// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.ui.appmenu;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.SoundEffectConstants;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.AccessibilityDelegate;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordUserAction;
* A helper class for a menu button to decide when to show the app menu and forward touch
* events.
* Simply construct this class and pass the class instance to a menu button as TouchListener.
* Then this class will handle everything regarding showing app menu for you.
class AppMenuButtonHelperImpl extends AccessibilityDelegate implements AppMenuButtonHelper {
private final AppMenuHandlerImpl mMenuHandler;
private Runnable mOnAppMenuShownListener;
private boolean mIsTouchEventsBeingProcessed;
private Runnable mOnClickRunnable;
* @param menuHandler MenuHandler implementation that can show and get the app menu.
AppMenuButtonHelperImpl(AppMenuHandlerImpl menuHandler) {
mMenuHandler = menuHandler;
// AppMenuButtonHelper implementation.
public void setOnAppMenuShownListener(Runnable onAppMenuShownListener) {
mOnAppMenuShownListener = onAppMenuShownListener;
public boolean isAppMenuActive() {
return mIsTouchEventsBeingProcessed || mMenuHandler.isAppMenuShowing();
public boolean onEnterKeyPress(View view) {
return showAppMenu(view, false);
public AccessibilityDelegate getAccessibilityDelegate() {
return this;
public void setOnClickRunnable(Runnable clickRunnable) {
mOnClickRunnable = clickRunnable;
public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent event) {
boolean isTouchEventConsumed = false;
switch (event.getActionMasked()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
isTouchEventConsumed |= true;
updateTouchEvent(view, true);
if (mOnClickRunnable != null) mOnClickRunnable.run();
showAppMenu(view, true);
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
isTouchEventConsumed |= true;
updateTouchEvent(view, false);
case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
isTouchEventConsumed |= true;
updateTouchEvent(view, false);
// If user starts to drag on this menu button, ACTION_DOWN and all the subsequent touch
// events are received here. We need to forward this event to the app menu to handle
// dragging correctly.
AppMenuDragHelper dragHelper = mMenuHandler.getAppMenuDragHelper();
if (dragHelper != null) {
isTouchEventConsumed |= dragHelper.handleDragging(event, view);
return isTouchEventConsumed;
// AccessibilityDelegate overrides
public boolean performAccessibilityAction(View host, int action, Bundle args) {
if (action == AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_CLICK) {
if (!mMenuHandler.isAppMenuShowing()) {
showAppMenu(host, false);
} else {
return true;
return super.performAccessibilityAction(host, action, args);
* Shows the app menu if it is not already shown.
* @param view View that initiated showing this menu. Normally it is a menu button.
* @param startDragging Whether dragging is started.
* @return Whether or not if the app menu is successfully shown.
private boolean showAppMenu(View view, boolean startDragging) {
if (!mMenuHandler.isAppMenuShowing() && mMenuHandler.showAppMenu(view, startDragging)) {
// Initial start dragging can be canceled in case if it was just single tap.
// So we only record non-dragging here, and will deal with those dragging cases in
// AppMenuDragHelper class.
if (!startDragging) RecordUserAction.record("MobileUsingMenuBySwButtonTap");
if (mOnAppMenuShownListener != null) {
return true;
return false;
* Set whether touch event is being processed and view is pressed on touch event.
* @param view View that received a touch event.
* @param isActionDown Whether the touch event is a down action.
private void updateTouchEvent(View view, boolean isActionDown) {
mIsTouchEventsBeingProcessed = isActionDown;