
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.



import androidx.annotation.Nullable;

import org.chromium.base.Token;
import org.chromium.ui.util.ColorUtils;

/** Object that contains the state of a tab, including its navigation history. */
public class TabState {
    /** Special value for timestamp related attributes. */
    public static final long TIMESTAMP_NOT_SET = -1;

    /** A theme color that indicates an unspecified state. */
    public static final int UNSPECIFIED_THEME_COLOR = Color.TRANSPARENT;

    /** Navigation history of the WebContents. */
    public WebContentsState contentsState;

    public int parentId = Tab.INVALID_TAB_ID;

    // TODO( deprecate this field once tabGroupId has finished replacing it.
     * The legacy tab group ID. This field is planned to be replaced by {@link tabGroupId}. While
     * the "AndroidTabGroupStableIds" is rolled out, tab groups will be associated with both a
     * rootId and a tabGroupId. Each tab group will have one unique value for each of these fields.
    public int rootId;

    /** The tab group ID. */
    public @Nullable Token tabGroupId;

    public long timestampMillis = TIMESTAMP_NOT_SET;
    public String openerAppId;

     * The tab's brand theme color. Set this to {@link #UNSPECIFIED_THEME_COLOR} for an unspecified
     * state.
    public int themeColor = UNSPECIFIED_THEME_COLOR;

    public @Nullable @TabLaunchType Integer tabLaunchTypeAtCreation;

    /** Whether this TabState was created from a file containing info about an incognito Tab. */
    public boolean isIncognito;

    /** Tab level Request Desktop Site setting. */
    public @TabUserAgent int userAgent;

    public long lastNavigationCommittedTimestampMillis = TIMESTAMP_NOT_SET;

    // Flag to signal TabState should be migrated to new FlatBuffer format.
    // This field is not persisted on disk.
    public boolean shouldMigrate;

    public boolean isIncognito() {
        return isIncognito;

    /** @return The theme color of the tab or {@link #UNSPECIFIED_THEME_COLOR} if not set. */
    public int getThemeColor() {
        return themeColor;

    /** @return True if the tab has a theme color set. */
    public boolean hasThemeColor() {
        return themeColor != UNSPECIFIED_THEME_COLOR
                && !ColorUtils.isThemeColorTooBright(themeColor);