// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(crbug.com/40285824): Remove this and convert code to safer constructs.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers
#include "chrome/browser/task_manager/sampling/shared_sampler.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <winternl.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/bit_cast.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/task_manager/sampling/shared_sampler_win_defines.h"
#include "chrome/browser/task_manager/task_manager_observer.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
// ntstatus.h conflicts with windows.h so define this locally.
#define STATUS_SUCCESS ((NTSTATUS)0x00000000L)
namespace task_manager {
static SharedSampler::QuerySystemInformationForTest
g_query_system_information_for_test = nullptr;
// static
void SharedSampler::SetQuerySystemInformationForTest(
QuerySystemInformationForTest query_system_information) {
g_query_system_information_for_test = query_system_information;
namespace {
// Simple memory buffer wrapper for passing the data out of
// QuerySystemProcessInformation.
class ByteBuffer {
explicit ByteBuffer(size_t capacity)
: size_(0), capacity_(0) {
if (capacity > 0)
ByteBuffer(const ByteBuffer&) = delete;
ByteBuffer& operator=(const ByteBuffer&) = delete;
~ByteBuffer() {}
BYTE* data() { return data_.get(); }
size_t size() { return size_; }
void set_size(size_t new_size) {
DCHECK_LE(new_size, capacity_);
size_ = new_size;
size_t capacity() { return capacity_; }
void grow(size_t new_capacity) {
DCHECK_GT(new_capacity, capacity_);
capacity_ = new_capacity;
data_.reset(new BYTE[new_capacity]);
std::unique_ptr<BYTE[]> data_;
size_t size_;
size_t capacity_;
// Wrapper for NtQuerySystemProcessInformation with buffer reallocation logic.
bool QuerySystemProcessInformation(ByteBuffer* buffer) {
HMODULE ntdll = ::GetModuleHandle(L"ntdll.dll");
if (!ntdll) {
return false;
NTQUERYSYSTEMINFORMATION nt_query_system_information_ptr =
::GetProcAddress(ntdll, "NtQuerySystemInformation"));
if (!nt_query_system_information_ptr) {
return false;
NTSTATUS result;
// There is a potential race condition between growing the buffer and new
// processes being created. Try a few times before giving up.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ULONG data_size = 0;
ULONG buffer_size = static_cast<ULONG>(buffer->capacity());
if (g_query_system_information_for_test) {
data_size =
g_query_system_information_for_test(buffer->data(), buffer_size);
result =
(data_size > buffer_size) ? STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL : STATUS_SUCCESS;
} else {
result = nt_query_system_information_ptr(
SystemProcessInformation, buffer->data(), buffer_size, &data_size);
if (result == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
// Insufficient buffer. Grow to the returned |data_size| plus 10% extra
// to avoid frequent reallocations and try again.
DCHECK_GT(data_size, buffer_size);
buffer->grow(static_cast<ULONG>(data_size * 1.1));
} else {
// An error other than the two above.
return result == STATUS_SUCCESS;
// Per-thread data extracted from SYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION and stored in a
// snapshot. This structure is accessed only on the worker thread.
struct ThreadData {
base::PlatformThreadId thread_id;
ULONG context_switches;
// Per-process data extracted from SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION and stored in a
// snapshot. This structure is accessed only on the worker thread.
struct ProcessData {
ProcessData() = default;
ProcessData(const ProcessData&) = delete;
ProcessData& operator=(const ProcessData&) = delete;
ProcessData(ProcessData&&) = default;
int64_t hard_fault_count;
base::Time start_time;
base::TimeDelta cpu_time;
std::vector<ThreadData> threads;
typedef std::map<base::ProcessId, ProcessData> ProcessDataMap;
ULONG CountContextSwitchesDelta(const ProcessData& prev_process_data,
const ProcessData& new_process_data) {
// This one pass algorithm relies on the threads vectors to be
// ordered by thread_id.
ULONG delta = 0;
size_t prev_index = 0;
for (const auto& new_thread : new_process_data.threads) {
ULONG prev_thread_context_switches = 0;
// Iterate over the process threads from the previous snapshot skipping
// threads that don't exist anymore. Please note that this iteration starts
// from the last known prev_index and goes until a previous snapshot's
// thread ID >= the current snapshot's thread ID. So the overall algorithm
// is linear.
for (; prev_index < prev_process_data.threads.size(); ++prev_index) {
const auto& prev_thread = prev_process_data.threads[prev_index];
if (prev_thread.thread_id == new_thread.thread_id) {
// Threads match between two snapshots. Use the previous snapshot
// thread's context_switches to subtract from the delta.
prev_thread_context_switches = prev_thread.context_switches;
if (prev_thread.thread_id > new_thread.thread_id) {
// This is due to a new thread that didn't exist in the previous
// snapshot. Keep the zero value of |prev_thread_context_switches| which
// essentially means the entire number of context switches of the new
// thread will be added to the delta.
delta += new_thread.context_switches - prev_thread_context_switches;
return delta;
// Seeks a matching ProcessData by Process ID in a previous snapshot.
// This uses the fact that ProcessDataMap entries are ordered by Process ID.
const ProcessData* SeekInPreviousSnapshot(
base::ProcessId process_id, ProcessDataMap::const_iterator* iter_to_advance,
const ProcessDataMap::const_iterator& range_end) {
for (; *iter_to_advance != range_end; ++(*iter_to_advance)) {
if ((*iter_to_advance)->first == process_id) {
return &((*iter_to_advance)++)->second;
if ((*iter_to_advance)->first > process_id)
return nullptr;
// A wrapper function converting ticks (in units of 100 ns) to Time.
base::Time ConvertTicksToTime(uint64_t ticks) {
FILETIME ft = base::bit_cast<FILETIME, uint64_t>(ticks);
return base::Time::FromFileTime(ft);
// A wrapper function converting ticks (in units of 100 ns) to TimeDelta.
base::TimeDelta ConvertTicksToTimeDelta(uint64_t ticks) {
return base::Microseconds(ticks / 10);
} // namespace
// ProcessDataSnapshot gets created and accessed only on the worker thread.
// This is used to calculate metrics like Idle Wakeups / sec that require
// a delta between two snapshots.
// Please note that ProcessDataSnapshot has to be outside of anonymous namespace
// in order to match the declaration in shared_sampler.h.
struct ProcessDataSnapshot {
ProcessDataMap processes;
base::TimeTicks timestamp;
const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>& blocking_pool_runner)
: refresh_flags_(0), previous_buffer_size_(0),
blocking_pool_runner_(blocking_pool_runner) {
// This object will be created on the UI thread, however the sequenced checker
// will be used to assert we're running the expensive operations on one of the
// blocking pool threads.
SharedSampler::~SharedSampler() {}
int64_t SharedSampler::GetSupportedFlags() const {
void SharedSampler::RegisterCallback(
base::ProcessId process_id,
OnSamplingCompleteCallback on_sampling_complete) {
if (process_id == 0)
bool result =
callbacks_map_.emplace(process_id, std::move(on_sampling_complete))
void SharedSampler::UnregisterCallback(base::ProcessId process_id) {
if (process_id == 0)
if (callbacks_map_.empty())
void SharedSampler::Refresh(base::ProcessId process_id, int64_t refresh_flags) {
DCHECK_NE(0, refresh_flags & GetSupportedFlags());
if (process_id == 0)
DCHECK(callbacks_map_.find(process_id) != callbacks_map_.end());
if (refresh_flags_ == 0) {
FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&SharedSampler::RefreshOnWorkerThread, this),
base::BindOnce(&SharedSampler::OnRefreshDone, this));
} else {
// http://crbug.com/678471
// A group of consecutive Refresh calls should all specify the same refresh
// flags. Rarely RefreshOnWorkerThread could take a long time (> 1 sec),
// long enough for a next refresh cycle to start before results are ready
// from a previous cycle. In that case refresh_flags_ would still remain
// set to the previous cycle refresh flags which might be different than
// this cycle refresh flags if a column was added or removed between the two
// cycles. The worst that could happen in that condition is that results for
// a newly added column would be missing for one extra refresh cycle.
refresh_flags_ |= refresh_flags;
void SharedSampler::ClearState() {
SharedSampler::AllSamplingResults SharedSampler::RefreshOnWorkerThread() {
AllSamplingResults results;
std::unique_ptr<ProcessDataSnapshot> snapshot = CaptureSnapshot();
if (snapshot) {
if (previous_snapshot_) {
results = MakeResultsFromTwoSnapshots(*previous_snapshot_, *snapshot);
} else {
results = MakeResultsFromSnapshot(*snapshot);
previous_snapshot_ = std::move(snapshot);
} else {
// Failed to get snapshot. This is unlikely.
return results;
/* static */
std::vector<base::FilePath> SharedSampler::GetSupportedImageNames() {
const wchar_t kNacl64Exe[] = L"nacl64.exe";
std::vector<base::FilePath> supported_names;
base::FilePath current_exe;
if (base::PathService::Get(base::FILE_EXE, ¤t_exe))
return supported_names;
bool SharedSampler::IsSupportedImageName(
base::FilePath::StringPieceType image_name) const {
for (const base::FilePath& supported_name : supported_image_names_) {
if (base::FilePath::CompareEqualIgnoreCase(image_name,
return true;
return false;
std::unique_ptr<ProcessDataSnapshot> SharedSampler::CaptureSnapshot() {
// Preallocate the buffer with the size determined on the previous call to
// QuerySystemProcessInformation. This should be sufficient most of the time.
// QuerySystemProcessInformation will grow the buffer if necessary.
ByteBuffer data_buffer(previous_buffer_size_);
if (!QuerySystemProcessInformation(&data_buffer))
return nullptr;
previous_buffer_size_ = data_buffer.capacity();
std::unique_ptr<ProcessDataSnapshot> snapshot(new ProcessDataSnapshot);
snapshot->timestamp = base::TimeTicks::Now();
for (size_t offset = 0; offset < data_buffer.size(); ) {
const auto* pi = reinterpret_cast<const SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION*>(
data_buffer.data() + offset);
// Validate that the offset is valid and all needed data is within
// the buffer boundary.
if (offset + sizeof(SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION) > data_buffer.size())
if (pi->NumberOfThreads > 0 &&
(pi->NumberOfThreads - 1) * sizeof(SYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION) >
data_buffer.size())) {
if (pi->ImageName.Buffer) {
// Validate that the image name is within the buffer boundary.
// ImageName.Length seems to be in bytes rather than characters.
ULONG image_name_offset =
reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(pi->ImageName.Buffer) - data_buffer.data();
if (image_name_offset + pi->ImageName.Length > data_buffer.size())
// Check if this is a chrome process. Ignore all other processes.
if (IsSupportedImageName(pi->ImageName.Buffer)) {
// Collect enough data to be able to do a diff between two snapshots.
// Some threads might stop or new threads might be created between two
// snapshots. If a thread with a large number of context switches gets
// terminated the total number of context switches for the process might
// go down and the delta would be negative.
// To avoid that we need to compare thread IDs between two snapshots and
// not count context switches for threads that are missing in the most
// recent snapshot.
ProcessData process_data;
process_data.hard_fault_count = pi->HardFaultCount;
process_data.start_time = ConvertTicksToTime(pi->CreateTime);
process_data.cpu_time =
ConvertTicksToTimeDelta(pi->KernelTime + pi->UserTime);
// Iterate over threads and store each thread's ID and number of context
// switches.
for (ULONG thread_index = 0; thread_index < pi->NumberOfThreads;
++thread_index) {
const SYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION* ti = &pi->Threads[thread_index];
if (ti->ClientId.UniqueProcess != pi->ProcessId)
ThreadData thread_data;
thread_data.thread_id = static_cast<base::PlatformThreadId>(
thread_data.context_switches = ti->ContextSwitchCount;
// Order thread data by thread ID to help diff two snapshots.
std::sort(process_data.threads.begin(), process_data.threads.end(),
[](const ThreadData& l, const ThreadData r) {
return l.thread_id < r.thread_id;
base::ProcessId process_id = static_cast<base::ProcessId>(
bool inserted = snapshot->processes.insert(
std::make_pair(process_id, std::move(process_data))).second;
// Check for end of the list.
if (!pi->NextEntryOffset)
// Jump to the next entry.
offset += pi->NextEntryOffset;
return snapshot;
SharedSampler::AllSamplingResults SharedSampler::MakeResultsFromTwoSnapshots(
const ProcessDataSnapshot& prev_snapshot,
const ProcessDataSnapshot& snapshot) {
// Time delta in seconds.
double time_delta = (snapshot.timestamp - prev_snapshot.timestamp)
// Iterate over processes in both snapshots in parallel. This algorithm relies
// on map entries being ordered by Process ID.
ProcessDataMap::const_iterator prev_iter = prev_snapshot.processes.begin();
AllSamplingResults results;
for (const auto& current_entry : snapshot.processes) {
base::ProcessId process_id = current_entry.first;
const ProcessData& process = current_entry.second;
const ProcessData* prev_snapshot_process = SeekInPreviousSnapshot(
process_id, &prev_iter, prev_snapshot.processes.end());
// Delta between the old snapshot and the new snapshot.
int64_t hard_faults_delta = 0;
int idle_wakeups_delta;
if (prev_snapshot_process) {
hard_faults_delta =
process.hard_fault_count - prev_snapshot_process->hard_fault_count;
// Processes match between two snapshots. Diff context switches.
idle_wakeups_delta =
CountContextSwitchesDelta(*prev_snapshot_process, process);
} else {
// Process is missing in the previous snapshot.
// Use entire number of context switches of the current process.
idle_wakeups_delta = CountContextSwitchesDelta(ProcessData(), process);
ProcessIdAndSamplingResult result;
result.process_id = process_id;
result.data.hard_faults_per_second =
static_cast<int>(round(hard_faults_delta / time_delta));
result.data.idle_wakeups_per_second =
static_cast<int>(round(idle_wakeups_delta / time_delta));
result.data.start_time = process.start_time;
result.data.cpu_time = process.cpu_time;
return results;
SharedSampler::AllSamplingResults SharedSampler::MakeResultsFromSnapshot(
const ProcessDataSnapshot& snapshot) {
AllSamplingResults results;
for (const auto& pair : snapshot.processes) {
ProcessIdAndSamplingResult result;
result.process_id = pair.first;
// Use 0 for Idle Wakeups / sec in this case. This is consistent with
// ProcessMetrics::CalculateIdleWakeupsPerSecond implementation.
result.data.hard_faults_per_second = 0;
result.data.idle_wakeups_per_second = 0;
result.data.start_time = pair.second.start_time;
result.data.cpu_time = pair.second.cpu_time;
return results;
void SharedSampler::OnRefreshDone(AllSamplingResults refresh_results) {
DCHECK_NE(0, refresh_flags_);
size_t result_index = 0;
for (const auto& callback_entry : callbacks_map_) {
base::ProcessId process_id = callback_entry.first;
SamplingResult process_result;
// Match refresh result by |process_id|.
// This relies on refresh results being ordered by Process ID.
// Please note that |refresh_results| might contain some extra entries that
// don't exist in |callbacks_map_| if there is more than one instance of
// Chrome. It might be missing some entries too if there is a race condition
// between getting process information on the worker thread and adding a
// corresponding TaskGroup to the task manager.
for (; result_index < refresh_results.size(); ++result_index) {
const auto& result = refresh_results[result_index];
if (result.process_id == process_id) {
// Data matched in |refresh_results|.
process_result = std::move(result.data);
if (result.process_id > process_id) {
// An entry corresponding to |process_id| is missing. See above.
// Reset refresh_results_ to trigger RefreshOnWorkerThread next time Refresh
// is called.
refresh_flags_ = 0;
} // namespace task_manager