// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_manager.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/credit_card.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/iban.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/form_structure.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/ui/fast_checkout_client.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/ui/touch_to_fill_delegate.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/form_data.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/form_field_data.h"
namespace autofill {
// Enum that describes different outcomes to an attempt of triggering the
// Touch To Fill bottom sheet for credit cards or IBANs.
// The enum values are not exhaustive to avoid excessive metric collection.
// The cases where TTF is not shown because of other form type (not payment
// method) or TTF being not supported are skipped.
// Do not remove or renumber entries in this enum. It needs to be kept in
// sync with the enum of the same name in `enums.xml`.
enum class TouchToFillPaymentMethodTriggerOutcome {
// The sheet was shown.
kShown = 0,
// The sheet was not shown because the clicked field was not focusable or
// already had a value.
kFieldNotEmptyOrNotFocusable = 1,
// The sheet was not shown because there were no valid credit cards or IBANs
// to suggest.
kNoValidPaymentMethods = 2,
// The sheet was not shown because either the client or the form was not
// secure.
kFormOrClientNotSecure = 3,
// The sheet was not shown because it has already been shown before.
kShownBefore = 4,
// The sheet was not shown because Autofill UI cannot be shown.
kCannotShowAutofillUi = 5,
// There was a try to display the bottom sheet, but it failed due to unknown
// reason.
// A particular potential reason is that the keyboard is not suppressed
// (anymore). This can happen due to race conditions involving the form parse
// that may happen between
// OnBeforeAskForValuesToFill() and TryToShowTouchToFill(). In particular, the
// focused field's type may change (changing DryRun()'s value from a
// non-`kShown` value to `kShown`).
kFailedToDisplayBottomSheet = 6,
// The sheet was not shown because the payment form was incomplete.
kIncompleteForm = 7,
// The form or field is not known to the form cache.
kUnknownForm = 8,
// The form is known to the form cache, but it doesn't contain the field.
kUnknownField = 9,
// TouchToFill is not supported for this field type. This value is not logged
// to UMA.
kUnsupportedFieldType = 10,
// Fast Checkout was shown before TouchToFill could be triggered.
kFastCheckoutWasShown = 11,
// Form is considered to be already filled if fields of payment method info
// already have non-empty values.
kFormAlreadyFilled = 12,
kMaxValue = kFormAlreadyFilled
inline constexpr const char kUmaTouchToFillCreditCardTriggerOutcome[] =
inline constexpr const char kUmaTouchToFillIbanTriggerOutcome[] =
class BrowserAutofillManager;
class FormStructure;
// Delegate for in-browser Touch To Fill (TTF) surface display and selection.
// Currently TTF surface is eligible for credit card and IBAN forms on click
// on an empty focusable field.
// If the surface was shown once, it won't be triggered again on the same page.
// But calling |Reset()| on navigation restores such showing eligibility.
// Due to asynchronous parsing, showing the TTF surface proceeds in two stages:
// IntendsToShowTouchToFill() is called before parsing, and only if this returns
// true, TryToShowTouchToFill() is called after parsing. This is necessary for
// the keyboard suppression mechanism to work; see
// `TouchToFillKeyboardSuppressor` for details.
// It is supposed to be owned by the given |BrowserAutofillManager|, and
// interact with it and its |AutofillClient| and |AutofillDriver|.
// TODO(crbug.com/40839529): Consider using more descriptive name.
class TouchToFillDelegateAndroidImpl : public TouchToFillDelegate {
explicit TouchToFillDelegateAndroidImpl(BrowserAutofillManager* manager);
TouchToFillDelegateAndroidImpl(const TouchToFillDelegateAndroidImpl&) =
TouchToFillDelegateAndroidImpl& operator=(
const TouchToFillDelegateAndroidImpl&) = delete;
~TouchToFillDelegateAndroidImpl() override;
// Checks whether TTF is eligible for the given web form data.
// Only if this is true, the controller will show the view.
bool IntendsToShowTouchToFill(FormGlobalId form_id,
FieldGlobalId field_id,
const FormData& form) override;
// Checks whether TTF is eligible for the given web form data and, if
// successful, triggers the corresponding surface and returns |true|.
bool TryToShowTouchToFill(const FormData& form,
const FormFieldData& field) override;
// Returns whether the TTF surface is currently being shown.
bool IsShowingTouchToFill() override;
// Hides the TTF surface if one is shown.
void HideTouchToFill() override;
// Resets the delegate to its starting state (e.g. on navigation).
void Reset() override;
// TouchToFillDelegate:
AutofillManager* GetManager() override;
bool ShouldShowScanCreditCard() override;
void ScanCreditCard() override;
void OnCreditCardScanned(const CreditCard& card) override;
void ShowPaymentMethodSettings() override;
void CreditCardSuggestionSelected(std::string unique_id,
bool is_virtual) override;
void IbanSuggestionSelected(
absl::variant<Iban::Guid, Iban::InstrumentId> backend_id) override;
void OnDismissed(bool dismissed_by_user) override;
void LogMetricsAfterSubmission(const FormStructure& submitted_form) override;
base::WeakPtr<TouchToFillDelegateAndroidImpl> GetWeakPtr();
enum class TouchToFillState {
using TriggerOutcome = TouchToFillPaymentMethodTriggerOutcome;
struct DryRunResult {
DryRunResult(TriggerOutcome outcome,
absl::variant<std::vector<CreditCard>, std::vector<Iban>>
DryRunResult& operator=(DryRunResult&&);
TriggerOutcome outcome;
absl::variant<std::vector<CreditCard>, std::vector<Iban>> items_to_suggest;
// Checks all preconditions for showing the TTF, that is, for calling
// PaymentsAutofillClient::ShowTouchToFillCreditCard().
// If the DryRunResult::outcome is TriggerOutcome::kShow, the
// DryRun::cards_to_suggest contains the cards; otherwise it is empty.
// TODO(crbug.com/40282650): Remove received FormData. received_form is the
// form received from the renderer, so it contains the current values. This is
// needed for the non-empty checks.
DryRunResult DryRun(FormGlobalId form_id,
FieldGlobalId field_id,
const FormData& received_form);
// Returns a DryRunResult with the user's fillable IBANs, or
// `kNoValidPaymentMethods` if no IBANs are available.
DryRunResult DryRunForIban();
// Returns a DryRunResult with the user's fillable credit cards, or
// an error reason if TTF should not be triggered.
DryRunResult DryRunForCreditCard(const AutofillField& field,
const FormStructure& form,
const FormData& received_form);
bool HasAnyAutofilledFields(const FormStructure& submitted_form) const;
// The form is considered perfectly filled if all non-empty fields are
// autofilled without further edits.
bool IsFillingPerfect(const FormStructure& submitted_form) const;
// The form is considered correctly filled if all autofilled fields were not
// edited by user afterwards.
bool IsFillingCorrect(const FormStructure& submitted_form) const;
// Checks if the credit card form is already filled with values. The form is
// considered to be filled if the credit card number field is non-empty. The
// expiration date fields are not checked because they might have arbitrary
// placeholders.
// TODO(crbug.com/40227496): FormData is used here to ensure that we check the
// most recent form values. FormStructure knows only about the initial values.
bool IsFormPrefilled(const FormData& form);
// Creates a list of booleans which denotes if credit cards are acceptable by
// the merchant. The list will be the same size as `credit_cards`, and the
// indices will match (the acceptability of credit_cards[i] ==
// card_acceptability[i]).
std::vector<bool> GetCardAcceptabilities(
base::span<const CreditCard> credit_cards);
TouchToFillState ttf_payment_method_state_ = TouchToFillState::kShouldShow;
const raw_ptr<BrowserAutofillManager> manager_;
FormData query_form_;
FormFieldData query_field_;
bool dismissed_by_user_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<TouchToFillDelegateAndroidImpl> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace autofill