// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.chromium.base.Token;
import org.chromium.cc.input.BrowserControlsOffsetTagsInfo;
import org.chromium.cc.input.BrowserControlsState;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.Tab.LoadUrlResult;
import org.chromium.components.find_in_page.FindMatchRectsDetails;
import org.chromium.components.find_in_page.FindNotificationDetails;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.LoadUrlParams;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.NavigationHandle;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid;
import org.chromium.ui.mojom.VirtualKeyboardMode;
import org.chromium.url.GURL;
/** An observer that is notified of changes to a {@link Tab} object. */
public interface TabObserver {
* Called when a {@link Tab} finished initialization. The {@link TabState} contains,
* if not {@code null}, various states that a Tab should restore itself from.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param appId ID of the external app that opened this tab.
void onInitialized(Tab tab, String appId);
* Called when a {@link Tab} is shown.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param type Specifies how the tab was selected.
void onShown(Tab tab, @TabSelectionType int type);
* Called when a {@link Tab} is hidden.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param type Specifies how the tab was hidden.
void onHidden(Tab tab, @TabHidingType int type);
* Called when a {@link Tab}'s closing state has changed.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param closing Whether the {@link Tab} is currently marked for closure.
void onClosingStateChanged(Tab tab, boolean closing);
* Called when a {@link Tab} is being destroyed.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
void onDestroyed(Tab tab);
* Called when the tab content changes (to/from native pages or swapping native WebContents).
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
void onContentChanged(Tab tab);
* Called when loadUrl is triggered on a a {@link Tab}.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param params The params describe the page being loaded.
* @param loadUrlResult The result of the loadUrl.
void onLoadUrl(Tab tab, LoadUrlParams params, LoadUrlResult loadUrlResult);
* Called when a tab has started to load a page.
* <p>
* This will occur when the main frame starts the navigation, and will also occur in instances
* where we need to simulate load progress (i.e. swapping in a not fully loaded pre-rendered
* page).
* <p>
* For visual loading indicators/throbbers, {@link #onLoadStarted(Tab)} and
* {@link #onLoadStopped(Tab)} should be used to drive updates.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param url The committed URL being navigated to.
void onPageLoadStarted(Tab tab, GURL url);
* Called when a tab has finished loading a page.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param url The committed URL that was navigated to.
void onPageLoadFinished(Tab tab, GURL url);
* Called when a tab has failed loading a page.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param errorCode The error code that causes the page to fail loading.
void onPageLoadFailed(Tab tab, int errorCode);
* Called when the favicon of a {@link Tab} has been updated.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param icon The favicon that was received.
* @param iconUrl The URL that the icon was fetched from.
void onFaviconUpdated(Tab tab, Bitmap icon, GURL iconUrl);
* Called when the title of a {@link Tab} changes.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
void onTitleUpdated(Tab tab);
* Called when the URL of a {@link Tab} changes.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
void onUrlUpdated(Tab tab);
* Called when the SSL state of a {@link Tab} changes.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
void onSSLStateUpdated(Tab tab);
* Called when the ContentView of a {@link Tab} crashes.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
void onCrash(Tab tab);
* Called when restore of the corresponding tab is triggered.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
void onRestoreStarted(Tab tab);
* Called when restoration of the corresponding tab failed.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
void onRestoreFailed(Tab tab);
* Called when the WebContents of a {@link Tab} is about to be swapped.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}
void webContentsWillSwap(Tab tab);
* Called when the WebContents of a {@link Tab} have been swapped.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param didStartLoad Whether WebContentsObserver::DidStartProvisionalLoadForFrame() has
* already been called.
* @param didFinishLoad Whether WebContentsObserver::DidFinishLoad() has already been called.
void onWebContentsSwapped(Tab tab, boolean didStartLoad, boolean didFinishLoad);
* Called when a context menu is shown for a {@link WebContents} owned by a {@link Tab}.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
void onContextMenuShown(Tab tab);
// WebContentsDelegateAndroid methods ---------------------------------------------------------
* Called when the WebContents is closed.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
void onCloseContents(Tab tab);
* Called when the WebContents starts loading. Different from
* {@link #onPageLoadStarted(Tab, GURL)}, if the user is navigated to a different url while
* staying in the same html document, {@link #onLoadStarted(Tab)} will be called, while
* {@link #onPageLoadStarted(Tab, GURL)} will not.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param toDifferentDocument Whether this navigation will transition between
* documents (i.e., not a fragment navigation or JS History API call).
void onLoadStarted(Tab tab, boolean toDifferentDocument);
* Called when the contents loading stops.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
void onLoadStopped(Tab tab, boolean toDifferentDocument);
* Called when the load progress of a {@link Tab} changes.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param progress The new progress from [0,1].
void onLoadProgressChanged(Tab tab, float progress);
* Called when the URL of a {@link Tab} changes.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param url The new URL.
void onUpdateUrl(Tab tab, GURL url);
// WebContentsObserver methods ---------------------------------------------------------
* Called when a navigation in the primary main frame is started in the WebContents.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param navigationHandle Pointer to a NavigationHandle representing the navigation.
* Its lifetime end at the end of onDidFinishNavigation().
void onDidStartNavigationInPrimaryMainFrame(Tab tab, NavigationHandle navigationHandle);
* TODO(crbug.com/40264745) Temporary fix for LocationBarModel not properly caching same
* document navigation state. Will be removed later, see bug for more details.
void onDidFinishNavigationEnd();
* Called when a navigation is redirected in the WebContents.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param navigationHandle Pointer to a NavigationHandle representing the navigation.
* Its lifetime end at the end of onDidFinishNavigation().
void onDidRedirectNavigation(Tab tab, NavigationHandle navigationHandle);
* Called when a navigation is finished i.e. committed, aborted or replaced by a new one, in the
* primary main frame.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param navigationHandle Pointer to a NavigationHandle representing the navigation.
* Its lifetime end at the end of this function.
void onDidFinishNavigationInPrimaryMainFrame(Tab tab, NavigationHandle navigation);
* Called when the page has painted something non-empty.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
void didFirstVisuallyNonEmptyPaint(Tab tab);
* Called when the theme color is changed
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param color the new color in ARGB format.
void onDidChangeThemeColor(Tab tab, int color);
* Called when the background color for the tab has changed.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param color The current background color.
void onBackgroundColorChanged(Tab tab, int color);
* Called when the virtual keyboard mode in the tab's current page has been changed.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param mode The current virtual keyboard mode.
void onVirtualKeyboardModeChanged(Tab tab, @VirtualKeyboardMode.EnumType int mode);
* Called when the Tab is attached or detached from an {@code Activity}. By default, this will
* automatically unregister the tab observer if the Tab is detached from the window.
* TabObservers that are scoped to the Tab itself (either by direct ownership or through
* UserData) will need to override this behavior. To do so, ensure there's a functional hook to
* unregister the TabObserver to prevent leaking. When overriding this, keep in mind that tabs
* can outlive the activity in some cases (change of theme, changing from phone/tablet,
* multi-window, etc).
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param window {@link WindowAndroid} which the Tab is being associated with. {@code null} if
* the tab is being detached.
default void onActivityAttachmentChanged(Tab tab, @Nullable WindowAndroid window) {
if (tab == null || window != null) return;
* A notification when tab changes whether or not it is interactable and is accepting input.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param isInteractable Whether or not the tab is interactable.
void onInteractabilityChanged(Tab tab, boolean isInteractable);
* Called when renderer changes its state about being responsive to requests.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param {@code true} if the renderer becomes responsive, otherwise {@code false}.
void onRendererResponsiveStateChanged(Tab tab, boolean isResponsive);
* Called when navigation entries of a tab have been appended while the tab is frozen.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
void onNavigationEntriesAppended(Tab tab);
* Called when navigation entries of a tab have been deleted.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
void onNavigationEntriesDeleted(Tab tab);
* Called when a find result is received.
* @param result Detail information on the find result.
void onFindResultAvailable(FindNotificationDetails result);
* Called when the rects corresponding to the find matches are received.
* @param result Detail information on the matched rects.
void onFindMatchRectsAvailable(FindMatchRectsDetails result);
* Called when offset values related with the browser controls have been changed by the
* renderer.
* @param topControlsOffsetY The Y offset of the top controls in physical pixels.
* @param bottomControlsOffsetY The Y offset of the bottom controls in physical pixels.
* @param contentOffsetY The Y offset of the content in physical pixels.
* @param topControlsMinHeightOffsetY The Y offset of the current top controls min-height.
* @param bottomControlsMinHeightOffsetY The Y offset of the current bottom controls min-height.
void onBrowserControlsOffsetChanged(
Tab tab,
int topControlsOffsetY,
int bottomControlsOffsetY,
int contentOffsetY,
int topControlsMinHeightOffsetY,
int bottomControlsMinHeightOffsetY);
* @see BrowserControlsStateProvider.onControlsConstraintsChanged
void onBrowserControlsConstraintsChanged(
Tab tab,
BrowserControlsOffsetTagsInfo oldOffsetTagsInfo,
BrowserControlsOffsetTagsInfo offsetTagsInfo,
@BrowserControlsState int constraints);
* Called when the tab is about to notify its renderer to show the browser controls.
* @param tab The notifying {@link Tab}.
* @param tab Whether the current page has opted in to same-origin view transitions.
void onWillShowBrowserControls(Tab tab, boolean viewTransitionOptIn);
* Called when scrolling state of Tab's content view changes.
* @param scrolling {@code true} if scrolling started; {@code false} if stopped.
void onContentViewScrollingStateChanged(boolean scrolling);
/** Called when the gesture begin event is received. */
void onGestureBegin();
/** Called when the gesture end event is received. */
void onGestureEnd();
/** Back press refactor related. Called when navigation state is invalidated. */
void onNavigationStateChanged();
* CloseWatcher web API support. If the currently focused frame has a CloseWatcher registered in
* JavaScript, the CloseWatcher should receive the next "close" operation, based on what the OS
* convention for closing is. This function is called when the focused frame changes or a
* CloseWatcher registered/unregistered to update whether the CloseWatcher should intercept.
void onDidChangeCloseSignalInterceptStatus();
* Broadcast that the timestamp on a {@link Tab} has changed
* @param tab {@link Tab} timestamp has changed on
* @param timestampMillis new value of the timestamp
default void onTimestampChanged(Tab tab, long timestampMillis) {}
// TODO(crbug.com/41497290): deprecate RootId once TabGroupId has finished replacing it.
* Broadcast that root identifier on a {@link Tab} has changed. This method will be functionally
* replaced by onTabGroupIdChanged as part of https://crbug.com/1523745.
* @param tab {@link Tab} root identifier has changed on
* @param newRootId new value of new root id
default void onRootIdChanged(Tab tab, int newRootId) {}
* Broadcast that tab group ID on a {@link Tab} has changed.
* @param tab The {@link Tab} root identifier has changed on
* @param tabGroupId The new tab group ID, may be null.
default void onTabGroupIdChanged(Tab tab, @Nullable Token tabGroupId) {}
* Called when the animation state for the back forward session history navigation has changed.
* Retrieve the current animation state using the Tab's WebContents.
default void didBackForwardTransitionAnimationChange() {}