
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


import android.content.ComponentCallbacks;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnLayoutChangeListener;
import android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener;
import android.view.WindowInsets;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.core.view.WindowInsetsCompat;

import org.chromium.base.BuildInfo;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.base.supplier.ObservableSupplierImpl;
import org.chromium.base.supplier.Supplier;
import org.chromium.ui.base.DeviceFormFactor;
import org.chromium.ui.base.ViewUtils;
import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid;
import org.chromium.ui.display.DisplayUtil;

 * Implementation of {@link OmniboxSuggestionsDropdownEmbedder} that positions it using an "anchor"
 * and "horizontal alignment" view.
class OmniboxSuggestionsDropdownEmbedderImpl
        implements OmniboxSuggestionsDropdownEmbedder,
                ComponentCallbacks {
    private final ObservableSupplierImpl<OmniboxAlignment> mOmniboxAlignmentSupplier =
            new ObservableSupplierImpl<>();
    private final @NonNull WindowAndroid mWindowAndroid;
    private final @NonNull View mAnchorView;
    private final @NonNull View mAlignmentView;
    private final boolean mForcePhoneStyleOmnibox;
    private final Supplier<Integer> mKeyboardHeightSupplier;
    private final @NonNull Context mContext;
    // Reusable int array to pass to positioning methods that operate on a two element int array.
    // Keeping it as a member lets us avoid allocating a temp array every time.
    private final int[] mPositionArray = new int[2];
    private int mVerticalOffsetInWindow;
    private int mWindowWidthDp;
    private int mWindowHeightDp;
    private WindowInsetsCompat mWindowInsetsCompat;
    private @Nullable View mBaseChromeLayout;

     * @param windowAndroid Window object in which the dropdown will be displayed.
     * @param anchorView View to which the dropdown should be "anchored" i.e. vertically positioned
     *     next to and matching the width of. This must be a descendant of the top-level content
     *     ( view.
     * @param alignmentView View to which: 1. The dropdown should be horizontally aligned to when
     *     its width is smaller than the anchor view. 2. The dropdown should vertically align to
     *     during animations. This must be a descendant of the anchor view.
     * @param baseChromeLayout The base view hosting Chrome that certain views (e.g. the omnibox
     *     suggestion list) will position themselves relative to. If null, the content view will be
     *     used.
            @NonNull WindowAndroid windowAndroid,
            @NonNull View anchorView,
            @NonNull View alignmentView,
            boolean forcePhoneStyleOmnibox,
            @Nullable View baseChromeLayout,
            Supplier<Integer> keyboardHeightSupplier) {
        mWindowAndroid = windowAndroid;
        mAnchorView = anchorView;
        mAlignmentView = alignmentView;
        mForcePhoneStyleOmnibox = forcePhoneStyleOmnibox;
        mKeyboardHeightSupplier = keyboardHeightSupplier;
        mContext = mAnchorView.getContext();
        Configuration configuration = mContext.getResources().getConfiguration();
        mWindowWidthDp = configuration.smallestScreenWidthDp;
        mWindowHeightDp = configuration.screenHeightDp;
        mBaseChromeLayout = baseChromeLayout;

    public OmniboxAlignment addAlignmentObserver(Callback<OmniboxAlignment> obs) {
        return mOmniboxAlignmentSupplier.addObserver(obs);

    public void removeAlignmentObserver(Callback<OmniboxAlignment> obs) {

    public OmniboxAlignment getCurrentAlignment() {
        return mOmniboxAlignmentSupplier.get();

    public boolean isTablet() {
        if (mForcePhoneStyleOmnibox) return false;
        return mWindowWidthDp >= DeviceFormFactor.MINIMUM_TABLET_WIDTH_DP
                && DeviceFormFactor.isWindowOnTablet(mWindowAndroid);

    public void onAttachedToWindow() {

    public void onDetachedFromWindow() {

    // View.OnLayoutChangeListener
    public void onLayoutChange(
            View v,
            int left,
            int top,
            int right,
            int bottom,
            int oldLeft,
            int oldTop,
            int oldRight,
            int oldBottom) {

    // OnGlobalLayoutListener
    public void onGlobalLayout() {
        if (offsetInWindowChanged(mAnchorView) || insetsHaveChanged(mAnchorView)) {

    // ComponentCallbacks
    public void onConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Configuration newConfig) {
        int windowWidth = newConfig.screenWidthDp;
        int windowHeight = newConfig.screenHeightDp;
        if (windowWidth == mWindowWidthDp && mWindowHeightDp == windowHeight) return;
        mWindowWidthDp = windowWidth;
        mWindowHeightDp = windowHeight;


    public void onLowMemory() {}

    public float getVerticalTranslationForAnimation() {
        return mAlignmentView.getTranslationY();

     * Recalculates the desired alignment of the omnibox and sends the updated alignment data to any
     * observers. Currently will send an update message unconditionally. This method is called
     * during layout and should avoid memory allocations other than the necessary new
     * OmniboxAlignment(). The method aligns the omnibox dropdown as follows:
     * <p>Case 1: Omnibox revamp enabled on tablet window.
     * <pre>
     *  | anchor  [  alignment  ]       |
     *            |  dropdown   |
     * </pre>
     * <p>Case 2: Omnibox revamp disabled on tablet window.
     * <pre>
     *  | anchor    [alignment]         |
     *  |{pad_left} dropdown {pad_right}|
     * </pre>
     * <p>Case 3: Phone window. Full width and no padding.
     * <pre>
     *  | anchor     [alignment]        |
     *  |           dropdown            |
     * </pre>
    void recalculateOmniboxAlignment() {
        View contentView = mAnchorView.getRootView().findViewById(;
        int contentViewTopPadding = contentView == null ? 0 : contentView.getPaddingTop();

        // If there is a base Chrome layout, calculate the relative position from it rather than
        // the content view. Sometimes, Chrome will add an intermediate layout to host certain
        // views above the toolbar, such as the top back button toolbar on automotive devices.
        // Since the omnibox alignment top padding will position the omnibox relative to this base
        // layout, rather than the content view, the base layout should be used here to avoid
        // "double counting" and creating a gap between the browser controls and omnibox
        // suggestions.
        View baseRelativeLayout = mBaseChromeLayout != null ? mBaseChromeLayout : contentView;
        ViewUtils.getRelativeLayoutPosition(baseRelativeLayout, mAnchorView, mPositionArray);

        int top = mPositionArray[1] + mAnchorView.getMeasuredHeight() - contentViewTopPadding;
        int left;
        int width;
        int paddingLeft;
        int paddingRight;
        if (isTablet()) {
            ViewUtils.getRelativeLayoutPosition(mAnchorView, mAlignmentView, mPositionArray);
            // Width equal to alignment view and left equivalent to left of alignment view. Top
            // minus a small overlap.
            top -=
            int sideSpacing = OmniboxResourceProvider.getDropdownSideSpacing(mContext);
            width = mAlignmentView.getMeasuredWidth() + 2 * sideSpacing;

            if (mAnchorView.getLayoutDirection() == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL) {
                // The view will be shifted to the left, so the adjustment needs to be negative.
                left = -(mAnchorView.getMeasuredWidth() - width - mPositionArray[0] + sideSpacing);
            } else {
                left = mPositionArray[0] - sideSpacing;
            paddingLeft = 0;
            paddingRight = 0;
        } else {
            // Case 3: phones or phone-sized windows on tablets. Full bleed width with no padding or
            // positioning adjustments.
            left = 0;
            width = mAnchorView.getMeasuredWidth();
            paddingLeft = 0;
            paddingRight = 0;

        int keyboardHeight = mKeyboardHeightSupplier.get();

        int windowHeight;
        if (BuildInfo.getInstance().isAutomotive
                && contentView != null
                && contentView.getRootWindowInsets() != null) {
            // Some automotive devices dismiss bottom system bars when bringing up the keyboard,
            // preventing the height of those bottom bars from being subtracted from the keyboard.
            // To avoid a bottom-bar-sized gap above the keyboard, Chrome needs to calculate a new
            // window height from the display with the new system bar insets, rather than rely on
            // the cached mWindowHeightDp (that implicitly assumes persistence of the now-dismissed
            // bottom system bars).
            WindowInsetsCompat windowInsets =
            Insets systemBars = windowInsets.getInsets(WindowInsetsCompat.Type.systemBars());
            windowHeight =
                            - systemBars.bottom;
        } else {
            windowHeight = DisplayUtil.dpToPx(mWindowAndroid.getDisplay(), mWindowHeightDp);

        int minSpaceAboveWindowBottom =
        int windowSpace =
                Math.min(windowHeight - keyboardHeight, windowHeight - minSpaceAboveWindowBottom);
        // If content view is null, then omnibox might not be in the activity content.
        int contentSpace =
                contentView == null
                        ? Integer.MAX_VALUE
                        : contentView.getMeasuredHeight() - keyboardHeight;
        int height = Math.min(windowSpace, contentSpace) - top;

        // TODO(pnoland@, avoid pushing changes that are identical to
        // the previous alignment value.
        OmniboxAlignment omniboxAlignment =
                new OmniboxAlignment(left, top, width, height, paddingLeft, paddingRight);

     * Returns whether the given view's position in the window has changed since the last call to
     * offsetInWindowChanged().
    private boolean offsetInWindowChanged(View view) {
        boolean result = mVerticalOffsetInWindow != mPositionArray[1];
        mVerticalOffsetInWindow = mPositionArray[1];
        return result;

     * Returns whether the window insets corresponding to the given view have changed since the last
     * call to insetsHaveChanged().
    private boolean insetsHaveChanged(View view) {
        WindowInsets rootWindowInsets = view.getRootWindowInsets();
        if (rootWindowInsets == null) return false;
        WindowInsetsCompat windowInsetsCompat =
                WindowInsetsCompat.toWindowInsetsCompat(view.getRootWindowInsets(), view);
        boolean result = !windowInsetsCompat.equals(mWindowInsetsCompat);
        mWindowInsetsCompat = windowInsetsCompat;
        return result;