// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
function triggerDocsCanvasAnnotationMode() {
if (!chrome.runtime || !chrome.runtime.id) {
// Manifest v3: Not running in extension's runtime.
// Parse this script's URL to determine extension ID.
// The URL will look like
// `chrome-extension://extensionId/common/gdocs_script.js.
const extensionId = document.currentScript.src.split('/')[2];
const scriptContents = `
window['_docs_annotate_canvas_by_ext'] = "${extensionId}";
const policy = trustedTypes.createPolicy('gdocsPolicy', {
createScript: (text) => text,
const sanitized = policy.createScript(scriptContents);
} else {
// Manifest v2.
const extensionId = chrome.runtime.id;
const scriptContents = `
window['_docs_annotate_canvas_by_ext'] = "${extensionId}";
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.innerHTML = scriptContents;
// Docs renders content in Canvas without annotations by default. This script is
// used to trigger annotated Canvas which allows the a11y tree to be built for
// the document contents. This needs to run within the page's context, so
// install a script to be executed.