMBED'].includes(tagName)) {

    // For the most part, if any div of header was the last clicked element,
    // then the active element is the body. Starting with the last clicked
    // element, and work up the DOM tree to see if any element has a
    // scrollbar. If there exists a scrollbar, do not handle the key event
    // here.
    const isEventHorizontal = ['ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight'].includes(e.key);
    for (let i = 0; i < e.composedPath().length; i++) {
      const element = e.composedPath()[i] as HTMLElement;
      if (element.scrollHeight > element.clientHeight && !isEventHorizontal ||
          element.scrollWidth > element.clientWidth && isEventHorizontal) {

    // No scroll bar anywhere, or the active element is something else, like a
    // button. Note: buttons have a bigger scrollHeight than clientHeight.

   * Sends a message to the plugin to hide the toolbars after a delay.
  hideToolbar() {
    if (!this.pluginProxy_.pluginReady()) {


   * Set a callback that gets called when a key event is received that
   * originates in the plugin.
   * @param callback The callback to be called with a key event.
  setPluginKeyEventCallback(callback: (e: KeyboardEvent) => void) {
    this.keyEventCallback_ = callback;

   * Called when dragging margins starts or stops.
  private onMarginDragChanged_(e: CustomEvent<boolean>) {
    if (!this.pluginProxy_.pluginReady()) {

    // When hovering over the plugin (which may be in a separate iframe)
    // pointer events will be sent to the frame. When dragging the margins,
    // we don't want this to happen as it can cause the margin to stop
    // being draggable.

   * @param e Contains information about where the plugin should scroll to.
  private onTextFocusPosition_(e: CustomEvent<{x: number, y: number}>) {
    // TODO(tkent): This is a workaround of a preview-area scrolling
    // issue. Blink scrolls preview-area on focus, but we don't want it.  We
    // should adjust scroll position of PDF preview and positions of
    // MarginContgrols here, or restructure the HTML so that the PDF review
    // and MarginControls are on the single scrollable container.
    this.scrollTop = 0;
    this.scrollLeft = 0;

    const position = e.detail;
    if (position.x === 0 && position.y === 0) {

    this.pluginProxy_.scrollPosition(position.x, position.y);

   * @return Whether margin settings are valid for the print ticket.
  private marginsValid_(): boolean {
    const type = this.getSettingValue('margins') as MarginsType;
    if (!Object.values(MarginsType).includes(type)) {
      // Unrecognized margins type.
      return false;

    if (type !== MarginsType.CUSTOM) {
      return true;

    const customMargins =
        this.getSettingValue('customMargins') as MarginsSetting;
    return customMargins.marginTop !== undefined &&
        customMargins.marginLeft !== undefined &&
        customMargins.marginBottom !== undefined &&
        customMargins.marginRight !== undefined;

  private hasTicketChanged_(): boolean {
    if (!this.marginsValid_()) {
      return false;

    if (!this.lastTicket_) {
      return true;

    const lastTicket = this.lastTicket_;

    // Margins
    const newMarginsType = this.getSettingValue('margins') as MarginsType;
    if (newMarginsType !== lastTicket.marginsType &&
        newMarginsType !== MarginsType.CUSTOM) {
      return true;

    if (newMarginsType === MarginsType.CUSTOM) {
      const customMargins =
          this.getSettingValue('customMargins') as MarginsSetting;

      // Change in custom margins values.
      if (!!lastTicket.marginsCustom &&
          (lastTicket.marginsCustom.marginTop !== customMargins.marginTop ||
           lastTicket.marginsCustom.marginLeft !== customMargins.marginLeft ||
           lastTicket.marginsCustom.marginRight !== customMargins.marginRight ||
           lastTicket.marginsCustom.marginBottom !==
               customMargins.marginBottom)) {
        return true;

      // Changed to custom margins from a different margins type.
      if (!this.margins) {
        return false;

      const customMarginsChanged =
          Object.values(CustomMarginsOrientation).some(side => {
            return this.margins.get(side) !==
      if (customMarginsChanged) {
        return true;

    // Simple settings: ranges, layout, header/footer, pages per sheet, fit to
    // page, css background, selection only, rasterize, scaling, dpi
    if (!areRangesEqual(
            (this.getSettingValue('ranges') as
             Array<{to: number, from: number}>),
            lastTicket.pageRange) ||
        this.getSettingValue('layout') !== lastTicket.landscape ||
        this.getColorForTicket_() !== lastTicket.color ||
        this.getSettingValue('headerFooter') !==
            lastTicket.headerFooterEnabled ||
        this.getSettingValue('cssBackground') !==
            lastTicket.shouldPrintBackgrounds ||
        this.getSettingValue('selectionOnly') !==
            lastTicket.shouldPrintSelectionOnly ||
        this.getSettingValue('rasterize') !== lastTicket.rasterizePDF ||
        this.isScalingChanged_(lastTicket)) {
      return true;

    // Pages per sheet. If margins are non-default, wait for the return to
    // default margins to trigger a request.
    if (this.getSettingValue('pagesPerSheet') !== lastTicket.pagesPerSheet &&
        this.getSettingValue('margins') === MarginsType.DEFAULT) {
      return true;

    // Media size
    const newValue = this.getSettingValue('mediaSize') as MediaSizeValue;
    if (newValue.height_microns !== lastTicket.mediaSize.height_microns ||
        newValue.width_microns !== lastTicket.mediaSize.width_microns ||
        newValue.imageable_area_left_microns !==
            lastTicket.mediaSize.imageable_area_left_microns ||
        newValue.imageable_area_bottom_microns !==
            lastTicket.mediaSize.imageable_area_bottom_microns ||
        newValue.imageable_area_right_microns !==
            lastTicket.mediaSize.imageable_area_right_microns ||
        newValue.imageable_area_top_microns !==
            lastTicket.mediaSize.imageable_area_top_microns ||
        ( !== lastTicket.deviceName &&
         this.getSettingValue('margins') === MarginsType.MINIMUM)) {
      return true;

    // Destination
    if (this.destination.type !== lastTicket.printerType) {
      return true;

    return false;

  /** @return Native color model of the destination. */
  private getColorForTicket_(): number {
    return this.destination.getNativeColorModel(
        this.getSettingValue('color') as boolean);

  /** @return Scale factor for print ticket. */
  private getScaleFactorForTicket_(): number {
    return this.getSettingValue(this.getScalingSettingKey_()) ===
            ScalingType.CUSTOM ?
        parseInt(this.getSettingValue('scaling'), 10) :

  /** @return Appropriate key for the scaling type setting. */
  private getScalingSettingKey_(): keyof Settings {
    return this.getSetting('scalingTypePdf').available ? 'scalingTypePdf' :

   * @param lastTicket Last print ticket.
   * @return Whether new scaling settings update the previewed
   *     document.
  private isScalingChanged_(lastTicket: PreviewTicket): boolean {
    // Preview always updates if the scale factor is changed.
    if (this.getScaleFactorForTicket_() !== lastTicket.scaleFactor) {
      return true;

    // If both scale factors and type match, no scaling change happened.
    const scalingType = this.getSettingValue(this.getScalingSettingKey_());
    if (scalingType === lastTicket.scalingType) {
      return false;

    // Scaling doesn't always change because of a scalingType change. Changing
    // between custom scaling with a scale factor of 100 and default scaling
    // makes no difference.
    const defaultToCustom = scalingType === ScalingType.DEFAULT &&
        lastTicket.scalingType === ScalingType.CUSTOM;
    const customToDefault = scalingType === ScalingType.CUSTOM &&
        lastTicket.scalingType === ScalingType.DEFAULT;

    return !defaultToCustom && !customToDefault;

   * @param dpiField The field in dpi to retrieve.
   * @return Field value.
  private getDpiForTicket_(dpiField: string): number {
    const dpi = this.getSettingValue('dpi') as {[key: string]: number};
    const value = (dpi && dpiField in dpi) ? dpi[dpiField] : 0;
    return value;

   * Requests a preview from the native layer.
   * @return Promise that resolves when the preview has been
   *     generated.
  private getPreview_(): Promise<number> {
    const ticket: PreviewTicket = {
      pageRange: this.getSettingValue('ranges'),
      mediaSize: this.getSettingValue('mediaSize'),
      landscape: this.getSettingValue('layout') as boolean,
      color: this.getColorForTicket_(),
      headerFooterEnabled: this.getSettingValue('headerFooter') as boolean,
      marginsType: this.getSettingValue('margins') as MarginsType,
      pagesPerSheet: this.getSettingValue('pagesPerSheet') as number,
      isFirstRequest: this.inFlightRequestId_ === 0,
      requestID: this.inFlightRequestId_,
      previewModifiable: this.documentModifiable,
      scaleFactor: this.getScaleFactorForTicket_(),
      scalingType: this.getSettingValue(this.getScalingSettingKey_()),
      shouldPrintBackgrounds: this.getSettingValue('cssBackground') as boolean,
      shouldPrintSelectionOnly: this.getSettingValue('selectionOnly') as
      // NOTE: Even though the remaining fields don't directly relate to the
      // preview, they still need to be included.
      // e.g. printing::PrintSettingsFromJobSettings() still checks for them.
      collate: true,
      copies: 1,
      dpiHorizontal: this.getDpiForTicket_('horizontal_dpi'),
      dpiVertical: this.getDpiForTicket_('vertical_dpi'),
      duplex: this.getSettingValue('duplex') ? DuplexMode.LONG_EDGE :
      printerType: this.destination.type,
      rasterizePDF: this.getSettingValue('rasterize') as boolean,

    if (this.getSettingValue('margins') === MarginsType.CUSTOM) {
      ticket.marginsCustom = this.getSettingValue('customMargins');
    this.lastTicket_ = ticket;

    this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
        {bubbles: true, composed: true, detail: this.inFlightRequestId_}));
    return this.nativeLayer_!.getPreview(JSON.stringify(ticket));

  private onStateOrErrorChange_() {
    if ((this.state === State.ERROR || this.state === State.FATAL_ERROR) &&
        this.getErrorMessage_().toString() !== '') {
      this.previewState = PreviewAreaState.ERROR;

  /** @return The error message to display in the preview area. */
  private getErrorMessage_(): TrustedHTML {
    switch (this.error) {
      case Error.INVALID_PRINTER:
        return this.i18nAdvanced('invalidPrinterSettings', {
          substitutions: [],
          tags: ['BR'],
      // <if expr="is_chromeos">
      case Error.NO_DESTINATIONS:
        return this.i18nAdvanced('noDestinationsMessage');
      // </if>
      case Error.PREVIEW_FAILED:
        return this.i18nAdvanced('previewFailed');
        return window.trustedTypes!.emptyHTML;

   * Determines if setup info element should be shown instead of the preview
   * area message. For ChromeOS, setup assistance is shown if the
   * `INVALID_PRINTER` error has occurred. All other platforms
   * `computeShowCrosPrinterSetupInfo` will return false.
  private computeShowCrosPrinterSetupInfo(): boolean {
    // <if expr="is_chromeos">
    return shouldShowCrosPrinterSetupError(this.state, this.error);
    // </if>
    // <if expr="not is_chromeos">
    return false;
    // </if>

declare global {
  interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
    'print-preview-preview-area': PrintPreviewPreviewAreaElement;

customElements.define(, PrintPreviewPreviewAreaElement);