
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/browser/task_manager/sampling/task_group.h"

#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/test/gtest_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/task_manager/sampling/shared_sampler.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_task_traits.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "content/public/test/browser_task_environment.h"
#include "gpu/ipc/common/memory_stats.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace task_manager {

namespace {

class FakeTask : public Task {};

}  // namespace

class TaskGroupTest : public testing::Test {};

// Verify that calling TaskGroup::Refresh() without specifying any fields to
// refresh trivially completes, without crashing or leaving things in a weird
// state.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, NullRefresh) {}

// Ensure that refreshing an empty TaskGroup causes a DCHECK (if enabled).
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, RefreshZeroTasksDeathTest) {}

// Verify that Refresh() for a field which can be refreshed synchronously
// completes immediately, without leaving any background calculations pending.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, SyncRefresh) {}

// Some fields are refreshed on a per-TaskGroup basis, but require asynchronous
// work (e.g. on another thread) to complete. Cpu is such a field, so verify
// that it is correctly reported as requiring background calculations.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, AsyncRefresh) {}

// Some fields are refreshed system-wide, via a SharedSampler, which completes
// asynchronously. Idle wakeups are reported via SharedSampler on some systems
// and via asynchronous refresh on others, so we just test that that field
// requires background calculations, similarly to the AsyncRefresh test above.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, SharedAsyncRefresh) {}

// Ensure that if NaCl is enabled then calling Refresh with a NaCl Task active
// results in asynchronous completion. Also verifies that if NaCl is disabled
// then completion is synchronous.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, NaclRefreshWithTask) {}

// Test the task has correct network usage rate when zero bytes read and sent.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, NetworkBytesSentReadZero) {}

// Test the task has correct network usage rate when only having read bytes.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, NetworkBytesRead) {}

// Test the task has correct network usage rate when only having sent bytes.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, NetworkBytesSent) {}

// Test the task has correct network usage rate when only having read bytes and
// having a non 1s refresh time.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, NetworkBytesRead2SecRefresh) {}

// Test the task has correct network usage rate when only having sent bytes and
// having a non 1s refresh time.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, NetworkBytesSent2SecRefresh) {}

// Tests the task has correct usage on receiving and then sending bytes.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, NetworkBytesReadThenSent) {}

// Tests the task has correct usage rate on sending and then receiving bytes.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, NetworkBytesSentThenRead) {}

// Tests that the network usage rate goes to 0 after reading bytes then a
// refresh with no traffic and that cumulative is still correct.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, NetworkBytesReadRefreshNone) {}

// Tests that the network usage rate goes to 0 after sending bytes then a
// refresh with no traffic and that cumulative is still correct.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, NetworkBytesSentRefreshNone) {}

// Tests that the network usage rate goes to 0 after a refresh with no traffic
// and that cumulative is still correct.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, NetworkBytesTransferredRefreshNone) {}

// Tests that 2 tasks in 1 task group that both read bytes have correct usage
// rates and correct cumulative network usage.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, NetworkBytesReadAsGroup) {}

// Tests that the network usage rate does not get affected until a refresh is
// called and that the cumulative is as up to date as possible.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, NetworkBytesTransferredRefreshOutOfOrder) {}

// Tests that 2 tasks in 1 task group that both sent bytes have correct usage
// rates and correct cumulative network usage.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, NetworkBytesSentAsGroup) {}

// Tests that 2 tasks in 1  task group that have one sending and one reading
// have correct usage rates for the group and correct cumulative network usage.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, NetworkBytesTransferredAsGroup) {}

// Tests that after two tasks in a task group read bytes that a refresh will
// zero out network usage rate while maintaining the correct cumulative network
// usage.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, NetworkBytesReadAsGroupThenNone) {}

// Tests that after two tasks in a task group send bytes that a refresh will
// zero out network usage rate while maintaining the correct cumulative network
// usage.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, NetworkBytesSentAsGroupThenNone) {}

// Tests that after two tasks in a task group transferred bytes that a refresh
// will zero out network usage rate while maintaining the correct cumulative
// network usage.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, NetworkBytesTransferredAsGroupThenNone) {}

// Test the task can't be killed with a PID of base::kNullProcessId.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, TaskWithPidZero) {}

// Verify that calling TaskGroup::Refresh() on a VM task group with no supported
// refresh flags trivially completes.
TEST_F(TaskGroupTest, UnsupportedVMRefreshFlags) {}

}  // namespace task_manager