// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import {addWebUiListener} from 'chrome://resources/js/cr.js';
interface WebApkInfo {
name: string;
shortName: string;
packageName: string;
id: string;
shellApkVersion: number;
versionCode: number;
uri: string;
scope: string;
manifestUrl: string;
manifestStartUrl: string;
manifestId: string;
displayMode: string;
orientation: string;
themeColor: string;
backgroundColor: string;
darkThemeColor: string;
darkBackgroundColor: string;
lastUpdateCheckTimeMs: number;
lastUpdateCompletionTimeMs: number;
relaxUpdates: boolean;
backingBrowser: string;
isBackingBrowser: boolean;
updateStatus: string;
* Creates and returns an element (with |text| as content) assigning it the
* |className| class.
* @param text Text to be shown in the span.
* @param type Type of element to be added such as 'div'.
* @param className Class to be assigned to the new element.
* @return The created element.
function createElementWithTextAndClass(
text: string, type: string, className: string): HTMLElement {
const element = document.createElement(type);
element.className = className;
element.textContent = text;
return element;
* @param webApkList List of elements which contain WebAPK attributes.
* @param label Text that identifies the new element.
* @param value Text to set in the new element.
function addWebApkField(webApkList: HTMLElement, label: string, value: string) {
const divElement =
createElementWithTextAndClass(label, 'div', 'app-property-label');
createElementWithTextAndClass(value, 'span', 'app-property-value'));
* @param webApkList List of elements which contain WebAPK attributes.
* @param text For the button.
* @param callback Invoked on click.
* @return The button that was created.
function addWebApkButton(
webApkList: HTMLElement, text: string, callback: () => void): HTMLElement {
const divElement =
createElementWithTextAndClass(text, 'button', 'update-button');
divElement.onclick = callback;
return divElement;
* Adds a new entry to the page with the information of a WebAPK.
* @param webApkInfo Information about an installed WebAPK.
function addWebApk(webApkInfo: WebApkInfo) {
const webApkList = document.body.querySelector<HTMLElement>('#webapk-list');
createElementWithTextAndClass(webApkInfo.name, 'span', 'app-name'));
'Short name: ', 'span', 'app-property-label'));
addWebApkField(webApkList, 'Package name: ', webApkInfo.packageName);
webApkList, 'Shell APK version: ', '' + webApkInfo.shellApkVersion);
addWebApkField(webApkList, 'Version code: ', '' + webApkInfo.versionCode);
addWebApkField(webApkList, 'URI: ', webApkInfo.uri);
addWebApkField(webApkList, 'Scope: ', webApkInfo.scope);
addWebApkField(webApkList, 'Manifest URL: ', webApkInfo.manifestUrl);
webApkList, 'Manifest Start URL: ', webApkInfo.manifestStartUrl);
addWebApkField(webApkList, 'Manifest Id: ', webApkInfo.manifestId);
addWebApkField(webApkList, 'Display Mode: ', webApkInfo.displayMode);
addWebApkField(webApkList, 'Orientation: ', webApkInfo.orientation);
addWebApkField(webApkList, 'Theme color: ', webApkInfo.themeColor);
addWebApkField(webApkList, 'Background color: ', webApkInfo.backgroundColor);
addWebApkField(webApkList, 'Dark theme color: ', webApkInfo.darkThemeColor);
webApkList, 'Dark background color: ', webApkInfo.darkBackgroundColor);
webApkList, 'Last Update Check Time: ',
new Date(webApkInfo.lastUpdateCheckTimeMs).toString());
webApkList, 'Last Update Completion Time: ',
new Date(webApkInfo.lastUpdateCompletionTimeMs).toString());
webApkList, 'Check for Updates Less Frequently: ',
addWebApkField(webApkList, 'Owning Browser: ', webApkInfo.backingBrowser);
webApkList, 'Update Status (Reload page to get new status): ',
// TODO(ckitagawa): Convert to an enum using mojom handlers.
if (webApkInfo.updateStatus === 'Not updatable' ||
!webApkInfo.isBackingBrowser) {
addWebApkButton(webApkList, 'Update ' + webApkInfo.name, () => {
'The WebAPK will check for an update the next time it launches. ' +
'If an update is available, the "Update Status" on this page ' +
'will switch to "Scheduled". The update will be installed once ' +
'the WebAPK is closed (this may take a few minutes). Update ' +
'requests don\'t work if they are requested right after (< 1 ' +
'minute) the completion of the previous update request.');
chrome.send('requestWebApkUpdate', [webApkInfo.id]);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
// Add a WebUI listener for the 'web-apk-info' event emitted from the
// backend. This will be triggered once per WebAPK.
addWebUiListener('web-apk-info', addWebApk);