// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.suggestions.tail;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.clearInvocations;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verifyNoMoreInteractions;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.junit.MockitoJUnit;
import org.mockito.junit.MockitoRule;
import org.chromium.base.test.BaseRobolectricTestRunner;
/** Tests for {@link AlignmentManager}. */
public class AlignmentManagerUnitTest {
private static final int TEXT_AREA_WIDTH = 100;
public @Rule MockitoRule mockitoRule = MockitoJUnit.rule();
private @Mock TailSuggestionView mTailView1;
private @Mock TailSuggestionView mTailView2;
private @Mock TailSuggestionView mTailView3;
private AlignmentManager mManager;
public void setUp() {
mManager = new AlignmentManager();
* Helper method to acquire additional padding value for specific view and text widths.
* @param view View requesting additional padding data.
* @param queryWidth length of the tail query displayed in the suggestion.
* @param fullWidth length of the full query that would be executed.
private int paddingFor(TailSuggestionView view, int queryWidth, int fullWidth) {
return mManager.requestStartPadding(view, queryWidth, fullWidth, TEXT_AREA_WIDTH);
public void queryAlignment_noRelayout() {
final int inputWidth = 11;
final int query1Width = 55;
final int query2Width = 66;
final int query3Width = 77;
final int fullText1Width = inputWidth + query1Width;
final int fullText2Width = inputWidth + query2Width;
final int fullText3Width = inputWidth + query3Width;
// fullTextWidth < TEXT_AREA_WIDTH, so everything should fit in.
assertEquals(inputWidth, paddingFor(mTailView1, query1Width, fullText1Width));
assertEquals(inputWidth, paddingFor(mTailView2, query2Width, fullText2Width));
assertEquals(inputWidth, paddingFor(mTailView3, query3Width, fullText3Width));
// Confirm no re-layouts requested.
verify(mTailView1, times(0)).requestLayout();
verify(mTailView2, times(0)).requestLayout();
verify(mTailView3, times(0)).requestLayout();
public void tailAlignment_singleQueryForcesRelayout() {
final int queryWidth = 55;
final int fullText1Width = 88;
final int fullText2Width = 99;
final int fullText3Width = 111;
// This alignment will only be returned once the longest query is processed.
final int expectedTargetAlignment = TEXT_AREA_WIDTH - queryWidth;
fullText1Width - queryWidth, paddingFor(mTailView1, queryWidth, fullText1Width));
fullText2Width - queryWidth, paddingFor(mTailView2, queryWidth, fullText2Width));
// This is query breaks the alignment and does not fit when aligned to user input.
// Should cause re-layout of other queries.
assertEquals(expectedTargetAlignment, paddingFor(mTailView3, queryWidth, fullText3Width));
// Confirm re-layouts requested everywhere but the view that triggered relayout.
verify(mTailView1, times(1)).requestLayout();
verify(mTailView2, times(1)).requestLayout();
verify(mTailView3, times(0)).requestLayout();
// Confirm that all views are left-aligned to each other.
assertEquals(expectedTargetAlignment, paddingFor(mTailView1, queryWidth, fullText1Width));
assertEquals(expectedTargetAlignment, paddingFor(mTailView2, queryWidth, fullText2Width));
assertEquals(expectedTargetAlignment, paddingFor(mTailView3, queryWidth, fullText3Width));
public void tailAlignment_multipleQueriesForceRelayout() {
final int query1Width = 55;
final int query2Width = 66;
final int query3Width = 77;
final int fullText1Width = 90;
final int fullText2Width = 120;
final int fullText3Width = 150;
// First query fits in the target area perfectly (fullText1Width < TEXT_AREA_WIDTH).
fullText1Width - query1Width, paddingFor(mTailView1, query1Width, fullText1Width));
// Second query does not fit, and is the longest one yet. Should force relayout.
final int expectedAlignment1 = TEXT_AREA_WIDTH - query2Width;
assertEquals(expectedAlignment1, paddingFor(mTailView2, query2Width, fullText2Width));
verify(mTailView1, times(1)).requestLayout();
verify(mTailView3, times(1)).requestLayout();
// Confirm that on re-layout, first query gets aligned to the second.
assertEquals(expectedAlignment1, paddingFor(mTailView1, query1Width, fullText1Width));
verifyNoMoreInteractions(mTailView1, mTailView2, mTailView3);
clearInvocations(mTailView1, mTailView2, mTailView3);
// Third query does not fit, too, and is the next longest query. Should force relayout.
final int expectedAlignment2 = TEXT_AREA_WIDTH - query3Width;
assertEquals(expectedAlignment2, paddingFor(mTailView3, query3Width, fullText3Width));
verify(mTailView1, times(1)).requestLayout();
verify(mTailView2, times(1)).requestLayout();
// Confirm that on re-layout, first two queries get aligned to the third.
assertEquals(expectedAlignment2, paddingFor(mTailView1, query1Width, fullText1Width));
assertEquals(expectedAlignment2, paddingFor(mTailView1, query2Width, fullText2Width));
verifyNoMoreInteractions(mTailView1, mTailView2, mTailView3);
public void tailAlignment_onlyLongestQueriesForceRelayout() {
final int query1Width = 55;
final int query2Width = 77;
final int query3Width = 66;
final int fullText1Width = 90;
final int fullText2Width = 150;
final int fullText3Width = 120;
// First query fits in the target area perfectly (fullText1Width < TEXT_AREA_WIDTH).
fullText1Width - query1Width, paddingFor(mTailView1, query1Width, fullText1Width));
// Second query does not fit, and is the longest one here. Should force relayout.
final int expectedTargetAlignment = TEXT_AREA_WIDTH - query2Width;
assertEquals(expectedTargetAlignment, paddingFor(mTailView2, query2Width, fullText2Width));
verify(mTailView1, times(1)).requestLayout();
verify(mTailView3, times(1)).requestLayout();
// Confirm that on re-layout, first query gets aligned to the second.
assertEquals(expectedTargetAlignment, paddingFor(mTailView1, query1Width, fullText1Width));
// Third query does not fit, too, but is not the longest one. Should not relayout.
assertEquals(expectedTargetAlignment, paddingFor(mTailView3, query3Width, fullText3Width));
// Confirm that alignment has not changed for other two queries either.
assertEquals(expectedTargetAlignment, paddingFor(mTailView1, query1Width, fullText1Width));
assertEquals(expectedTargetAlignment, paddingFor(mTailView1, query2Width, fullText2Width));
verifyNoMoreInteractions(mTailView1, mTailView2, mTailView3);