// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.suggestions;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.Px;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.jni_zero.CalledByNative;
import org.jni_zero.JniType;
import org.jni_zero.NativeMethods;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.OmniboxMetrics;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.suggestions.action.OmniboxAnswerAction;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.voice.VoiceRecognitionHandler.VoiceResult;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.profiles.Profile;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.Tab;
import org.chromium.components.omnibox.AutocompleteMatch;
import org.chromium.components.omnibox.AutocompleteResult;
import org.chromium.components.omnibox.AutocompleteResult.VerificationPoint;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.NavigationHandle;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.url.GURL;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
* Bridge to the native AutocompleteControllerAndroid.
* <p>The bridge is created and maintained by the AutocompleteControllerAndroid native class. The
* Native class is created on request for supplied profiles and remains available until the Profile
* gets destroyed, making this instance follow the same life cycle.
* <p>Instances of this class should not be acquired directly; instead, when a profile-specific
* AutocompleteController is required, please acquire one using the AutocompleteControllerFactory.
* <p>When User Profile gets destroyed, native class gets destroyed as well, and during the
* destruction calls the #notifyNativeDestroyed() method, which signals the Java
* AutocompleteController is no longer valid, and removes it from the AutocompleteControllerFactory
* cache.
public class AutocompleteController {
// Maximum number of voice suggestions to show.
private static final int MAX_VOICE_SUGGESTION_COUNT = 3;
private final @NonNull Set<OnSuggestionsReceivedListener> mListeners = new HashSet<>();
private long mNativeController;
private @NonNull Optional<AutocompleteResult> mAutocompleteResult = Optional.empty();
/** Listener for receiving OmniboxSuggestions. */
public interface OnSuggestionsReceivedListener {
* Receive autocomplete matches for currently executing query.
* @param autocompleteResult The current set of autocomplete matches for previously supplied
* query.
* @param isFinal Whether this result is transitory (false) or final (true). Final result
* always comes in last, even if the query is canceled.
void onSuggestionsReceived(@NonNull AutocompleteResult autocompleteResult, boolean isFinal);
* Acquire an instance of AutocompleteController associated with the supplied Profile.
* @return An existing (if one is available) or new (otherwise) instance of the
* AutocompleteController associated with the supplied profile.
private AutocompleteController(long nativeController) {
mNativeController = nativeController;
* @param listener The listener to be notified when new suggestions are available.
public void addOnSuggestionsReceivedListener(@NonNull OnSuggestionsReceivedListener listener) {
* @param listener A previously registered new suggestions listener to be removed.
public void removeOnSuggestionsReceivedListener(
@NonNull OnSuggestionsReceivedListener listener) {
* Starts querying for omnibox suggestions for a given text.
* @param url The URL of the current tab, used to suggest query refinements.
* @param pageClassification The page classification of the current tab.
* @param text The text to query autocomplete suggestions for.
* @param cursorPosition The position of the cursor within the text. Set to -1 if the cursor is
* not focused on the text.
* @param preventInlineAutocomplete Whether autocomplete suggestions should be prevented.
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PACKAGE_PRIVATE)
public void start(
@NonNull GURL url,
int pageClassification,
@NonNull String text,
int cursorPosition,
boolean preventInlineAutocomplete) {
if (mNativeController == 0) return;
* Issue a prefetch request for zero prefix suggestions. Prefetch is a fire-and-forget operation
* that yields no results.
* @param url The URL of the current tab, used to suggest query refinements.
* @param pageClassification The page classification of the current tab.
void startPrefetch(@NonNull GURL url, int pageClassification) {
if (mNativeController == 0) return;
.startPrefetch(mNativeController, url.getSpec(), pageClassification);
* Given some string |text| that the user wants to use for navigation, determines how it should
* be interpreted. This is a fallback in case the user didn't select a visible suggestion (e.g.
* the user pressed enter before omnibox suggestions had been shown).
* <p>Note: this updates the internal state of the autocomplete controller just as start() does.
* Future calls that reference autocomplete results by index, e.g. onSuggestionSelected(),
* should reference the returned suggestion by index 0.
* @param text The user's input text to classify (i.e. what they typed in the omnibox)
* @return The AutocompleteMatch specifying where to navigate, the transition type, etc. May be
* null if the input is invalid.
public AutocompleteMatch classify(@NonNull String text) {
if (mNativeController == 0) return null;
return AutocompleteControllerJni.get().classify(mNativeController, text);
* Starts a query for suggestions before any input is available from the user.
* @param omniboxText The text displayed in the omnibox.
* @param url The url of the currently loaded web page.
* @param pageClassification The page classification of the current tab.
* @param title The title of the currently loaded web page.
public void startZeroSuggest(
@NonNull String omniboxText,
@NonNull GURL url,
int pageClassification,
@NonNull String title) {
if (mNativeController == 0) return;
mNativeController, omniboxText, url.getSpec(), pageClassification, title);
* Stops generating autocomplete suggestions for the currently specified text from {@link
* #start(Profile,String, String, boolean)}.
* @param clear Whether to clear the most recent autocomplete results. When true, the {@link
* #onSuggestionsReceived(AutocompleteResult, String)} will be called with an empty result
* set.
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PACKAGE_PRIVATE)
public void stop(boolean clear) {
if (mNativeController == 0) return;
AutocompleteControllerJni.get().stop(mNativeController, clear);
* Resets session for autocomplete controller. This happens every time we start typing new input
* into the omnibox.
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PACKAGE_PRIVATE)
public void resetSession() {
if (mNativeController == 0) return;
private boolean hasValidNativeObjectRef(
AutocompleteMatch match, @VerificationPoint int reason) {
// Skip suggestions from cache.
OmniboxMetrics.recordUsedSuggestionFromCache(match.getNativeObjectRef() == 0L);
if (match.getNativeObjectRef() == 0L) return false;
return mAutocompleteResult
.map(res -> res.verifyCoherency(AutocompleteResult.NO_SUGGESTION_INDEX, reason))
* Partially deletes an omnibox suggestion. This call should be used by compound suggestion
* types (such as carousel) that host multiple components inside (eg. MostVisitedTiles).
* @param match the match to delete elements of
* @param elementIndex the element within the match that needs to be deleted
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PACKAGE_PRIVATE)
public void deleteMatchElement(AutocompleteMatch match, int elementIndex) {
if (mNativeController == 0) return;
if (!hasValidNativeObjectRef(match, VerificationPoint.DELETE_MATCH)) return;
// Skip suggestions from cache.
if (match.getNativeObjectRef() == 0L) return;
.deleteMatchElement(mNativeController, match.getNativeObjectRef(), elementIndex);
* Deletes an omnibox suggestion, if possible.
* @param match the match to delete
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PACKAGE_PRIVATE)
public void deleteMatch(AutocompleteMatch match) {
if (mNativeController == 0) return;
if (!hasValidNativeObjectRef(match, VerificationPoint.DELETE_MATCH)) return;
// Skip suggestions from cache.
if (match.getNativeObjectRef() == 0L) return;
AutocompleteControllerJni.get().deleteMatch(mNativeController, match.getNativeObjectRef());
public void onSuggestionsReceived(
@NonNull AutocompleteResult autocompleteResult, boolean isFinal) {
mAutocompleteResult = Optional.of(autocompleteResult);
// Notify callbacks of suggestions.
for (OnSuggestionsReceivedListener listener : mListeners) {
listener.onSuggestionsReceived(autocompleteResult, isFinal);
private void notifyNativeDestroyed() {
mNativeController = 0;
* Called whenever a navigation happens from the omnibox to record metrics about the user's
* interaction with the omnibox.
* @param match AutocompleteMatch that was selected by the user
* @param suggestionLine the index of the line the match is presented on
* @param disposition the window open disposition
* @param currentPageUrl the URL of the current page
* @param pageClassification the page classification of the current tab
* @param elapsedTimeSinceModified the number of ms that passed between the user first modifying
* text in the omnibox and selecting a suggestion
* @param completedLength the length of the default match's inline autocompletion if any
* @param webContents the web contents for the tab where the selected suggestion will be shown
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PACKAGE_PRIVATE)
public void onSuggestionSelected(
AutocompleteMatch match,
int suggestionLine,
int disposition,
@NonNull GURL currentPageUrl,
int pageClassification,
long elapsedTimeSinceModified,
int completedLength,
@Nullable WebContents webContents) {
if (mNativeController == 0) return;
if (!hasValidNativeObjectRef(match, VerificationPoint.SELECT_MATCH)) return;
* Create a native navigation observser on native side.
* @param navigationHandle The NavigationHandle for the current navigation.
* @param match AutocompleteMatch that was selected by the user
void createNavigationObserver(NavigationHandle navigationHandle, AutocompleteMatch match) {
if (mNativeController == 0) return;
if (!hasValidNativeObjectRef(match, VerificationPoint.SELECT_MATCH)) return;
* Called when the user touches down on a suggestion. Only called for search suggestions.
* @param match the match that received the touch
* @param matchIndex the vertical position at which the match is located
* @param webContents the web contents for the tab where suggestion could be used
* @return whether or not a prefetch was started
public boolean onSuggestionTouchDown(
AutocompleteMatch match, int matchIndex, @Nullable WebContents webContents) {
if (mNativeController == 0) return false;
if (!hasValidNativeObjectRef(match, VerificationPoint.ON_TOUCH_MATCH)) return false;
return AutocompleteControllerJni.get()
mNativeController, match.getNativeObjectRef(), matchIndex, webContents);
* Pass the voice provider a list representing the results of a voice recognition.
* @param results A list containing the results of a voice recognition.
void onVoiceResults(@Nullable List<VoiceResult> results) {
if (mNativeController == 0) return;
if (results == null || results.size() == 0) return;
final int count = Math.min(results.size(), MAX_VOICE_SUGGESTION_COUNT);
String[] voiceMatches = new String[count];
float[] confidenceScores = new float[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
voiceMatches[i] = results.get(i).getMatch();
confidenceScores[i] = results.get(i).getConfidence();
.setVoiceMatches(mNativeController, voiceMatches, confidenceScores);
* Updates searchbox stats parameters on the selected match that we will navigate to and
* returns the updated URL.
* @param match the AutocompleteMatch object to get the updated destination URL for
* @param elapsedTimeSinceInputChange the number of ms between the time the user started typing
* in the omnibox and the time the user has selected a suggestion
GURL updateMatchDestinationUrlWithQueryFormulationTime(
AutocompleteMatch match, long elapsedTimeSinceInputChange) {
if (mNativeController == 0) return null;
if (!hasValidNativeObjectRef(match, VerificationPoint.UPDATE_MATCH)) return null;
return AutocompleteControllerJni.get()
mNativeController, match.getNativeObjectRef(), elapsedTimeSinceInputChange);
* Returns the final url for navigating to the SRP for the given answer action. The returned URL
* is augmented with the final searchbox stats.
GURL getAnswerActionDestinationURL(
AutocompleteMatch match,
long elapsedTimeSinceInputChange,
OmniboxAnswerAction answerAction) {
if (mNativeController == 0) return null;
assert hasValidNativeObjectRef(match, VerificationPoint.UPDATE_MATCH);
if (!hasValidNativeObjectRef(match, VerificationPoint.UPDATE_MATCH)) return null;
return AutocompleteControllerJni.get()
* Retrieves matching tab for suggestion at specific index.
* @param match the AutocompleteMatch to retrieve Tab info for
* @return tab that hosts matching URL
Tab getMatchingTabForSuggestion(AutocompleteMatch match) {
if (mNativeController == 0) return null;
if (!hasValidNativeObjectRef(match, VerificationPoint.GET_MATCHING_TAB)) return null;
return AutocompleteControllerJni.get()
.getMatchingTabForSuggestion(mNativeController, match.getNativeObjectRef());
* Pass the UI specific measurement information to Native code to aid Adaptive Suggestions.
* @param dropdownHeightWithKeyboardActive the height of visible part of the suggestions
* dropdown with software keyboard showing, expressed in pixels
* @param suggestionHeight the nominal height of a suggestion, expressed in pixels
void onSuggestionDropdownHeightChanged(
@Px int dropdownHeightWithKeyboardActive, @Px int suggestionHeight) {
if (mNativeController == 0) return;
mNativeController, dropdownHeightWithKeyboardActive, suggestionHeight);
* Acquire an instance of AutocompleteController associated with the supplied Profile.
* @param profile The profile to get the AutocompleteController for.
* @return An existing (if one is available) or new (otherwise) instance of the
* AutocompleteController associated with the supplied profile.
public static Optional<AutocompleteController> getForProfile(Profile profile) {
return Optional.ofNullable(
profile == null ? null : AutocompleteControllerJni.get().getForProfile(profile));
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PACKAGE_PRIVATE)
public interface Natives {
void start(
long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid,
String text,
int cursorPosition,
String desiredTld,
String currentUrl,
int pageClassification,
boolean preventInlineAutocomplete,
boolean preferKeyword,
boolean allowExactKeywordMatch,
boolean wantAsynchronousMatches);
AutocompleteMatch classify(long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, String text);
void stop(long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, boolean clearResults);
void resetSession(long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid);
void onSuggestionSelected(
long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid,
long nativeAutocompleteMatch,
int matchIndex,
int disposition,
String currentPageUrl,
int pageClassification,
long elapsedTimeSinceModified,
int completedLength,
WebContents webContents);
boolean onSuggestionTouchDown(
long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid,
long nativeAutocompleteMatch,
int matchIndex,
WebContents webContents);
void onOmniboxFocused(
long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid,
String omniboxText,
String currentUrl,
int pageClassification,
String currentTitle);
void deleteMatchElement(
long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid,
long nativeAutocompleteMatch,
int elementIndex);
void deleteMatch(long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, long nativeAutocompleteMatch);
GURL updateMatchDestinationURLWithAdditionalSearchboxStats(
long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid,
long nativeAutocompleteMatch,
long elapsedTimeSinceInputChange);
GURL getAnswerActionDestinationURL(
long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid,
long nativeAutocompleteMatch,
long elapsedTimeSinceInputChange,
long nativeAnswerAction);
Tab getMatchingTabForSuggestion(
long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, long nativeAutocompleteMatch);
void setVoiceMatches(
long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid,
String[] matches,
float[] confidenceScores);
// Sends a zero suggest request to the server in order to pre-populate the result cache.
void startPrefetch(
long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid,
String currentUrl,
int pageClassification);
// Create a navigation observser.
void createNavigationObserver(
long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid,
long mNativeNavigationHandle,
long nativeAutocompleteMatch);
// Pass the information about the height of the visible Omnibox Dropdown area and
// Suggestion Height expressed in Pixels.
void onSuggestionDropdownHeightChanged(
long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid,
@Px int dropdownHeightWithKeyboardActive,
@Px int suggestionHeight);
/** Acquire an instance of AutocompleteController associated with the supplied profile. */
AutocompleteController getForProfile(@JniType("Profile*") Profile profile);