
<!doctype html>
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    <link rel="stylesheet" href="chrome://resources/css/text_defaults_md.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="chrome://theme/colors.css?sets=ui,chrome">
      html {
        --google-grey-50-rgb: 248, 249, 250;
        --google-grey-200-rgb: 232, 234, 237;
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        --tabstrip-tab-active-border-color: rgb(var(--google-blue-500-rgb));

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      body {
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<if expr="not chromeos_ash">
      /* ChromeOS is the only platform that can be guaranteed to have overlay
       * scrollbars, so override the styles of native scrollbars for other
       * platforms. */
      html ::-webkit-scrollbar {
        display: block;
        height: 4px;

      ::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece {
        background: var(--color-web-ui-tab-strip-background);

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            solid 16px var(--color-web-ui-tab-strip-background);
        The CSS variables defined inside of TabList's style tag are also
        made available through TabList's class object in JavaScript.
    <tabstrip-tab-list role="tablist">
    <script src="tab_list.js" type="module"></script>