// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {CustomElement} from 'chrome://resources/js/custom_element.js';
import {loadTimeData} from 'chrome://resources/js/load_time_data.js';
import {getTemplate} from './tab_group.html.js';
import type {TabGroupVisualData} from './tab_strip.mojom-webui.js';
import type {TabsApiProxy} from './tabs_api_proxy.js';
import {TabsApiProxyImpl} from './tabs_api_proxy.js';
export class TabGroupElement extends CustomElement {
static override get template() {
return getTemplate();
private tabsApi_: TabsApiProxy;
private chip_: HTMLElement;
private isValidDragOverTarget_: boolean;
constructor() {
this.tabsApi_ = TabsApiProxyImpl.getInstance();
this.chip_ = this.getRequiredElement('#chip');
this.chip_.addEventListener('click', () => this.onClickChip_());
'keydown', e => this.onKeydownChip_(/** @type {!KeyboardEvent} */ (e)));
* Flag indicating if this element can accept dragover events. This flag
* is updated by TabListElement while animating.
this.isValidDragOverTarget_ = true;
get isValidDragOverTarget(): boolean {
return !this.hasAttribute('dragging_') && this.isValidDragOverTarget_;
set isValidDragOverTarget(isValid: boolean) {
this.isValidDragOverTarget_ = isValid;
getDragImage(): HTMLElement {
return this.getRequiredElement('#dragImage');
getDragImageCenter(): HTMLElement {
// Since the drag handle is #dragHandle, the drag image should be
// centered relatively to it.
return this.getRequiredElement('#dragHandle');
private onClickChip_() {
if (!this.dataset['groupId']) {
const boundingBox =
this.dataset['groupId'], boundingBox.left, boundingBox.top,
boundingBox.width, boundingBox.height);
private onKeydownChip_(event: KeyboardEvent) {
if (event.key === 'Enter' || event.key === ' ') {
setDragging(enabled: boolean) {
// Since the draggable target is the #chip, if the #chip moves and is no
// longer under the pointer while the dragstart event is happening, the drag
// will get canceled. This is unfortunately the behavior of the native drag
// and drop API. The workaround is to have two different attributes: one
// to get the drag image and start the drag event while keeping #chip in
// place, and another to update the placeholder to take the place of where
// the #chip would be.
this.toggleAttribute('getting-drag-image_', enabled);
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
this.toggleAttribute('dragging', enabled);
setDraggedOut(isDraggedOut: boolean) {
this.toggleAttribute('dragged-out_', isDraggedOut);
isDraggedOut(): boolean {
return this.hasAttribute('dragged-out_');
setTouchPressed(isTouchPressed: boolean) {
this.toggleAttribute('touch_pressed_', isTouchPressed);
updateVisuals(visualData: TabGroupVisualData) {
this.getRequiredElement('#title').innerText = visualData.title;
this.style.setProperty('--tabstrip-tab-group-color-rgb', visualData.color);
'--tabstrip-tab-group-text-color-rgb', visualData.textColor);
// Content strings are empty for the label and are instead replaced by
// the aria-describedby attribute on the chip.
if (visualData.title) {
loadTimeData.getStringF('namedGroupLabel', visualData.title, ''));
} else {
'aria-label', loadTimeData.getStringF('unnamedGroupLabel', ''));
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'tabstrip-tab-group': TabGroupElement;
customElements.define('tabstrip-tab-group', TabGroupElement);
export function isTabGroupElement(element: Element): boolean {
return element.tagName === 'TABSTRIP-TAB-GROUP';
export function isDragHandle(element: Element): boolean {
return element.id === 'dragHandle';