
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/types/variant.h"
#include "quiche/common/platform/api/quiche_export.h"
#include "quiche/common/platform/api/quiche_logging.h"

namespace quiche {
namespace structured_headers {

// This file implements parsing of HTTP structured headers, as defined in
// RFC8941 ( For compatibility with
// the shipped implementation of Web Packaging, this file also supports a
// previous revision of the standard, referred to here as "Draft 9".
// (
// The major difference between the two revisions is in the various list
// formats: Draft 9 describes "parameterised lists" and "lists-of-lists", while
// the final RFC uses a single "list" syntax, whose members may be inner lists.
// There should be no ambiguity, however, as the code which calls this parser
// should be expecting only a single type for a given header.
// References within the code are tagged with either [SH09] or [RFC8941],
// depending on which revision they refer to.
// Currently supported data types are:
//  Item:
//   integer: 123
//   string: "abc"
//   token: abc
//   byte sequence: *YWJj*
//  Parameterised list: abc_123;a=1;b=2; cdef_456, ghi;q="9";r="w"
//  List-of-lists: "foo";"bar", "baz", "bat"; "one"
//  List: "foo", "bar", "It was the best of times."
//        ("foo" "bar"), ("baz"), ("bat" "one"), ()
//        abc;a=1;b=2; cde_456, (ghi jkl);q="9";r=w
//  Dictionary: a=(1 2), b=3, c=4;aa=bb, d=(5 6);valid=?0
// Functions are provided to parse each of these, which are intended to be
// called with the complete value of an HTTP header (that is, any
// sub-structure will be handled internally by the parser; the exported
// functions are not intended to be called on partial header strings.) Input
// values should be ASCII byte strings (non-ASCII characters should not be
// present in Structured Header values, and will cause the entire header to fail
// to parse.)

class QUICHE_EXPORT Item {};

// Returns a human-readable representation of an ItemType.
QUICHE_EXPORT absl::string_view ItemTypeToString(Item::ItemType type);

// Returns `true` if the string is a valid Token value.
QUICHE_EXPORT bool IsValidToken(absl::string_view str);

// Holds a ParameterizedIdentifier (draft 9 only). The contained Item must be a
// Token, and there may be any number of parameters. Parameter ordering is not
// significant.
struct QUICHE_EXPORT ParameterisedIdentifier {};

inline bool operator==(const ParameterisedIdentifier& lhs,
                       const ParameterisedIdentifier& rhs) {}


struct QUICHE_EXPORT ParameterizedItem {};

inline bool operator==(const ParameterizedItem& lhs,
                       const ParameterizedItem& rhs) {}

inline bool operator!=(const ParameterizedItem& lhs,
                       const ParameterizedItem& rhs) {}

// Holds a ParameterizedMember, which may be either an single Item, or an Inner
// List of ParameterizedItems, along with any number of parameters. Parameter
// ordering is significant.
struct QUICHE_EXPORT ParameterizedMember {};

inline bool operator==(const ParameterizedMember& lhs,
                       const ParameterizedMember& rhs) {}


// Structured Headers RFC8941 Dictionary.
class QUICHE_EXPORT Dictionary {};

inline bool operator==(const Dictionary& lhs, const Dictionary& rhs) {}

inline bool operator!=(const Dictionary& lhs, const Dictionary& rhs) {}

// Structured Headers Draft 09 Parameterised List.
// Structured Headers Draft 09 List of Lists.
// Structured Headers RFC8941 List.

// Returns the result of parsing the header value as an Item, if it can be
// parsed as one, or nullopt if it cannot. Note that this uses the Draft 15
// parsing rules, and so applies tighter range limits to integers.
QUICHE_EXPORT std::optional<ParameterizedItem> ParseItem(absl::string_view str);

// Returns the result of parsing the header value as an Item with no parameters,
// or nullopt if it cannot. Note that this uses the Draft 15 parsing rules, and
// so applies tighter range limits to integers.
QUICHE_EXPORT std::optional<Item> ParseBareItem(absl::string_view str);

// Returns the result of parsing the header value as a Parameterised List, if it
// can be parsed as one, or nullopt if it cannot. Note that parameter keys will
// be returned as strings, which are guaranteed to be ASCII-encoded. List items,
// as well as parameter values, will be returned as Items. This method uses the
// Draft 09 parsing rules for Items, so integers have the 64-bit int range.
// Structured-Headers Draft 09 only.
QUICHE_EXPORT std::optional<ParameterisedList> ParseParameterisedList(
    absl::string_view str);

// Returns the result of parsing the header value as a List of Lists, if it can
// be parsed as one, or nullopt if it cannot. Inner list items will be returned
// as Items. This method uses the Draft 09 parsing rules for Items, so integers
// have the 64-bit int range.
// Structured-Headers Draft 09 only.
QUICHE_EXPORT std::optional<ListOfLists> ParseListOfLists(
    absl::string_view str);

// Returns the result of parsing the header value as a general List, if it can
// be parsed as one, or nullopt if it cannot.
// Structured-Headers Draft 15 only.
QUICHE_EXPORT std::optional<List> ParseList(absl::string_view str);

// Returns the result of parsing the header value as a general Dictionary, if it
// can be parsed as one, or nullopt if it cannot. Structured-Headers Draft 15
// only.
QUICHE_EXPORT std::optional<Dictionary> ParseDictionary(absl::string_view str);

// Serialization is implemented for Structured-Headers Draft 15 only.
QUICHE_EXPORT std::optional<std::string> SerializeItem(const Item& value);
QUICHE_EXPORT std::optional<std::string> SerializeItem(
    const ParameterizedItem& value);
QUICHE_EXPORT std::optional<std::string> SerializeList(const List& value);
QUICHE_EXPORT std::optional<std::string> SerializeDictionary(
    const Dictionary& value);

}  // namespace structured_headers
}  // namespace quiche