# Want to be an OWNER?
# This directory contains a number of building blocks for Chrome's ui, as well
# as sub-directories containing feature specific code. Owners should generally
# be knowledgeable of the core pieces of Chrome's ui building blocks, as well as
# a number of features. To demonstrate this we generally look for contributions
# of at least 40 non-trivial CLs across at least 3 different features. We also
# encourage becoming an owner of a sub-directory first. These rules are not set
# in stone, if you feel you should be an owner and do not need meet these
# criteria, reach out to owners with specific criteria as to why you should be
# an owner.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
# NOTE: Do not use the above owners when you're in a subdirectory that has
# OWNERS file. Prefer these instead as these OWNERS will be more familiar, and
# to load balance. Only use the above for subdirectories when doing refactorings
# that touch all the platforms.
# This is for the common case of adding or renaming files. If you're doing
# structural changes, use usual OWNERS rules.
per-file BUILD.gn=*
per-file tab_helpers.*[email protected]
# Instant/Search files.
per-file browser_instant_controller*=file://chrome/browser/search/OWNERS
# Signin and avatars.
per-file avatar_*=file://components/signin/OWNERS
per-file signin_*=file://components/signin/OWNERS
# Profiles
per-file profile_*=file://chrome/browser/profiles/OWNERS
per-file ui_features.cc=*
per-file ui_features.h=*
per-file settings_window_manager*chromeos*=file://chrome/browser/ui/ash/OWNERS
per-file file_system_access*=file://content/browser/file_system_access/OWNERS
per-file intent_picker_tab_helper*=file://chrome/browser/apps/intent_helper/OWNERS