
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/uuid.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/await_match_status_change_checker.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/fake_server_match_status_checker.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/multi_client_status_change_checker.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/single_client_status_change_checker.h"
#include "components/bookmarks/browser/base_bookmark_model_observer.h"
#include "components/bookmarks/browser/bookmark_node.h"
#include "components/bookmarks/browser/bookmark_test_util.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/loopback_server/loopback_server_entity.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/nigori/cryptographer.h"
#include "components/sync/test/fake_server.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"

class BookmarkUndoService;
class GURL;

namespace bookmarks {
class BookmarkModel;
}  // namespace bookmarks

namespace gfx {
class Image;
}  // namespace gfx

namespace bookmarks_helper {

MATCHER_P(HasUuid, expected_uuid, "") {}

// Helping matchers to check the hierarchy of bookmarks. All matchers work with
// either raw or smart pointer to BookmarkNode and verify its |title|. Usage
// example:
//     bookmark_bar->children(), ElementsAre(
//         IsUrlBookmarkWithTitleAndUrl("Title", GURL("")),
//         IsFolderWithTitle("Folder title")));
// This example checks that the bookmark bar node has two children nodes: a URL
// and a folder. For complex hierarchy checks IsFolderWithTitleAndChildrenAre
// might be used to verify all children of the folder:
//     bookmark_bar->children(), ElementsAre(
//         IsUrlBookmarkWithTitleAndUrl("Title", GURL("")),
//         IsFolderWithTitleAndChildrenAre("Folder title",
//             IsUrlBookmarkWithTitleAndUrl("Title 2", GURL("")),
//             IsUrlBookmarkWithTitleAndUrl("Title 3", GURL(""))
// )));
// IsFolderWithTitleAndChildren provides more general approach to verify
// folder's children using container matchers (e.g. UnorderedElementsAre,
// IsEmpty, SizeIs, etc):
//     bookmark_bar->children(), ElementsAre(
//         IsUrlBookmarkWithTitleAndUrl("Title", GURL("")),
//         IsFolderWithTitleAndChildren("Folder title",
//             AllOf(SizeIs(2), Contains(
//                 IsUrlBookmarkWithTitleAndUrl("Title 3", "")
// )))));

MATCHER_P(IsFolderWithTitle, title, "") {}

MATCHER_P2(IsUrlBookmarkWithTitleAndUrl, title, url, "") {}

    const std::string& title,
    testing::Matcher<bookmarks::BookmarkNode::TreeNodes> children_matcher);

template <class... Args>
IsFolderWithTitleAndChildrenAre(const std::string& title,
                                Args... children_matchers) {}

// Used to access the bookmark undo service within a particular sync profile.
[[nodiscard]] BookmarkUndoService* GetBookmarkUndoService(int index);

// Used to access the bookmark model within a particular sync profile.
[[nodiscard]] bookmarks::BookmarkModel* GetBookmarkModel(int index);

// Used to access the bookmark bar within a particular sync profile.
[[nodiscard]] const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* GetBookmarkBarNode(int index);

// Used to access the "other bookmarks" node within a particular sync profile.
[[nodiscard]] const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* GetOtherNode(int index);

// Used to access the "Synced Bookmarks" node within a particular sync profile.
[[nodiscard]] const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* GetSyncedBookmarksNode(int index);

// Used to access the "Managed Bookmarks" node for the given profile.
[[nodiscard]] const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* GetManagedNode(int index);

// Adds a URL with address |url| and title |title| to the bookmark bar of
// profile |profile|. Returns a pointer to the node that was added.
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* AddURL(int profile,
                                      const std::string& title,
                                      const GURL& url);

// Adds a URL with address |url| and title |title| to the bookmark bar of
// profile |profile| at position |index|. Returns a pointer to the node that
// was added.
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* AddURL(int profile,
                                      size_t index,
                                      const std::string& title,
                                      const GURL& url);

// Adds a URL with address |url| and title |title| under the node |parent| of
// profile |profile| at position |index|. Returns a pointer to the node that
// was added.
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* AddURL(int profile,
                                      const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* parent,
                                      size_t index,
                                      const std::string& title,
                                      const GURL& url);

// Adds a folder named |title| to the bookmark bar of profile |profile|.
// Returns a pointer to the folder that was added.
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* AddFolder(int profile, const std::string& title);

// Adds a folder named |title| to the bookmark bar of profile |profile| at
// position |index|. Returns a pointer to the folder that was added.
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* AddFolder(int profile,
                                         size_t index,
                                         const std::string& title);

// Adds a folder named |title| to the node |parent| in the bookmark model of
// profile |profile| at position |index|. Returns a pointer to the node that
// was added.
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* AddFolder(int profile,
                                         const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* parent,
                                         size_t index,
                                         const std::string& title);

// Changes the title of the node |node| in the bookmark model of profile
// |profile| to |new_title|.
void SetTitle(int profile,
              const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* node,
              const std::string& new_title);

// The source of the favicon.
enum FaviconSource {};

// Sets the |icon_url| and |image| data for the favicon for |node| in the
// bookmark model for |profile|. Waits until the favicon is loaded, but does so
// comparing the icon URL and hence is unreliable if the same icon URL has been
// used before.
void SetFavicon(int profile,
                const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* node,
                const GURL& icon_url,
                const gfx::Image& image,
                FaviconSource source);

// Expires the favicon for |node| in the bookmark model for |profile|.
void ExpireFavicon(int profile, const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* node);

// Checks whether the favicon at |icon_url| for |profile| is expired;
void CheckFaviconExpired(int profile, const GURL& icon_url);

// Deletes the favicon mappings for |node| in the bookmark model for |profile|.
void DeleteFaviconMappings(int profile,
                           const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* node,
                           FaviconSource favicon_source);

// Checks whether |page_url| for |profile| has no favicon mappings.
void CheckHasNoFavicon(int profile, const GURL& page_url);

// Changes the url of the node |node| in the bookmark model of profile
// |profile| to |new_url|. Returns a pointer to the node with the changed url.
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* SetURL(int profile,
                                      const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* node,
                                      const GURL& new_url);

// Moves the node |node| in the bookmark model of profile |profile| so it ends
// up under the node |new_parent| at position |index|.
void Move(int profile,
          const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* node,
          const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* new_parent,
          size_t index);

// Removes the node in the bookmark model of profile |profile| under the node
// |parent| at position |index|.
void Remove(int profile, const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* parent, size_t index);

// Sorts the children of the node |parent| in the bookmark model of profile
// |profile|.
void SortChildren(int profile, const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* parent);

// Reverses the order of the children of the node |parent| in the bookmark
// model of profile |profile|.
void ReverseChildOrder(int profile, const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* parent);

// Checks if the bookmark models of |profile_a| and |profile_b| match each
// other. Returns true if they match.
[[nodiscard]] bool ModelsMatch(int profile_a, int profile_b);

// Checks if the bookmark models of all sync profiles match each other. Does
// not compare them with the verifier bookmark model. Returns true if they
// match.
[[nodiscard]] bool AllModelsMatch();

// Checks if the bookmark model of profile |profile| contains any instances of
// two bookmarks with the same URL under the same parent folder. Returns true
// if even one instance is found.
bool ContainsDuplicateBookmarks(int profile);

// Returns whether a node exists with the specified url.
bool HasNodeWithURL(int profile, const GURL& url);

// Gets the node in the bookmark model of profile |profile| that has the url
// |url|. Note: Only one instance of |url| is assumed to be present.
[[nodiscard]] const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* GetUniqueNodeByURL(
    int profile,
    const GURL& url);

// Returns the number of bookmarks in bookmark model of profile |profile|.
[[nodiscard]] size_t CountAllBookmarks(int profile);

// Returns the number of bookmarks in bookmark model of profile |profile|
// whose titles match the string |title|.
[[nodiscard]] size_t CountBookmarksWithTitlesMatching(int profile,
                                                      const std::string& title);

// Returns the number of bookmarks in bookmark model of profile |profile|
// whose URLs match the |url|.
[[nodiscard]] size_t CountBookmarksWithUrlsMatching(int profile,
                                                    const GURL& url);

// Returns the number of bookmark folders in the bookmark model of profile
// |profile| whose titles contain the query string |title|.
[[nodiscard]] size_t CountFoldersWithTitlesMatching(int profile,
                                                    const std::string& title);

// Returns whether there exists a BookmarkNode in the bookmark model of
// profile |profile| whose UUID matches `uuid`.
bool ContainsBookmarkNodeWithUuid(int profile, const base::Uuid& uuid);

// Creates a favicon of |color| with image reps of the platform's supported
// scale factors (eg MacOS) in addition to 1x.
gfx::Image CreateFavicon(SkColor color);

// Creates a 1x only favicon from the PNG file at |path|.
gfx::Image Create1xFaviconFromPNGFile(const std::string& path);

// Returns a URL identifiable by |i|.
std::string IndexedURL(size_t i);

// Returns a URL title identifiable by |i|.
std::string IndexedURLTitle(size_t i);

// Returns a folder name identifiable by |i|.
std::string IndexedFolderName(size_t i);

// Returns a subfolder name identifiable by |i|.
std::string IndexedSubfolderName(size_t i);

// Returns a subsubfolder name identifiable by |i|.
std::string IndexedSubsubfolderName(size_t i);

// Creates a server-side entity representing a bookmark with the given title and
// URL.
std::unique_ptr<syncer::LoopbackServerEntity> CreateBookmarkServerEntity(
    const std::string& title,
    const GURL& url);

// Helper class that reacts to any BookmarkModelObserver event by running a
// callback provided in the constructor.
class AnyBookmarkChangeObserver : public bookmarks::BaseBookmarkModelObserver {};

// Base class used for checkers that verify the state of an arbitrary number
// of BookmarkModel instances.
class BookmarkModelStatusChangeChecker : public StatusChangeChecker {};

// Checker used to block until bookmarks match on all clients.
class BookmarksMatchChecker : public BookmarkModelStatusChangeChecker {};

// Base class used for checkers that verify the state of a single BookmarkModel
// instance.
class SingleBookmarkModelStatusChangeChecker
    : public BookmarkModelStatusChangeChecker {};

// Generic status change checker that waits until a predicate as defined by
// a gMock matches becomes true.
class SingleBookmarksModelMatcherChecker
    : public SingleBookmarkModelStatusChangeChecker {};

// Checker used to block until the actual number of bookmarks with the given
// title match the expected count.
class BookmarksTitleChecker : public SingleBookmarkModelStatusChangeChecker {};

// Checker used to wait until the favicon of a bookmark has been loaded. It
// doesn't itself trigger the load of the favicon.
class BookmarkFaviconLoadedChecker
    : public SingleBookmarkModelStatusChangeChecker {};

// Checker used to block until the bookmarks on the server match a given set of
// expected bookmarks. The |title| is comapred to both legacy and full titles.
class ServerBookmarksEqualityChecker
    : public fake_server::FakeServerMatchStatusChecker {};

// Checker used to block until the actual number of bookmarks with the given url
// match the expected count.
class BookmarksUrlChecker : public SingleBookmarkModelStatusChangeChecker {};

// Checker used to block until there exists a bookmark with the given UUID.
class BookmarksUuidChecker : public SingleBookmarksModelMatcherChecker {};

// Waits until the fake server has the similar structure of bookmarks like the
// bookmark model. The checker verifies that all nodes have the same UUID,
// title, URL, parent and order. It doesn't check favicons and any other fields.
// Note that this class is not enough to verify test's result as it only waits
// for the state when the bookmark model has the same structure on the server.
// It doesn't check their content and the expected number of bookmarks. The fake
// server must have entities with unique UUIDs.
class BookmarkModelMatchesFakeServerChecker
    : public SingleClientStatusChangeChecker {};

}  // namespace bookmarks_helper