// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.ui.autofill;
import android.content.Context;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.jni_zero.CalledByNative;
import org.jni_zero.JNINamespace;
import org.jni_zero.NativeMethods;
import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid;
import org.chromium.ui.modaldialog.ModalDialogManager;
* JNI glue for the {@link OtpVerificationDialogView}. This allows the native code to show/dismiss
* the OTP verification dialog and also show an error message when OTP verification fails.
class OtpVerificationDialogBridge implements OtpVerificationDialogCoordinator.Delegate {
private final long mNativeOtpVerificationDialogView;
private OtpVerificationDialogCoordinator mDialogCoordinator;
long nativeOtpVerificationDialogView,
Context context,
ModalDialogManager modalDialogManager) {
this.mNativeOtpVerificationDialogView = nativeOtpVerificationDialogView;
mDialogCoordinator =
OtpVerificationDialogCoordinator.create(context, modalDialogManager, this);
* Create an instance of the {@link OtpVerificationDialogBridge} that can be used by the native
* code to call different actions on.
* @param nativeOtpVerificationDialogView The pointer to the native object.
* @param windowAndroid The current {@link WindowAndroid} object.
static @Nullable OtpVerificationDialogBridge create(
long nativeOtpVerificationDialogView, WindowAndroid windowAndroid) {
Context context = windowAndroid.getActivity().get();
ModalDialogManager modalDialogManager = windowAndroid.getModalDialogManager();
if (context == null || modalDialogManager == null) {
return null;
return new OtpVerificationDialogBridge(
nativeOtpVerificationDialogView, context, modalDialogManager);
public void onConfirm(String otp) {
OtpVerificationDialogBridgeJni.get().onConfirm(mNativeOtpVerificationDialogView, otp);
public void onNewOtpRequested() {
public void onDialogDismissed() {
* Show the OTP verification dialog to allow the user to input an OTP.
* @param otpLength The expected length of the OTP. This is used for showing a hint in the input
* field as well as some basic error handling.
void showDialog(int otpLength) {
* Show an error message after the user submitted an OTP.
* @param errorMessage The error message to be displayed below the OTP input field.
void showOtpErrorMessage(String errorMessage) {
/** Dismiss the dialog if it is already showing. */
void dismissDialog() {
void showConfirmationAndDismissDialog(String confirmationMessage) {
interface Natives {
void onConfirm(long nativeOtpVerificationDialogViewAndroid, String otp);
void onNewOtpRequested(long nativeOtpVerificationDialogViewAndroid);
void onDialogDismissed(long nativeOtpVerificationDialogViewAndroid);