// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace ash {
class PickerAssetFetcher;
class PickerSectionView;
class PickerSubmenuController;
// View which displays Picker sections in a vertical list.
class ASH_EXPORT PickerSectionListView : public views::View {
METADATA_HEADER(PickerSectionListView, views::View)
explicit PickerSectionListView(int section_width,
PickerAssetFetcher* asset_fetcher,
PickerSubmenuController* submenu_controller);
PickerSectionListView(const PickerSectionListView&) = delete;
PickerSectionListView& operator=(const PickerSectionListView&) = delete;
~PickerSectionListView() override;
// Returns the item to highlight to when navigating to this section list from
// the top, or nullptr if the section list is empty.
views::View* GetTopItem();
// Returns the item to highlight to when navigating to this section list from
// the bottom, or nullptr if the section list is empty.
views::View* GetBottomItem();
// Returns the item directly above `item`, or nullptr if there is no such item
// in the section list.
views::View* GetItemAbove(views::View* item);
// Returns the item directly below `item`, or nullptr if there is no such item
// in the section list.
views::View* GetItemBelow(views::View* item);
// Returns the item directly to the left of `item`, or nullptr if there is no
// such item in the section list.
views::View* GetItemLeftOf(views::View* item);
// Returns the item directly to the right of `item`, or nullptr if there is no
// such item in the section list.
views::View* GetItemRightOf(views::View* item);
// Adds a section to the end of the section list.
PickerSectionView* AddSection();
// Adds a section to the specified position in the list.
PickerSectionView* AddSectionAt(size_t index);
// Clears the section list. This deletes all contained sections and items.
void ClearSectionList();
// Returns the section containing `item`, or nullptr if `item` is not part of
// this section list.
PickerSectionView* GetSectionContaining(views::View* item);
// Width of the sections in this view.
int section_width_;
// `asset_fetcher` outlives `this`.
raw_ptr<PickerAssetFetcher> asset_fetcher_ = nullptr;
// `submenu_controller_` outlives `this`.
raw_ptr<PickerSubmenuController> submenu_controller_ = nullptr;
} // namespace ash