// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox;
import android.content.Context;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.ui.accessibility.AccessibilityState;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* An autocomplete model that appends autocomplete text at the end of query/URL text as
* SpannableString. By wrapping all the keyboard related operations in a batch edit, we can
* effectively hide the existence of autocomplete text from keyboard.
public class SpannableAutocompleteEditTextModel
implements AutocompleteEditTextModelBase, AutocompleteInputConnection.InputDelegate {
private static final String TAG = "SpanAutocomplete";
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
// A pattern that matches strings consisting of English and European character sets, numbers,
// punctuations, and a white space.
private static final Pattern NON_COMPOSITIONAL_TEXT_PATTERN =
+ " 0-9]*");
private final AutocompleteEditTextModelBase.Delegate mDelegate;
// The current state that reflects EditText view's current state through callbacks such as
// onSelectionChanged() and onTextChanged(). It reflects all the latest changes even in a batch
// edit. The autocomplete text here is meaningless in the middle of a change.
private final AutocompleteState mCurrentState;
// This keeps track of the state in which previous notification was sent. It prevents redundant
// or unnecessary notification.
private final AutocompleteState mPreviouslyNotifiedState;
// This keeps track of the autocompletetext that we need to show (at the end of batch edit if
// we are in the middle of it), and also the matching user text that it should be appended to.
// Note that this potentially allows the controller to update in a delayed manner.
private final AutocompleteState mPreviouslySetState;
private final SpanCursorController mSpanCursorController;
private AutocompleteInputConnection mInputConnection;
private boolean mLastEditWasTyping = true;
private boolean mIgnoreTextChangeFromAutocomplete = true;
private int mBatchEditNestCount;
private int mDeletePostfixOnNextBeginImeCommand;
// For testing.
private int mLastUpdateSelStart;
private int mLastUpdateSelEnd;
// This controls whether AutocompleteEditText is permitted to pass-through specific
// Accessibility announcements, in particular the TEXT_CHANGED and TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED.
// The only events of the above type that are allowed are ones coming from
// SpannableAutocompleteEditTextModel.
private boolean mDelegateShouldIgnoreAccessibilityEvents = true;
public SpannableAutocompleteEditTextModel(
AutocompleteEditTextModelBase.Delegate delegate, Context context) {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "constructor");
mDelegate = delegate;
mCurrentState =
new AutocompleteState(
mPreviouslyNotifiedState = new AutocompleteState(mCurrentState);
mPreviouslySetState = new AutocompleteState(mCurrentState);
mSpanCursorController = new SpanCursorController(delegate, context);
public InputConnection onCreateInputConnection(InputConnection inputConnection) {
mLastUpdateSelStart = mDelegate.getSelectionStart();
mLastUpdateSelEnd = mDelegate.getSelectionEnd();
mBatchEditNestCount = 0;
if (inputConnection == null) {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "onCreateInputConnection: null");
mInputConnection = null;
return null;
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "onCreateInputConnection");
mInputConnection = new AutocompleteInputConnection(this);
return mInputConnection;
public void setInputConnectionForTesting(AutocompleteInputConnection connection) {
mInputConnection = connection;
private void sendAccessibilityEventForUserTextChange(
AutocompleteState oldState, AutocompleteState newState) {
int addedCount = -1;
int removedCount = -1;
int fromIndex = -1;
if (newState.isBackwardDeletedFrom(oldState)) {
addedCount = 0;
removedCount = oldState.getText().length() - newState.getUserText().length();
fromIndex = newState.getUserText().length();
} else if (newState.isForwardTypedFrom(oldState)) {
addedCount = newState.getUserText().length() - oldState.getUserText().length();
removedCount = oldState.getAutocompleteText().map(t -> t.length()).orElse(0);
fromIndex = oldState.getUserText().length();
} else if (newState.getUserText().equals(oldState.getUserText())) {
addedCount = 0;
removedCount = oldState.getAutocompleteText().map(t -> t.length()).orElse(0);
fromIndex = oldState.getUserText().length();
} else {
// Assume that the whole text has been replaced.
addedCount = newState.getText().length();
removedCount = oldState.getUserText().length();
fromIndex = 0;
mDelegateShouldIgnoreAccessibilityEvents = false;
if (!oldState.getText().equals(newState.getText())
&& (addedCount != 0 || removedCount != 0)) {
AccessibilityEvent event =
if (oldState.getSelStart() != newState.getSelStart()
|| oldState.getSelEnd() != newState.getSelEnd()) {
mDelegateShouldIgnoreAccessibilityEvents = true;
private void sendAccessibilityEventForAppendingAutocomplete(AutocompleteState newState) {
if (!newState.getAutocompleteText().isPresent()) return;
// Note that only text changes and selection does not change.
AccessibilityEvent eventTextChanged =
newState.getAutocompleteText().map(t -> t.length()).orElse(0));
mDelegateShouldIgnoreAccessibilityEvents = false;
mDelegateShouldIgnoreAccessibilityEvents = true;
private void notifyAccessibilityService() {
if (mCurrentState.equals(mPreviouslyNotifiedState)) return;
if (!AccessibilityState.isAccessibilityEnabled()) return;
sendAccessibilityEventForUserTextChange(mPreviouslyNotifiedState, mCurrentState);
// Read autocomplete text separately.
public void notifyAutocompleteTextStateChanged() {
if (DEBUG) {
"notifyAutocompleteTextStateChanged PRV[%s] CUR[%s] IGN[%b]",
if (mBatchEditNestCount > 0) {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "Did not notify - in batch edit.");
if (mCurrentState.equals(mPreviouslyNotifiedState)) {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "Did not notify - no change.");
if (mCurrentState.getUserText().equals(mPreviouslyNotifiedState.getUserText())
&& (mCurrentState.getAutocompleteText().isPresent()
|| !mPreviouslyNotifiedState.getAutocompleteText().isPresent())) {
// Nothing has changed except that autocomplete text has been set or modified. Or
// selection change did not affect autocomplete text. Autocomplete text is set by the
// controller, so only text change or deletion of autocomplete text should be notified.
if (mIgnoreTextChangeFromAutocomplete) {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "Did not notify - ignored.");
// The current model's mechanism always moves the cursor at the end of user text, so we
// don't need to update the display.
mDelegate.onAutocompleteTextStateChanged(/* updateDisplay= */ false);
public void clearAutocompleteText() {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "clearAutocomplete");
private void clearAutocompleteTextAndUpdateSpanCursor() {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "clearAutocompleteAndUpdateSpanCursor");
// Take effect and notify if not already in a batch edit.
if (mInputConnection != null) {
} else {
// These cursor movements commit the autocomplete and apply the movement.
private boolean cursorMovementCommitsAutocomplete(final KeyEvent event) {
int code = event.getKeyCode();
return code == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MOVE_END
|| code == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MOVE_HOME
|| code == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT
|| code == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT;
public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(final KeyEvent event) {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "dispatchKeyEvent");
if (mInputConnection == null) {
return mDelegate.super_dispatchKeyEvent(event);
boolean retVal;
if (hasAutocomplete() && event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_FORWARD_DEL) {
// The editor doesn't see the selected text so won't handle forward delete.
mLastEditWasTyping = false;
retVal = true;
} else if (cursorMovementCommitsAutocomplete(event)) {
// These commands treat the autocomplete suggestion as a selection and then apply
// the cursor movement.
int currentPos = mCurrentState.getSelStart();
int totalLength = mCurrentState.getUserText().length();
if (mCurrentState.getAutocompleteText().isPresent()) {
totalLength += mCurrentState.getAutocompleteText().get().length();
mDelegate.setSelection(currentPos, totalLength);
retVal = mDelegate.super_dispatchKeyEvent(event);
} else if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TAB) {
retVal = true;
} else {
// It might make sense to commit the autocomplete text here but the
// AutocompleteMediator queries us via getTextWithAutocomplete() so it's included
// either way. Avoiding the extra commit eliminates a brief cursor flash at the end
// of the autocomplete suggestion.
retVal = mDelegate.super_dispatchKeyEvent(event);
} else {
if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN
&& event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_FORWARD_DEL) {
// Delete key when there's no autocomplete suggestion. Use the normal behavior but
// inhibit suggestions.
mLastEditWasTyping = false;
retVal = mDelegate.super_dispatchKeyEvent(event);
return retVal;
public void onSetText(CharSequence text) {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "onSetText: " + text);
// setText() does not necessarily trigger onTextChanged(). We need to accept the new text
// and reset the states.
text.toString(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), text.length(), text.length());
if (mBatchEditNestCount == 0) updateSelectionForTesting();
public void onSelectionChanged(int selStart, int selEnd) {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "onSelectionChanged [%d,%d]", selStart, selEnd);
if (mCurrentState.getSelStart() == selStart && mCurrentState.getSelEnd() == selEnd) return;
// Do not allow users to select the space between additional texts.
int maxLength =
+ mCurrentState.getAutocompleteText().map(t -> t.length()).orElse(0);
if (selStart > maxLength || selEnd > maxLength) {
int newStart = selStart > maxLength ? maxLength : selStart;
int newEnd = selEnd > maxLength ? maxLength : selEnd;
mDelegate.setSelection(newStart, newEnd);
mCurrentState.setSelection(selStart, selEnd);
if (mBatchEditNestCount > 0) return;
int len = mCurrentState.getUserText().length();
if (mCurrentState.getAutocompleteText().isPresent()) {
if (selStart > len || selEnd > len) {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "Autocomplete text is being touched. Make it real.");
if (mInputConnection != null) mInputConnection.commitAutocomplete();
} else {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "Touching before the cursor removes autocomplete.");
public void onFocusChanged(boolean focused) {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "onFocusChanged: " + focused);
if (!focused) {
// Reset selection now. It will be updated immediately after focus is re-gained.
// We do this to ensure the selection changed announcements are advertised by us
// since we suppress all TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED announcements coming from EditText.
mPreviouslyNotifiedState.setSelection(-1, -1);
mCurrentState.setSelection(-1, -1);
public void onTextChanged(CharSequence text, int start, int beforeLength, int afterLength) {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "onTextChanged: " + text);
mSpanCursorController.reflectTextUpdateInState(mCurrentState, text);
if (mBatchEditNestCount > 0) return; // let endBatchEdit() handles changes from IME.
// An external change such as text paste occurred.
mLastEditWasTyping = false;
public void onPaste() {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "onPaste");
public String getTextWithAutocomplete() {
String retVal = mCurrentState.getText();
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "getTextWithAutocomplete: %s", retVal);
return retVal;
public String getTextWithoutAutocomplete() {
String retVal = mCurrentState.getUserText();
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "getTextWithoutAutocomplete: " + retVal);
return retVal;
public int getAutocompleteTextLength() {
return mCurrentState.getAutocompleteText().map(t -> t.length()).orElse(0);
public Optional<String> getAdditionalText() {
return mCurrentState.getAdditionalText();
public void setIgnoreTextChangeFromAutocomplete(boolean ignore) {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "setIgnoreText: " + ignore);
mIgnoreTextChangeFromAutocomplete = ignore;
public void setAutocompleteText(
@NonNull CharSequence userText,
@Nullable CharSequence inlineAutocompleteText,
Optional<String> additionalText) {
// Note: this is invoked when the Autocomplete text is supplied by the Autocomplete
// subsystem. These changes should be ignored for Autocomplete, specifically should not
// be sent back to the Autocomplete subsystem to trigger suggestions fetch.
inlineAutocompleteText != null ? inlineAutocompleteText.toString() : null,
private void setAutocompleteTextInternal(
@NonNull String userText,
@Nullable String autocompleteText,
Optional<String> additionalText) {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "setAutocompleteText: %s[%s]", userText, autocompleteText);
? Optional.empty()
: Optional.of(autocompleteText),
// TODO(changwan): avoid any unnecessary removal and addition of autocomplete text when it
// is not changed or when it is appended to the existing autocomplete text.
if (mInputConnection != null) {
public boolean shouldAutocomplete() {
boolean retVal =
mBatchEditNestCount == 0
&& mLastEditWasTyping
&& mCurrentState.isCursorAtEndOfUserText()
&& doesKeyboardSupportAutocomplete()
&& isNonCompositionalText(getTextWithoutAutocomplete());
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "shouldAutocomplete: " + retVal);
return retVal;
private boolean doesKeyboardSupportAutocomplete() {
String pkgName = mDelegate.getKeyboardPackageName();
return !pkgName.contains(".iqqi") // crbug.com/767016
&& !pkgName.contains("omronsoft")
&& !pkgName.contains(".iwnn"); // crbug.com/758443
public boolean shouldFinishCompositionOnDeletion() {
// crbug.com/758443, crbug.com/766888: Japanese keyboard does not finish composition when we
// restore the deleted text, and later typing will make Japanese keyboard move before the
// restored character. Most keyboards accept finishComposingText and update their internal
// states.
String pkgName = mDelegate.getKeyboardPackageName();
// One exception is the recent version of Samsung keyboard which works goofily only
// when we finish composing text here. Since it is more difficult to block all Japanese
// keyboards, instead we call finishComposingText() for all the keyboards except for Samsung
// keyboard.
return !pkgName.contains("com.sec.android.inputmethod")
// crbug.com/1071011: LG keyboard has the same issue.
&& !pkgName.contains("com.lge.ime");
public static boolean isNonCompositionalText(String text) {
// To start with, we are only activating this for English alphabets, European characters,
// numbers and URLs to avoid potential bad interactions with more complex IMEs.
// The rationale for including character sets with diacritical marks is that backspacing on
// a letter with a diacritical mark most likely deletes the whole character instead of
// removing the diacritical mark.
// TODO(changwan): also scan for other traditionally non-IME charsets.
return NON_COMPOSITIONAL_TEXT_PATTERN.matcher(text).matches();
public boolean hasAutocomplete() {
boolean retVal = mCurrentState.getAutocompleteText().isPresent();
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "hasAutocomplete: " + retVal);
return retVal;
public InputConnection getInputConnection() {
return mInputConnection;
public void updateSelectionForTesting() {
int selStart = mDelegate.getSelectionStart();
int selEnd = mDelegate.getSelectionEnd();
if (selStart == mLastUpdateSelStart && selEnd == mLastUpdateSelEnd) return;
mLastUpdateSelStart = selStart;
mLastUpdateSelEnd = selEnd;
mDelegate.onUpdateSelectionForTesting(selStart, selEnd);
public boolean shouldIgnoreAccessibilityEvent() {
return mDelegateShouldIgnoreAccessibilityEvents;
public AutocompleteState getCurrentAutocompleteState() {
return mCurrentState;
// ============================================================================================
// AutocompleteEditTextModelBase.InputDelegate
// ============================================================================================
public boolean isInBatchEdit() {
return mBatchEditNestCount > 0;
public boolean isInFirstBatchEdit() {
return mBatchEditNestCount == 1;
public void incrementBatchEditCount() {
public void decrementBatchEditCount() {
public AutocompleteState getCurrentState() {
return mCurrentState;
public AutocompleteState getPreviouslySetState() {
return mPreviouslySetState;
public SpanCursorController getSpanCursorController() {
return mSpanCursorController;
public void setLastEditWasTyping(boolean wasTyping) {
mLastEditWasTyping = wasTyping;
public Delegate getAutocompleteEditTextModelBaseDelegate() {
return mDelegate;
public int getDeletePostfixOnNextBeginImeCommand() {
return mDeletePostfixOnNextBeginImeCommand;
public void setDeletePostfixOnNextBeginImeCommand(int postfix) {
mDeletePostfixOnNextBeginImeCommand = postfix;