// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import type {PersonalDataChangedListener} from './autofill_manager_proxy.js';
* Interface for all callbacks to the payments autofill API.
export interface PaymentsManagerProxy {
* Add an observer to the list of personal data.
setPersonalDataManagerListener(listener: PersonalDataChangedListener): void;
* Remove an observer from the list of personal data.
removePersonalDataManagerListener(listener: PersonalDataChangedListener):
* Request the list of credit cards.
getCreditCardList(): Promise<chrome.autofillPrivate.CreditCardEntry[]>;
* Request the list of IBANs.
getIbanList(): Promise<chrome.autofillPrivate.IbanEntry[]>;
/** @param ibanValue Returns true if the given ibanValue is valid. */
isValidIban(ibanValue: string): Promise<boolean>;
/** @param guid The GUID of the credit card to remove. */
removeCreditCard(guid: string): void;
* Saves the given credit card.
saveCreditCard(creditCard: chrome.autofillPrivate.CreditCardEntry): void;
/** @param guid The GUID of the IBAN to remove. */
removeIban(guid: string): void;
* Saves the given IBAN.
saveIban(iban: chrome.autofillPrivate.IbanEntry): void;
* Migrate the local credit cards.
migrateCreditCards(): void;
* Logs that the server cards edit link was clicked.
logServerCardLinkClicked(): void;
* Logs that the server IBAN's "Edit in Google Pay" link was clicked.
logServerIbanLinkClicked(): void;
* Enrolls the card into virtual cards.
addVirtualCard(cardId: string): void;
* Unenrolls the card from virtual cards.
removeVirtualCard(cardId: string): void;
* A null response means that there is no platform authenticator.
isUserVerifyingPlatformAuthenticatorAvailable(): Promise<boolean|null>;
* Authenticate the user via device authentication and flip the mandatory auth
* toggle is successful.
authenticateUserAndFlipMandatoryAuthToggle(): void;
* Returns the local card based on the `guid` provided. The user could
* also be challenged with a reauth if that is enabled. For a
* successful auth, the local card is returned otherwise return a null object.
getLocalCard(guid: string):
// <if expr="is_win or is_macosx">
* Returns true if there is authentication available on this device (biometric
* or screen lock), false otherwise.
checkIfDeviceAuthAvailable(): Promise<boolean>;
// </if>
* Bulk delete all the CVCs (server and local) from the local webdata
* database. For server CVCs, this will also clear them from the Chrome
* sync server and thus other devices.
bulkDeleteAllCvcs(): void;
* Implementation that accesses the private API.
export class PaymentsManagerImpl implements PaymentsManagerProxy {
setPersonalDataManagerListener(listener: PersonalDataChangedListener) {
removePersonalDataManagerListener(listener: PersonalDataChangedListener) {
getCreditCardList() {
return chrome.autofillPrivate.getCreditCardList();
getIbanList() {
return chrome.autofillPrivate.getIbanList();
isValidIban(ibanValue: string) {
return chrome.autofillPrivate.isValidIban(ibanValue);
removeCreditCard(guid: string) {
saveCreditCard(creditCard: chrome.autofillPrivate.CreditCardEntry) {
saveIban(iban: chrome.autofillPrivate.IbanEntry) {
removeIban(guid: string) {
migrateCreditCards() {
logServerCardLinkClicked() {
logServerIbanLinkClicked() {
addVirtualCard(cardId: string) {
removeVirtualCard(serverId: string) {
isUserVerifyingPlatformAuthenticatorAvailable() {
if (!window.PublicKeyCredential) {
return Promise.resolve(null);
return window.PublicKeyCredential
authenticateUserAndFlipMandatoryAuthToggle() {
getLocalCard(guid: string) {
return chrome.autofillPrivate.getLocalCard(guid);
// <if expr="is_win or is_macosx">
checkIfDeviceAuthAvailable() {
return chrome.autofillPrivate.checkIfDeviceAuthAvailable();
// </if>
bulkDeleteAllCvcs() {
static getInstance(): PaymentsManagerProxy {
return instance || (instance = new PaymentsManagerImpl());
static setInstance(obj: PaymentsManagerProxy) {
instance = obj;
let instance: PaymentsManagerProxy|null = null;