
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto3";

package sharing.mojom;

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

// An identical copy of this proto is maintained in the server code base.
message ShareTarget {
  string nickname = 1;  // share target nickname , eg "reddit"
  string url =
      2;  // string share API, e.g.
          // ''
  string icon = 3;     // target icon as an base64 png at 1x resolution
  string icon_2x = 4;  // target icon at 2x resolution.
  string icon_3x = 5;  // target icon at 3x resolution.

message ShareTargets {
  repeated ShareTarget targets = 1;  // Share targets for the above locale

message MapLocaleTargets {
  map<string, ShareTargets> map_target_locale_map = 1;
  uint32 version_id = 2;

// Intermediary types to store targets per locale for build time.

message TmpShareTargetMap {
  map<string, ShareTarget> all_targets = 1;

message ShareTargetLocalesForParsing {
  repeated string targets = 1;
  repeated string locale_keys = 2;

message TargetLocalesForParsing {
  repeated ShareTarget targets = 1;
  repeated ShareTargetLocalesForParsing locale_mapping = 2;
  uint32 version_id = 3;