// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/picker/metrics/picker_performance_metrics.h"
#include "ash/picker/model/picker_search_results_section.h"
#include "ash/picker/picker_controller.h"
#include "ash/picker/views/picker_emoji_bar_view_delegate.h"
#include "ash/picker/views/picker_key_event_handler.h"
#include "ash/picker/views/picker_preview_bubble_controller.h"
#include "ash/picker/views/picker_pseudo_focus_handler.h"
#include "ash/picker/views/picker_search_results_view_delegate.h"
#include "ash/picker/views/picker_submenu_controller.h"
#include "ash/picker/views/picker_zero_state_view_delegate.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/picker/picker_category.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/picker/picker_search_result.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "ui/base/emoji/emoji_panel_helper.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
#include "ui/views/view_tracker.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget_delegate.h"
namespace views {
class Widget;
class NonClientFrameView;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
enum class PickerCapsLockPosition;
enum class PickerLayoutType;
enum class PickerPositionType;
enum class PickerPseudoFocusDirection;
class PickerEmojiBarView;
class PickerMainContainerView;
class PickerSearchFieldView;
class PickerPageView;
class PickerSearchResultsSection;
class PickerSearchResultsView;
class PickerTraversableItemContainer;
class PickerViewDelegate;
class PickerZeroStateView;
// View for the Picker widget.
class ASH_EXPORT PickerView : public views::WidgetDelegateView,
public PickerZeroStateViewDelegate,
public PickerSearchResultsViewDelegate,
public PickerEmojiBarViewDelegate,
public PickerPseudoFocusHandler,
public PickerPreviewBubbleController::Observer {
METADATA_HEADER(PickerView, views::WidgetDelegateView)
// `delegate` must remain valid for the lifetime of this class.
explicit PickerView(PickerViewDelegate* delegate,
const gfx::Rect& anchor_bounds,
PickerLayoutType layout_type,
PickerPositionType position_type,
base::TimeTicks trigger_event_timestamp);
PickerView(const PickerView&) = delete;
PickerView& operator=(const PickerView&) = delete;
~PickerView() override;
// Time from when a search starts to when the previous set of results are
// cleared.
// Slightly longer than the real burn in period to ensure empty results do not
// flash on the screen before showing burn-in results.
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kClearResultsTimeout =
PickerController::kBurnInPeriod + base::Milliseconds(50);
// views::WidgetDelegateView:
bool AcceleratorPressed(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator) override;
std::unique_ptr<views::NonClientFrameView> CreateNonClientFrameView(
views::Widget* widget) override;
void AddedToWidget() override;
void RemovedFromWidget() override;
void Layout(PassKey) override;
// PickerZeroStateViewDelegate:
void SelectZeroStateCategory(PickerCategory category) override;
void SelectZeroStateResult(const PickerSearchResult& result) override;
void GetZeroStateSuggestedResults(SuggestedResultsCallback callback) override;
void RequestPseudoFocus(views::View* view) override;
void OnZeroStateViewHeightChanged() override;
void SetCapsLockDisplayed(bool displayed) override;
PickerCapsLockPosition GetCapsLockPosition() override;
// PickerSearchResultsViewDelegate:
void SelectSearchResult(const PickerSearchResult& result) override;
void SelectMoreResults(PickerSectionType type) override;
PickerActionType GetActionForResult(
const PickerSearchResult& result) override;
void OnSearchResultsViewHeightChanged() override;
// PickerEmojiBarViewDelegate:
void ShowEmojiPicker(ui::EmojiPickerCategory category) override;
// PickerPseudoFocusHandler:
bool DoPseudoFocusedAction() override;
bool MovePseudoFocusUp() override;
bool MovePseudoFocusDown() override;
bool MovePseudoFocusLeft() override;
bool MovePseudoFocusRight() override;
bool AdvancePseudoFocus(PickerPseudoFocusDirection direction) override;
// PickerPreviewBubbleController::Observer:
void OnPreviewBubbleVisibilityChanged(bool visible) override;
// Returns the target bounds for this Picker view. The target bounds try to
// vertically align `search_field_view_` with `anchor_bounds`. `anchor_bounds`
// and returned bounds should be in screen coordinates.
gfx::Rect GetTargetBounds(const gfx::Rect& anchor_bounds,
PickerLayoutType layout_type);
PickerSubmenuController& submenu_controller_for_testing() {
return submenu_controller_;
PickerPreviewBubbleController& preview_controller_for_testing() {
return preview_controller_;
PickerSearchFieldView& search_field_view_for_testing() {
return *search_field_view_;
PickerSearchResultsView& search_results_view_for_testing() {
return *search_results_view_;
PickerSearchResultsView& category_results_view_for_testing() {
return *category_results_view_;
PickerZeroStateView& zero_state_view_for_testing() {
return *zero_state_view_;
PickerEmojiBarView* emoji_bar_view_for_testing() { return emoji_bar_view_; }
// Sets the search text field's query text to the query, focuses it, then
// updates the active page - starting / ending a search if necessary.
void UpdateSearchQueryAndActivePage(std::u16string query);
// Updates the active page based on the search text field's query text, as
// well as the active category.
// If the search text field's query text is non-empty, this starts a search
// and sets the active page to the search view after a delay via
// `OnClearResultsTimerFired` and `PublishSearchResults`.
// Otherwise, stops any previous searches and immediately sets the active page
// to the zero state / category results view, fetching category results if
// necessary.
void UpdateActivePage();
// Displays `results` in the emoji bar.
void PublishEmojiResults(std::vector<PickerEmojiResult> results);
// Clears the search results and sets the active page to the search view.
void OnClearResultsTimerFired();
// Displays `results` in the search view and sets it as the active page.
// If `results` is empty and no results were previously published, then a "no
// results found" view is shown instead of a blank view.
void PublishSearchResults(std::vector<PickerSearchResultsSection> results);
// Selects a category. This shows the category view and fetches zero-state
// results for the category, which are returned to `PublishCategoryResults`.
void SelectCategory(PickerCategory category);
// Selects a category. This shows the category view and fetches search
// results for the category based on `query`, which are returned to
// `PublishSearchResults`.
void SelectCategoryWithQuery(PickerCategory category,
std::u16string_view query);
// Displays `results` in the category view.
void PublishCategoryResults(PickerCategory category,
std::vector<PickerSearchResultsSection> results);
// Adds the main container, which includes the search field and contents
// pages.
void AddMainContainerView(PickerLayoutType layout_type);
// Adds the emoji bar, which contains emoji and other expression results and
// is shown above the main container.
void AddEmojiBarView();
// Sets `page_view` as the active page in `main_container_view_`.
void SetActivePage(PickerPageView* page_view);
// Sets emoji bar visibility, or does nothing if the emoji bar is not enabled.
void SetEmojiBarVisibleIfEnabled(bool visible);
// Moves pseudo focus between different parts of the PickerView, i.e. between
// the emoji bar and the main container.
void AdvanceActiveItemContainer(PickerPseudoFocusDirection direction);
// Sets `view` as the pseudo focused view, i.e. the view which responds to
// user actions that trigger `DoPseudoFocusedAction`. If `view` is null,
// pseudo focus instead moves back to the search field.
void SetPseudoFocusedView(views::View* view);
views::View* GetPseudoFocusedView();
// Called when the search field back button is pressed.
void OnSearchBackButtonPressed();
// Clears the current results in the emoji bar and shows recent and
// placeholder emojis instead.
void ResetEmojiBarToZeroState();
// Returns true if `view` is contained in a submenu of this PickerView.
bool IsContainedInSubmenu(views::View* view);
// Called to indicate that the Picker widget bounds need to be be updated
// (e.g. to re-align the Picker search field after results have changed).
void SetWidgetBoundsNeedsUpdate();
// The currently selected category.
// Should only be set to `std::nullopt` through `OnSearchBackButtonPressed`.
// Should only be set to a value through `SelectCategory` and
// `SelectCategoryWithQuery`.
std::optional<PickerCategory> selected_category_;
// The category which `category_results_view_` has results for.
// Used for caching results if the user did not change their selected
// category.
// For example:
// - When a user starts a filtered search from a category's suggested results,
// then clears the search query, the old suggested results are not cleared
// as `last_suggested_results_category_ == selected_category_`.
// - When a user starts a non-filtered search from zero state, then filters
// results to a category, then clears the search query, new results will be
// fetched as the `last_suggested_results_category_ != selected_category_`.
std::optional<PickerCategory> last_suggested_results_category_;
// The whitespace-trimmed query and category when `UpdateActivePage()` was
// last called.
// Used for avoid unnecessary searches if `UpdateActivePage()` is called again
// with the same {query, selected_category}.
std::u16string last_query_;
std::optional<PickerCategory> last_selected_category_;
PickerKeyEventHandler key_event_handler_;
PickerSubmenuController submenu_controller_;
PickerPreviewBubbleController preview_controller_;
PickerPerformanceMetrics performance_metrics_;
raw_ptr<PickerViewDelegate> delegate_ = nullptr;
// The main container contains the search field and contents pages.
raw_ptr<PickerMainContainerView> main_container_view_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<PickerSearchFieldView> search_field_view_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<PickerZeroStateView> zero_state_view_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<PickerSearchResultsView> category_results_view_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<PickerSearchResultsView> search_results_view_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<PickerEmojiBarView> emoji_bar_view_ = nullptr;
// The item container which contains `pseudo_focused_view_` and will respond
// to keyboard navigation events.
raw_ptr<PickerTraversableItemContainer> active_item_container_ = nullptr;
// Tracks the currently pseudo focused view, which responds to user actions
// that trigger `DoPseudoFocusedAction`.
views::ViewTracker pseudo_focused_view_tracker_;
// If true, the Widget bounds should be adjusted on the next layout.
bool widget_bounds_needs_update_ = true;
// Clears `search_results_view_`'s old search results when a new search is
// started - after `kClearResultsTimeout`, or when the first search results
// come in (whatever is earliest).
// This timer is running iff the first set of results for the current search
// have not been published yet.
base::OneShotTimer clear_results_timer_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PickerView> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash