
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


import org.chromium.base.Callback;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.List;

/** Storage for {@link PersistedTabData} */
public interface PersistedTabDataStorage {
     * @param tabId identifier for the {@link Tab}
     * @param tabDataId unique identifier representing the type {@link PersistedTabData}
     * @param serializer {@link Serializer} for serialized {@link PersistedTabData}
    void save(int tabId, String tabDataId, Serializer<ByteBuffer> serializer);

     * @param tabId identifier for the {@link Tab}
     * @param tabDataId unique identifier representing the type {@link PersistedTabData}
     * @param serializer {@link Serializer} for serialized {@link PersistedTabData}
     * @param onComplete {@link Callback} called after save is completed
    void save(
            int tabId,
            String tabDataId,
            Serializer<ByteBuffer> serializer,
            Callback<Integer> onComplete);

     * @param tabId identifier for the {@link Tab}
     * @param tabDataId unique identifier representing the type of {@link PersistedTabData}
     * @param callback to pass back the seraizliaed {@link PersistedTabData} in
    void restore(int tabId, String tabDataId, Callback<ByteBuffer> callback);

     * @param tabId identifier for the {@link Tab}
     * @param tabDataId unique identifier representing the type of {@link PersistedTabData}
     * @return serialized {@link PersitsedTabData}
    ByteBuffer restore(int tabId, String tabDataId);

     * @param <U> a {@link PersistedTabDataResult}
     * @param tabId identifier for the {@link Tab}
     * @param dataId unique identifier representing the type of {@link PersistedTabData}
     * @param mapper converts a raw result from storage to a {@link PersistedTabDataResult}
     * @return a {@link PersistedTabDataResult}
    <U extends PersistedTabDataResult> U restore(
            int tabId, String dataId, PersistedTabDataMapper<U> mapper);

     * @param <U> a {@link PersistedTabDataResult}
     * @param tabId identifier for the {@link Tab}
     * @param dataId unique identifier representing the type of {@link PersistedTabData}
     * @param callback {@link Callback} thhe {@link PersistedTabDataResult} is passed back in
     * @param mapper converts a raw result from storage to a {@link PersistedTabDataResult}
    <U extends PersistedTabDataResult> void restore(
            int tabId, String dataId, Callback<U> callback, PersistedTabDataMapper<U> mapper);

     * @param tabId identifier for the {@link Tab}
     * @param tabDataId unique identifier representing the type of {@link PersistedTabData}
    void delete(int tabId, String tabDataId);

     * @return unique tag appended to the end of metrics for Uma
    String getUmaTag();

     * Identifies and deletes stored {@link Tab} data for Tabs which no longer exist.
     * This can occur, for example, if a {@link Tab} is closed and then the app crashes,
     * before the {@link PersistedTabData} stored for that {@link Tab} is cleaned up.
     * @param tabIds {@link Tab} identifiers corresponding to current live Tabs -
     * no stored {@link PersistedTabData} corresponding to these Tabs will be removed.
     * @param dataId identifier for {@link PersistedTabData} which is stored. Each
     * {@link PersistedTabData} has a unique identifier in the database.
    void performMaintenance(List<Integer> tabIds, String dataId);