// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/button/button.h"
#include "ui/views/metadata/view_factory.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget_observer.h"
namespace ash {
enum class PickerActionType;
class PickerSubmenuController;
// View for a Picker item which can be selected.
class ASH_EXPORT PickerItemView : public views::Button {
METADATA_HEADER(PickerItemView, views::Button)
// Used to determine how the item looks and how the user can interact with it.
enum class ItemState {
// Normal state.
// Pseudo focused state. The item is painted as if it was focused to
// indicate that it responds to certain user actions, e.g. it can be
// selected if the user presses the enter key. Note that the item might not
// have actual view focus (which generally stays on the Picker search field
// to allow the user to easily type and modify their search query).
// Used to determine the style of focus indicator used for the item.
enum class FocusIndicatorStyle {
// Indicate focus using a rounded rectangular ring around the item.
// Similar to `kFocusRing`, but clips the PickerItemView with a 1dp border
// as well as adding a rounded rectangular ring.
// Indicate focus using a vertical bar with half rounded corners at the left
// edge of the item.
using SelectItemCallback = base::RepeatingClosure;
explicit PickerItemView(SelectItemCallback select_item_callback,
FocusIndicatorStyle focus_indicator_style =
PickerItemView(const PickerItemView&) = delete;
PickerItemView& operator=(const PickerItemView&) = delete;
~PickerItemView() override;
// views::Button:
void StateChanged(ButtonState old_state) override;
void PaintButtonContents(gfx::Canvas* canvas) override;
void OnBoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& previous_bounds) override;
void OnMouseEntered(const ui::MouseEvent& event) override;
void SelectItem();
void SetCornerRadius(int corner_radius);
PickerSubmenuController* GetSubmenuController();
void SetSubmenuController(PickerSubmenuController* submenu_controller);
ItemState GetItemState() const;
virtual void SetItemState(ItemState item_state);
void UpdateClipPathForFocusRingWithInsetGap();
// Updates the background radius and color based on the item state.
void UpdateBackground();
SelectItemCallback select_item_callback_;
ItemState item_state_ = ItemState::kNormal;
FocusIndicatorStyle focus_indicator_style_ = FocusIndicatorStyle::kFocusRing;
// Corner radius of the item background and highlight.
int corner_radius_ = 0;
raw_ptr<PickerSubmenuController> submenu_controller_ = nullptr;
BEGIN_VIEW_BUILDER(ASH_EXPORT, PickerItemView, views::Button)
VIEW_BUILDER_PROPERTY(PickerSubmenuController*, SubmenuController)
} // namespace ash