// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "ash/public/cpp/ash_public_export.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/uuid.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/app_restore/restore_data.h"
#include "components/sync_device_info/device_info.h"
namespace aura {
class Window;
} // namespace aura
namespace ash {
// Indicates where a desk template originated from.
enum class ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT DeskTemplateSource {
// Default value, indicates no value was set.
kUnknownSource = 0,
// Desk template created by the user.
// Desk template pushed through policy.
enum class ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT DeskTemplateType {
// Regular desk template.
kTemplate = 0,
// Desk saved for Save & Recall.
// Desk saved for Floating Workspace.
// Unknown desk type. This desk is probably created by a later version and
// should be ignored.
// Class to represent a desk template. It can be used to create a desk with
// a certain set of application windows specified in |desk_restore_data_|.
class ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT DeskTemplate {
// This constructor is used to instantiate DeskTemplate with a specific
// source.
DeskTemplate(base::Uuid uuid,
DeskTemplateSource source,
const std::string& name,
const base::Time created_time,
DeskTemplateType type);
// Alternative constructor used if template is defined via policy.
DeskTemplate(base::Uuid uuid,
DeskTemplateSource source,
const std::string& name,
const base::Time created_time,
DeskTemplateType type,
bool should_launch_on_startup,
base::Value policy);
DeskTemplate(const DeskTemplate&) = delete;
DeskTemplate& operator=(const DeskTemplate&) = delete;
// Returns whether desk templates support the `window`'s app type.
static bool IsAppTypeSupported(aura::Window* window);
// A special value to use as an icon identifier for an incognito window.
static constexpr char kIncognitoWindowIdentifier[] = "incognito_window";
const base::Uuid& uuid() const { return uuid_; }
void set_uuid(base::Uuid uuid) { uuid_ = std::move(uuid); }
DeskTemplateSource source() const { return source_; }
base::Time created_time() const { return created_time_; }
void set_updated_time(base::Time updated_time) {
updated_time_ = updated_time;
void clear_updated_time() { updated_time_ = base::Time(); }
const std::u16string& template_name() const { return template_name_; }
void set_template_name(const std::u16string& template_name) {
template_name_ = template_name;
DeskTemplateType type() const { return type_; }
const ::app_restore::RestoreData* desk_restore_data() const {
return desk_restore_data_.get();
::app_restore::RestoreData* mutable_desk_restore_data() {
return desk_restore_data_.get();
void set_desk_restore_data(
std::unique_ptr<::app_restore::RestoreData> restore_data) {
desk_restore_data_ = std::move(restore_data);
void set_launch_id(int32_t launch_id) { launch_id_ = launch_id; }
int32_t launch_id() const { return launch_id_; }
void set_client_cache_guid(std::string client_cache_guid) {
client_cache_guid_ = client_cache_guid;
const std::string& client_cache_guid() const { return client_cache_guid_; }
const syncer::DeviceInfo::FormFactor& device_form_factor() const {
return device_form_factor_;
void set_device_form_factor(
const syncer::DeviceInfo::FormFactor& device_form_factor) {
device_form_factor_ = device_form_factor;
// The lacros profile ID associated with the saved desk. Only used when type
// is `kSaveAndRecall`.
void set_lacros_profile_id(uint64_t lacros_profile_id) {
lacros_profile_id_ = lacros_profile_id;
uint64_t lacros_profile_id() const { return lacros_profile_id_; }
// Used in cases where copies of a DeskTemplate are needed to be made.
// This specifically used in the DeskSyncBridge which requires a map
// of DeskTemplate unique pointers to be valid and needs to pass
// that information in DeskModel callbacks.
std::unique_ptr<DeskTemplate> Clone() const;
// Indicates the last time the user created or updated this template.
// If this desk template was never updated since creation, its creation time
// will be returned.
base::Time GetLastUpdatedTime() const {
return updated_time_.is_null() ? created_time_ : updated_time_;
// Indicates whether this template has been updated since creation.
bool WasUpdatedSinceCreation() const { return !updated_time_.is_null(); }
// Indicates whether this template can be modified by user.
bool IsModifiable() const { return source_ == DeskTemplateSource::kUser; }
// This template should launch on startup.
bool should_launch_on_startup() const { return should_launch_on_startup_; }
// Sets `desk_uuid` as the desk to launch on for all windows in the template.
void SetDeskUuid(base::Uuid desk_uuid);
// Retrieves the base::Value policy definition for this template if it exists.
// This is used by desks storage to verify that new policies should overwrite
// stored ones. Empty values imply user created template, this method will
// return a base::value::Dict if policy is defined.
const base::Value& policy_definition() const { return policy_definition_; }
// Returns `this` in string format. Used for feedback logs.
std::string ToString() const;
// Returns `this` in string format. Used for debugging.
std::string ToDebugString() const;
// Returns a string containing basic information for `this`. It could be
// used for `ToString` and `ToDebugString` according to the given
// `for_debugging`.
std::string GetDeskTemplateInfo(bool for_debugging) const;
base::Uuid uuid_; // We utilize the string based base::Uuid to uniquely
// identify the template.
// Indicates the source where this desk template originates from.
const DeskTemplateSource source_;
// The type of this desk template.
const DeskTemplateType type_;
const base::Time created_time_; // Template creation time.
// Indicates the last time the user updated this template.
// If this desk template was never updated since creation, this field will
// have null value.
base::Time updated_time_;
std::u16string template_name_;
// If this is an admin template, determines if it should be launched on
// startup.
bool should_launch_on_startup_ = false;
// The id associated with a particular launch of this template. Must be
// positive when launching.
int32_t launch_id_ = 0;
// The device sync id associated with this desk template. This is only set
// for templates saved via `DeskSyncBridge`.
std::string client_cache_guid_;
// Form Factor of device this template is from.
syncer::DeviceInfo::FormFactor device_form_factor_;
// The lacros profile ID associated with the desk.
uint64_t lacros_profile_id_ = 0;
// Contains the app launching and window information that can be used to
// create a new desk instance with the same set of apps/windows specified in
// it.
std::unique_ptr<::app_restore::RestoreData> desk_restore_data_;
// If this template was originally defined by a policy, store the policy in
// this field. See GetPolicy for more information.
base::Value policy_definition_;
} // namespace ash