// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/public/cpp/ash_public_export.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
class AccountId;
namespace ash {
// Actions that might require parental approval.
enum class SupervisedAction {
// Unlock a Chromebook that is locked due to a Time Limit policy.
// When Chrome is unable to automatically verify if the OS time is correct
// the user becomes able to manually change the clock. The entry points are
// the settings page (in-session) and the tray bubble (out-session).
// Change timezone from the settings page.
// Add user flow.
// Re-authentication flow.
// The result of parent access code validation.
enum class ParentCodeValidationResult {
// Parent code is valid.
// Parent code is invalid. Can also happen if the configuration on the device
// is outdated.
// No matching parent access code configuration available on the device.
// Internal error of the system processing parent access code.
// ParentAccessController serves as a single point of access for PIN requests
// regarding parent access. It takes care of showing and hiding the PIN UI, as
// well as logging usage metrics.
class ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT ParentAccessController {
virtual ~ParentAccessController();
// Get the instance of |ParentAccessController|.
static ParentAccessController* Get();
// Shows a standalone parent access dialog. If |child_account_id| is valid, it
// validates the parent access code for that child only, when it is empty it
// validates the code for any child signed in the device.
// |on_exit_callback| is invoked when the back button is clicked or the
// correct code is entered.
// |action| contains information about why the parent
// access view is necessary, it is used to modify the view appearance by
// changing the title and description strings and background color.
// The parent access widget is a modal and already contains a dimmer, however
// when another modal is the parent of the widget, the dimmer will be placed
// behind the two windows.
// |extra_dimmer| will create an extra dimmer between the two.
// |validation_time| is the time that will be used to validate the
// code, if null the system's time will be used. Note: this is intended for
// children only. If a non child account id is provided, the validation will
// necessarily fail.
// Returns whether opening the dialog was successful. Will fail if another PIN
// dialog is already opened.
virtual bool ShowWidget(const AccountId& child_account_id,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool success)> callback,
SupervisedAction action,
bool extra_dimmer,
base::Time validation_time) = 0;
} // namespace ash