// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox;
import android.content.ClipData;
import android.content.ClipboardManager;
import android.content.Context;
import android.text.Spanned;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.View;
import androidx.annotation.ColorInt;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.base.ContextUtils;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.UrlBar.ScrollType;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.UrlBarCoordinator.SelectionState;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.UrlBarProperties.AutocompleteText;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.UrlBarProperties.UrlBarTextState;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.styles.OmniboxResourceProvider;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ui.theme.BrandedColorScheme;
import org.chromium.components.browser_ui.styles.SemanticColorUtils;
import org.chromium.components.omnibox.OmniboxUrlEmphasizer.UrlEmphasisSpan;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.PropertyModel;
/** Handles collecting and pushing state information to the UrlBar model. */
class UrlBarMediator implements UrlBar.UrlBarTextContextMenuDelegate {
private final @NonNull Context mContext;
private final @NonNull PropertyModel mModel;
private final @NonNull Callback<Boolean> mOnFocusChangeCallback;
private boolean mHasFocus;
private @NonNull UrlBarData mUrlBarData = UrlBarData.EMPTY;
private @ScrollType int mScrollType = UrlBar.ScrollType.NO_SCROLL;
private @SelectionState int mSelectionState = UrlBarCoordinator.SelectionState.SELECT_ALL;
private int mPreviousBrandedColorScheme;
// For NTP, when in un-focus state, the search text hint color is fixed for the real search box
// and we couldn't change it by the branded color scheme.
private boolean mIsHintTextFixedForNtp;
* Creates a URLBarMediator.
* @param context The current Android's context.
* @param model MVC property model to write changes to.
* @param focusChangeCallback The callback that will be notified when focus changes on the
* UrlBar.
public UrlBarMediator(
@NonNull Context context,
@NonNull PropertyModel model,
@NonNull Callback<Boolean> focusChangeCallback) {
mContext = context;
mModel = model;
mOnFocusChangeCallback = focusChangeCallback;
mModel.set(UrlBarProperties.FOCUS_CHANGE_CALLBACK, this::onUrlFocusChange);
mModel.set(UrlBarProperties.SHOW_CURSOR, false);
mModel.set(UrlBarProperties.TEXT_CONTEXT_MENU_DELEGATE, this);
mModel.set(UrlBarProperties.HAS_URL_SUGGESTIONS, false);
public void destroy() {
mModel.set(UrlBarProperties.FOCUS_CHANGE_CALLBACK, null);
mModel.set(UrlBarProperties.TEXT_CONTEXT_MENU_DELEGATE, null);
mModel.set(UrlBarProperties.TEXT_CHANGE_LISTENER, null);
/** Sets a listener for url text changes. */
public void setTextChangeListener(Callback<String> listener) {
mModel.set(UrlBarProperties.TEXT_CHANGE_LISTENER, listener);
* Sets a listener for url key events. See the {@link
* UrlBarCoordinator#setKeyDownListener(View.OnKeyListener)}.
public void setKeyDownListener(View.OnKeyListener listener) {
mModel.set(UrlBarProperties.KEY_DOWN_LISTENER, listener);
* Sets a listener called when user input begins. See the {@link
* UrlBarCoordinator#setTypingStartedListener(Runnable)}.
public void setTypingStartedListener(Runnable listener) {
mModel.set(UrlBarProperties.TYPING_STARTED_LISTENER, listener);
* Updates the text content of the UrlBar.
* @param data The new data to be displayed.
* @param scrollType The scroll type that should be applied to the data.
* @param selectionState Specifies how the text should be selected when focused.
* @return Whether this data differs from the previously passed in values.
public boolean setUrlBarData(
@NonNull UrlBarData data,
@ScrollType int scrollType,
@SelectionState int selectionState) {
assert data != null;
if (data.originEndIndex == data.originStartIndex) {
scrollType = UrlBar.ScrollType.SCROLL_TO_BEGINNING;
// Do not scroll to the end of the host for URLs such as data:, javascript:, etc...
if (data.url != null
&& data.displayText != null
&& data.originEndIndex == data.displayText.length()) {
String scheme = data.url.getScheme();
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(scheme) && !UrlBarData.SCHEMES_TO_SPLIT.contains(scheme)) {
scrollType = UrlBar.ScrollType.SCROLL_TO_BEGINNING;
if (!mHasFocus
&& isNewTextEquivalentToExistingText(mUrlBarData, data)
&& mScrollType == scrollType) {
return false;
mUrlBarData = data;
mScrollType = scrollType;
mSelectionState = selectionState;
return true;
UrlBarData getUrlBarData() {
return mUrlBarData;
private void pushTextToModel() {
CharSequence text =
!mHasFocus ? mUrlBarData.displayText : mUrlBarData.getEditingOrDisplayText();
CharSequence textForAutofillServices = text;
if (!(mHasFocus || TextUtils.isEmpty(text) || mUrlBarData.url == null)) {
textForAutofillServices = mUrlBarData.url.getSpec();
@ScrollType int scrollType = mHasFocus ? UrlBar.ScrollType.NO_SCROLL : mScrollType;
if (text == null) text = "";
UrlBarTextState state =
new UrlBarTextState(
mModel.set(UrlBarProperties.TEXT_STATE, state);
protected static boolean isNewTextEquivalentToExistingText(
UrlBarData existingUrlData, UrlBarData newUrlData) {
if (existingUrlData == null) return newUrlData == null;
if (newUrlData == null) return false;
if (!TextUtils.equals(existingUrlData.editingText, newUrlData.editingText)) return false;
CharSequence existingCharSequence = existingUrlData.displayText;
CharSequence newCharSequence = newUrlData.displayText;
if (existingCharSequence == null) return newCharSequence == null;
// Regardless of focus state, ensure the text content is the same.
if (!TextUtils.equals(existingCharSequence, newCharSequence)) return false;
// If both existing and new text is empty, then treat them equal regardless of their
// spanned state.
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(newCharSequence)) return true;
// When not focused, compare the emphasis spans applied to the text to determine
// equality. Internally, TextView applies many additional spans that need to be
// ignored for this comparison to be useful, so this is scoped to only the span types
// applied by our UI.
if (!(newCharSequence instanceof Spanned) || !(existingCharSequence instanceof Spanned)) {
return false;
Spanned currentText = (Spanned) existingCharSequence;
Spanned newText = (Spanned) newCharSequence;
UrlEmphasisSpan[] currentSpans =
currentText.getSpans(0, currentText.length(), UrlEmphasisSpan.class);
UrlEmphasisSpan[] newSpans = newText.getSpans(0, newText.length(), UrlEmphasisSpan.class);
if (currentSpans.length != newSpans.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < currentSpans.length; i++) {
UrlEmphasisSpan currentSpan = currentSpans[i];
UrlEmphasisSpan newSpan = newSpans[i];
if (!currentSpan.equals(newSpan)
|| currentText.getSpanStart(currentSpan) != newText.getSpanStart(newSpan)
|| currentText.getSpanEnd(currentSpan) != newText.getSpanEnd(newSpan)
|| currentText.getSpanFlags(currentSpan) != newText.getSpanFlags(newSpan)) {
return false;
return true;
* Sets the autocomplete text to be shown.
* @param userText The existing user text.
* @param autocompleteText The text to be appended to the user text.
* @param additionalText This string is displayed adjacent to the omnibox if this match is the
* default. Will usually be URL when autocompleting a title, and empty otherwise.
public void setAutocompleteText(
@NonNull String userText,
@Nullable String autocompleteText,
@Nullable String additionalText) {
if (!mHasFocus) {
assert false : "Should not update autocomplete text when not focused";
new AutocompleteText(userText, autocompleteText, additionalText));
private void onUrlFocusChange(boolean focus) {
mHasFocus = focus;
if (mModel.get(UrlBarProperties.ALLOW_FOCUS)) {
mModel.set(UrlBarProperties.SHOW_CURSOR, mHasFocus);
UrlBarTextState preCallbackState = mModel.get(UrlBarProperties.TEXT_STATE);
boolean textChangedInFocusCallback =
mModel.get(UrlBarProperties.TEXT_STATE) != preCallbackState;
if (!textChangedInFocusCallback) {
* Sets the color scheme.
* @param brandedColorScheme The {@link @BrandedColorScheme}.
* @return Whether this resulted in a change from the previous value.
public boolean setBrandedColorScheme(@BrandedColorScheme int brandedColorScheme) {
// TODO(bauerb): Make clients observe the property instead of checking the return value.
final @ColorInt int textColor =
OmniboxResourceProvider.getUrlBarPrimaryTextColor(mContext, brandedColorScheme);
final @ColorInt int hintTextColor =
OmniboxResourceProvider.getUrlBarHintTextColor(mContext, brandedColorScheme);
mModel.set(UrlBarProperties.TEXT_COLOR, textColor);
if (!mIsHintTextFixedForNtp) {
mModel.set(UrlBarProperties.HINT_TEXT_COLOR, hintTextColor);
boolean isBrandedColorSchemeChanged = mPreviousBrandedColorScheme != brandedColorScheme;
mPreviousBrandedColorScheme = brandedColorScheme;
return isBrandedColorSchemeChanged;
* Sets whether to use incognito colors.
* @param incognitoColorsEnabled Whether to use incognito colors.
public void setIncognitoColorsEnabled(boolean incognitoColorsEnabled) {
mModel.set(UrlBarProperties.INCOGNITO_COLORS_ENABLED, incognitoColorsEnabled);
/** Sets whether the view allows user focus. */
public void setAllowFocus(boolean allowFocus) {
mModel.set(UrlBarProperties.ALLOW_FOCUS, allowFocus);
if (allowFocus) {
mModel.set(UrlBarProperties.SHOW_CURSOR, mHasFocus);
/** Set the listener to be notified for URL direction changes. */
public void setUrlDirectionListener(Callback<Integer> listener) {
mModel.set(UrlBarProperties.URL_DIRECTION_LISTENER, listener);
public String getReplacementCutCopyText(
String currentText, int selectionStart, int selectionEnd) {
if (mUrlBarData.url == null) return null;
// Replace the cut/copy text only applies if the user selected from the beginning of the
// display text.
if (selectionStart != 0) return null;
// Trim to just the currently selected text as that is the only text we are replacing.
currentText = currentText.substring(selectionStart, selectionEnd);
String formattedUrlLocation;
String originalUrlLocation;
formattedUrlLocation =
originalUrlLocation =
getUrlContentsPrePath(mUrlBarData.url.getSpec(), mUrlBarData.url.getHost());
// If we are copying/cutting the full previously formatted URL, reset the URL
// text before initiating the TextViews handling of the context menu.
// Example:
// Original display text: www.example.com
// Original URL: http://www.example.com
// Editing State:
// www.example.com/blah/foo
// |<--- Selection --->|
// Resulting clipboard text should be:
// http://www.example.com/blah/
// As long as the full original text was selected, it will replace that with the original
// URL and keep any further modifications by the user.
if (!currentText.startsWith(formattedUrlLocation)
|| selectionEnd < formattedUrlLocation.length()) {
return null;
return originalUrlLocation + currentText.substring(formattedUrlLocation.length());
public String getTextToPaste() {
Context context = ContextUtils.getApplicationContext();
ClipboardManager clipboard =
(ClipboardManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);
ClipData clipData = clipboard.getPrimaryClip();
if (clipData == null) return null;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < clipData.getItemCount(); i++) {
String stringToPaste = sanitizeTextForPaste(builder.toString());
return stringToPaste;
* @param hasSuggestions Whether suggestions are showing in the URL bar.
public void onUrlBarSuggestionsChanged(boolean hasSuggestions) {
mModel.set(UrlBarProperties.HAS_URL_SUGGESTIONS, hasSuggestions);
protected String sanitizeTextForPaste(String text) {
return OmniboxViewUtil.sanitizeTextForPaste(text);
* Returns the portion of the URL that precedes the path/query section of the URL.
* @param url The url to be used to find the preceding portion.
* @param host The host to be located in the URL to determine the location of the path.
* @return The URL contents that precede the path (or the passed in URL if the host is not
* found).
private static String getUrlContentsPrePath(String url, String host) {
int hostIndex = url.indexOf(host);
if (hostIndex == -1) return url;
int pathIndex = url.indexOf('/', hostIndex);
if (pathIndex <= 0) return url;
return url.substring(0, pathIndex);
* Sets search box hint text color to brandedColorScheme.
* @param brandedColorScheme The {@link @BrandedColorScheme}.
void setUrlBarHintTextColorForDefault(@BrandedColorScheme int brandedColorScheme) {
mIsHintTextFixedForNtp = false;
/** Sets search box hint text color to be colorOnSurface for NTP's un-focus state. */
void setUrlBarHintTextColorForNtp() {
mIsHintTextFixedForNtp = true;
final @ColorInt int hintTextColor = SemanticColorUtils.getDefaultTextColor(mContext);
mModel.set(UrlBarProperties.HINT_TEXT_COLOR, hintTextColor);