// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/public/cpp/ash_public_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/ash_web_view.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/unguessable_token.h"
#include "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/video_conference.mojom-shared.h"
#include "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/video_conference.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
namespace aura {
class Window;
} // namespace aura
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
} // namespace gfx
namespace media::mojom {
class AudioStreamFactory;
} // namespace media::mojom
namespace recording::mojom {
class RecordingService;
} // namespace recording::mojom
namespace video_capture::mojom {
class VideoSourceProvider;
} // namespace video_capture::mojom
namespace ash {
// Defines the type of the callback that will be invoked when the DLP (Data Leak
// Prevention) manager is checked for any restricted content related to screen
// capture. DLP is checked multiple times (before entering a capture session,
// when performing the capture, during video recording, and at the end when
// video recording ends). If the callback was invoked with `proceed` set to
// true, then capture mode will proceed with any operation that triggered the
// check. Otherwise, capture mode will abort the operation.
using OnCaptureModeDlpRestrictionChecked =
base::OnceCallback<void(bool proceed)>;
// Defines the type of the callback that will be invoked when the remaining free
// space on Drive is retrieved. `free_remaining_bytes` will be set to -1 if
// there is an error in computing the DriveFS quota.
using OnGotDriveFsFreeSpace =
base::OnceCallback<void(int64_t free_remaining_bytes)>;
// Defines the interface for the delegate of CaptureModeController, that can be
// implemented by an ash client (e.g. Chrome). The CaptureModeController owns
// the instance of this delegate.
class ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT CaptureModeDelegate {
enum class CapturePathEnforcement {
// Contains the path to which capture should be saved if enforced or
// recommended by admin policy.
struct PolicyCapturePath {
base::FilePath path;
CapturePathEnforcement enforcement = CapturePathEnforcement::kNone;
virtual ~CaptureModeDelegate() = default;
// Returns the path to the default downloads directory of the currently active
// user. This function can only be called if the user is logged in.
virtual base::FilePath GetUserDefaultDownloadsFolder() const = 0;
// Opens the screenshot or screen recording item with the default handler.
virtual void OpenScreenCaptureItem(const base::FilePath& file_path) = 0;
// Opens the screenshot item in an image editor.
virtual void OpenScreenshotInImageEditor(const base::FilePath& file_path) = 0;
// Returns true if the current user is using the 24-hour format (i.e. 14:00
// vs. 2:00 PM). This is used to build the file name of the captured image or
// video.
virtual bool Uses24HourFormat() const = 0;
// Called when capture mode is being started to check if there are any content
// currently on the screen that are restricted by DLP. `callback` will be
// triggered by the DLP manager with `proceed` set to true if capture mode
// initialization is allowed to continue, or set to false if it should be
// aborted.
virtual void CheckCaptureModeInitRestrictionByDlp(
OnCaptureModeDlpRestrictionChecked callback) = 0;
// Checks whether capture of the region defined by |window| and |bounds|
// is currently allowed by the Data Leak Prevention feature. `callback` will
// be triggered by the DLP manager with `proceed` set to true if capture of
// that region is allowed, or set to false otherwise.
virtual void CheckCaptureOperationRestrictionByDlp(
const aura::Window* window,
const gfx::Rect& bounds,
OnCaptureModeDlpRestrictionChecked callback) = 0;
// Returns whether screen capture is allowed by an enterprise policy.
virtual bool IsCaptureAllowedByPolicy() const = 0;
// Called when a video capture for |window| and |bounds| area is started, so
// that Data Leak Prevention can start observing the area.
// |on_area_restricted_callback| will be called when the area becomes
// restricted so that the capture should be interrupted.
virtual void StartObservingRestrictedContent(
const aura::Window* window,
const gfx::Rect& bounds,
base::OnceClosure on_area_restricted_callback) = 0;
// Called when the running video capture is stopped. DLP will be checked to
// determine if there were any restricted content warnings during the
// recording, which didn't merit force-stopping it via the above
// `on_area_restricted_callback`. In this case, DLP shows a warning dialog and
// delegates the decision to the user to decide whether to keep the video (if
// `proceed` is set to true), or delete it (if `proceed` is set
// to false).
virtual void StopObservingRestrictedContent(
OnCaptureModeDlpRestrictionChecked callback) = 0;
// Notifies DLP that taking a screenshot was attempted. Called after checking
// DLP restrictions.
virtual void OnCaptureImageAttempted(const aura::Window* window,
const gfx::Rect& bounds) = 0;
// Launches the Recording Service into a separate utility process.
virtual mojo::Remote<recording::mojom::RecordingService>
LaunchRecordingService() = 0;
// Binds the given AudioStreamFactory |receiver| to the audio service.
virtual void BindAudioStreamFactory(
mojo::PendingReceiver<media::mojom::AudioStreamFactory> receiver) = 0;
// Called when a capture mode session starts or stops.
virtual void OnSessionStateChanged(bool started) = 0;
// Called after the controller resets its |mojo::Remote| instance of the
// service.
virtual void OnServiceRemoteReset() = 0;
// Gets the DriveFS mount point. Returns true if the Drive is mounted false
// otherwise.
// TODO(michelefan): Now we have both CaptureModeDelegate and ProjectorClient
// expose the GetDriveFsMountPointPath. Add the APIs in ShellDelegate which is
// implemented by ChromeShellDelegate in chrome and TestShellDelegate in
// ash_unittests to reduce the duplication.
virtual bool GetDriveFsMountPointPath(base::FilePath* path) const = 0;
// Returns the absolute path for the user's Android Play files.
virtual base::FilePath GetAndroidFilesPath() const = 0;
// Returns the absolute path for the user's Linux Files.
virtual base::FilePath GetLinuxFilesPath() const = 0;
// Gets the OneDrive mount point. Returns empty if OneDrive is not mounted.
virtual base::FilePath GetOneDriveMountPointPath() const = 0;
// Returns the path to save files if policy set by admin.
virtual PolicyCapturePath GetPolicyCapturePath() const = 0;
// Connects the given `receiver` to the VideoSourceProvider implementation in
// the video capture service.
virtual void ConnectToVideoSourceProvider(
receiver) = 0;
// Gets the remaining free space on DriveFS and invokes `callback` with that
// value, or -1 if there's an error in computing the DriveFS quota.
virtual void GetDriveFsFreeSpaceBytes(OnGotDriveFsFreeSpace callback) = 0;
// Returns true if camera support is disabled by admins via
// the `SystemFeaturesDisableList` policy, false otherwise.
virtual bool IsCameraDisabledByPolicy() const = 0;
// Returns true if audio recording is disabled by admins via the
// `AudioCaptureAllowed` policy.
virtual bool IsAudioCaptureDisabledByPolicy() const = 0;
// Registers the given `client` as a video conference manager client with the
// provided `client_id`.
virtual void RegisterVideoConferenceManagerClient(
crosapi::mojom::VideoConferenceManagerClient* client,
const base::UnguessableToken& client_id) = 0;
// Unregisters the client whose ID is the given `client_id` from the video
// conference manager.
virtual void UnregisterVideoConferenceManagerClient(
const base::UnguessableToken& client_id) = 0;
// Updates the video conference manager with the given media usage `status`.
// This will in-turn update the video conference panel on the shelf.
virtual void UpdateVideoConferenceManager(
crosapi::mojom::VideoConferenceMediaUsageStatusPtr status) = 0;
// Requests that the video conference manager notifies the user that the given
// `device` (e.g. a camera or microphone) is being used for a screen recording
// while the device is disabled.
virtual void NotifyDeviceUsedWhileDisabled(
crosapi::mojom::VideoConferenceMediaDevice device) = 0;
// Requests to finalize the location for the saved file, e.g. move it to cloud
// storage if it was saved to a temporary local location. `callback` will be
// called after the file is confirmed to be in the final location with a bool
// success flag and the final file path if successful.
virtual void FinalizeSavedFile(
base::OnceCallback<void(bool, const base::FilePath&)> callback,
const base::FilePath& path) = 0;
// Returns a temporary location where a file with the capture should be saved
// instead of `path`, if needed, e.g. to be uploaded to cloud later.
virtual base::FilePath RedirectFilePath(const base::FilePath& path) = 0;
// Returns an instance of the concrete class of `SearchResultsView`.
virtual std::unique_ptr<AshWebView> CreateSearchResultsView() const = 0;
} // namespace ash