// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.ui.native_page;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.doReturn;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.robolectric.annotation.Config;
import org.chromium.base.test.BaseRobolectricTestRunner;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ui.native_page.NativePage.NativePageType;
import org.chromium.url.GURL;
/** Tests public methods in NativePage. */
@Config(manifest = Config.NONE)
public class NativePageTest {
public static class UrlCombo {
public String url;
public @NativePageType int expectedType;
public UrlCombo(String url, @NativePageType int expectedType) {
this.url = url;
this.expectedType = expectedType;
public static final UrlCombo[] VALID_URLS = {
new UrlCombo("chrome-native://newtab", NativePageType.NTP),
new UrlCombo("chrome-native://newtab/", NativePageType.NTP),
new UrlCombo("chrome-native://bookmarks", NativePageType.BOOKMARKS),
new UrlCombo("chrome-native://bookmarks/", NativePageType.BOOKMARKS),
new UrlCombo("chrome-native://bookmarks/#245", NativePageType.BOOKMARKS),
new UrlCombo("chrome-native://recent-tabs", NativePageType.RECENT_TABS),
new UrlCombo("chrome-native://recent-tabs/", NativePageType.RECENT_TABS),
new UrlCombo("chrome://history/", NativePageType.HISTORY)
public static final String[] INVALID_URLS = {
"[email protected]:80",
"recent-tabs bookmarks",
public static boolean isValidInIncognito(UrlCombo urlCombo) {
return urlCombo.expectedType != NativePageType.RECENT_TABS;
/** Ensures that NativePage.isNativePageUrl() returns true for native page URLs. */
public void testPositiveIsNativePageUrl() {
for (UrlCombo urlCombo : VALID_URLS) {
String url = urlCombo.url;
GURL gurl = new GURL(url);
Assert.assertTrue(url, NativePage.isNativePageUrl(gurl, false, false));
if (isValidInIncognito(urlCombo)) {
Assert.assertTrue(url, NativePage.isNativePageUrl(gurl, true, false));
* Ensures that NativePage.isNativePageUrl() returns false for URLs that don't correspond to a
* native page.
public void testNegativeIsNativePageUrl() {
for (String invalidUrl : INVALID_URLS) {
GURL gurl = new GURL(invalidUrl);
Assert.assertFalse(invalidUrl, NativePage.isNativePageUrl(gurl, false, false));
Assert.assertFalse(invalidUrl, NativePage.isNativePageUrl(gurl, true, false));
public void testNativePageType_Pdf() {
String url1 = "chrome-native://pdf/link?url=xyz";
String url2 = "chrome-native://pdf/link?url=abc";
NativePage candidatePage = mock(NativePage.class);
"Candidate page should be reused when url matches",
NativePage.nativePageType(url1, candidatePage, false, true));
"Candidate page should not be reused when url does not match",
NativePage.nativePageType(url1, candidatePage, false, true));
"Native page should not be created without associated pdf download",
NativePage.nativePageType(url1, candidatePage, false, false));