// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab;
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.View;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.Token;
import org.chromium.base.UserDataHost;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.profiles.Profile;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ui.native_page.NativePage;
import org.chromium.components.embedder_support.view.ContentView;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.LoadUrlParams;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.NavigationHandle;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid;
import org.chromium.url.GURL;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
* Tab is a visual/functional unit that encapsulates the content (not just web site content
* from network but also other types of content such as NTP, navigation history, etc) and
* presents it to users who perceive it as one of the 'pages' managed by Chrome.
public interface Tab extends TabLifecycle {
public static final int INVALID_TAB_ID = -1;
public static final long INVALID_TIMESTAMP = -1;
@IntDef({TabLoadStatus.PAGE_LOAD_FAILED, TabLoadStatus.DEFAULT_PAGE_LOAD})
public @interface TabLoadStatus {
/** The result of the loadUrl. */
public static class LoadUrlResult {
/** Tab load status. */
public final @TabLoadStatus int tabLoadStatus;
/** NavigationHandle for the loaded url. */
public final @Nullable NavigationHandle navigationHandle;
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PACKAGE_PRIVATE)
public LoadUrlResult(
@TabLoadStatus int tabLoadStatus, @Nullable NavigationHandle navigationHandle) {
this.tabLoadStatus = tabLoadStatus;
this.navigationHandle = navigationHandle;
* Adds a {@link TabObserver} to be notified on {@link Tab} changes.
* @param observer The {@link TabObserver} to add.
void addObserver(TabObserver observer);
* Removes a {@link TabObserver}.
* @param observer The {@link TabObserver} to remove.
void removeObserver(TabObserver observer);
/** Returns if the given {@link TabObserver} is present. */
boolean hasObserver(TabObserver observer);
* @return {@link UserDataHost} that manages {@link UserData} objects attached to.
* This is used for managing Tab-specific attributes/objects without Tab
* object having to know about them directly.
UserDataHost getUserDataHost();
/** Returns the Profile this tab is associated with. */
Profile getProfile();
* @return The web contents associated with this tab.
WebContents getWebContents();
* @return The {@link Activity} {@link Context} if this {@link Tab} is attached to an
* {@link Activity}, otherwise the themed application context (e.g. hidden tab or
* browser action tab).
Context getContext();
* @return The {@link WindowAndroid} associated with this {@link Tab}.
WindowAndroid getWindowAndroid();
* Update the attachment state to Window(Activity).
* @param window A new {@link WindowAndroid} to attach the tab to. If {@code null},
* the tab is being detached. See {@link ReparentingTask#detach()} for details.
* @param tabDelegateFactory The new delegate factory this tab should be using. Can be
* {@code null} even when {@code window} is not, meaning we simply want to swap out
* {@link WindowAndroid} for this tab and keep using the current delegate factory.
void updateAttachment(
@Nullable WindowAndroid window, @Nullable TabDelegateFactory tabDelegateFactory);
* @return Content view used for rendered web contents. Can be null
* if web contents is null.
ContentView getContentView();
* @return The {@link View} displaying the current page in the tab. This can be {@code null}, if
* the tab is frozen or being initialized or destroyed.
View getView();
* @return The {@link TabViewManager} that is responsible for managing custom {@link View}s
* shown on top of content in this Tab.
TabViewManager getTabViewManager();
* @return The id representing this tab.
int getId();
* @return Parameters that should be used for a lazily loaded Tab. May be null.
LoadUrlParams getPendingLoadParams();
* @return The URL that is loaded in the current tab. This may not be the same as
* the last committed URL if a new navigation is in progress.
GURL getUrl();
* @return Original url of the tab without any Chrome feature modifications applied (e.g. reader
* mode).
GURL getOriginalUrl();
* @return The tab title.
String getTitle();
* @return The {@link NativePage} associated with the current page, or {@code null} if there is
* no current page or the current page is displayed using something besides
* {@link NativePage}.
NativePage getNativePage();
* @return Whether or not the {@link Tab} represents a {@link NativePage}.
boolean isNativePage();
* @return Whether a custom view shown through {@link TabViewManager} is being displayed instead
* of the current WebContents.
boolean isShowingCustomView();
* Replaces the current NativePage with a empty stand-in for a NativePage. This can be used
* to reduce memory pressure.
void freezeNativePage();
* @return The reason the Tab was launched (from a link, external app, etc).
* May change over time, for instance, to {@code FROM_RESTORE} during
* tab restoration.
int getLaunchType();
* @return The theme color for this tab.
int getThemeColor();
* @return The background color for the current webpage.
int getBackgroundColor();
* @return {@code true} if the theme color from contents is valid and can be used for theming.
boolean isThemingAllowed();
* TODO(crbug.com/350654700): clean up usages and remove isIncognito.
* @return {@code true} if the Tab is in incognito mode.
* @deprecated Use {@link #isIncognitoBranded()} or {@link #isOffTheRecord()}.
boolean isIncognito();
* @return {@code true} if the Tab is in an off-the-record profile.
* @see {@link Profile#isOffTheRecord()}
boolean isOffTheRecord();
* @return {@code true} if the Tab is in Incognito branded profile.
* @see {@link Profile#isIncognitoBranded()}
boolean isIncognitoBranded();
* @return Whether the {@link Tab} is currently showing an error page.
boolean isShowingErrorPage();
* @return true iff the tab doesn't hold a live page. For example, this could happen
* when the tab holds frozen WebContents state that is yet to be inflated.
boolean isFrozen();
* @return Whether the tab can currently be interacted with by the user. This requires the
* view owned by the Tab to be visible and in a state where the user can interact
* with it (i.e. not in something like the phone tab switcher).
boolean isUserInteractable();
/** Returns whether the tab is detached for reparenting. */
boolean isDetached();
/** Sets Parent for the current Tab and other tab related parent properties. */
void reparentTab(Tab parent);
* Causes this tab to navigate to the specified URL.
* @param params parameters describing the url load. Note that it is important to set correct
* page transition as it is used for ranking URLs in the history so the omnibox can report
* suggestions correctly.
* @return a {@link LoadUrlResult} for this load.
LoadUrlResult loadUrl(LoadUrlParams params);
* Freezes the tabs and stores the URL in the tab's WebContentsState. If the tab is already
* frozen this method still appends the navigation entry, but skips the process of freezing the
* tab.
* @param params Parameters describing the url load. Note that it is important to set correct
* page transition as it is used for ranking URLs in the history so the omnibox can report
* suggestions correctly.
* @param title The title of the tab to use on UI surfaces before it is navigated to.
void freezeAndAppendPendingNavigation(LoadUrlParams params, @Nullable String title);
* Loads the tab if it's not loaded (e.g. because it was killed in background). This will
* trigger a regular load for tabs with pending lazy first load (tabs opened in background on
* low-memory devices).
* @param caller The caller of this method.
* @return true iff the Tab handled the request.
boolean loadIfNeeded(int caller);
/** Reloads the current page content. */
void reload();
* Reloads the current page content.
* This version ignores the cache and reloads from the network.
void reloadIgnoringCache();
/** Stop the current navigation. */
void stopLoading();
* @return Whether the Tab has requested a reload.
boolean needsReload();
* @return true iff the tab is loading and an interstitial page is not showing.
boolean isLoading();
* @return true iff the tab is performing a restore page load.
boolean isBeingRestored();
* @return a value between 0 and 100 reflecting what percentage of the page load is complete.
float getProgress();
* @return Whether or not this tab has a previous navigation entry.
boolean canGoBack();
* @return Whether or not this tab has a navigation entry after the current one.
boolean canGoForward();
/** Goes to the navigation entry before the current one. */
void goBack();
/** Goes to the navigation entry after the current one. */
void goForward();
* @return true if the {@link Tab} is a custom tab.
boolean isCustomTab();
* @return the last time this tab was shown or the time of its initialization if it wasn't yet
* shown.
long getTimestampMillis();
* @return parent identifier for the {@link Tab}
int getParentId();
* Set the parent identifier for the {@link Tab}. This method is only used as a temporary
* workaround for invalid parent ids being present in the tab state file.
void setParentId(int parentId);
// TODO(crbug.com/41497290): deprecate RootId once TabGroupId has finished replacing it.
* Returns the root identifier for the {@link Tab}. This method will be replaced by {@link
* getTabGroupId()} as part of https://crbug.com/1523745.
int getRootId();
* Set the root identifier for the {@link Tab}. This method will be replaced by {@link
* setTabGroupId()} as part of https://crbug.com/1523745.
* @param rootId The root identifier to use.
void setRootId(int rootId);
* Returns the tab group ID of the {@link Tab} or null if not part of a group. Note that during
* migration from root ID the TabGroupId may be null until tab state is initialized.
Token getTabGroupId();
* Sets the tab group ID of the {@link Tab}.
* @param tabGroupId The {@link Token} to use as the tab group ID or null if not part of a tab
* group.
void setTabGroupId(@Nullable Token tabGroupId);
* @return user agent type for the {@link Tab}
int getUserAgent();
/** Set user agent type for the {@link Tab} */
void setUserAgent(@TabUserAgent int userAgent);
* @return content state bytes for the {@link Tab}
WebContentsState getWebContentsState();
* @return timestamp in milliseconds when the tab was last interacted.
long getLastNavigationCommittedTimestampMillis();
* @return launch type at creation
Integer getTabLaunchTypeAtCreation();
/** Sets the TabLaunchType for tabs launched with an unset launch type. */
void setTabLaunchType(@TabLaunchType int launchType);
/** Update the title for the current page if changed. */
void updateTitle();
* @return True if the back forward transition is in progress, including web page and native
* page transitions.
boolean isDisplayingBackForwardAnimation();
* @return True if we have a WebContents that's navigated to a trusted origin of a TWA.
boolean isTrustedWebActivity();