
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "ash/public/cpp/ash_public_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/holding_space/holding_space_colors.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/holding_space/holding_space_constants.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/holding_space/holding_space_file.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/holding_space/holding_space_progress.h"
#include "base/callback_list.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "ui/color/color_id.h"
#include "ui/gfx/vector_icon_types.h"

namespace cros_styles {
enum class ColorName;
}  // namespace cros_styles

namespace ash {

class HoldingSpaceImage;

namespace holding_space_metrics {
enum class EventSource;
}  // namespace holding_space_metrics

// Contains data needed to display a single item in the holding space UI.
class ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT HoldingSpaceItem {
  // Models a command for an in-progress item which is shown in the item's
  // context menu and possibly, in the case of cancel/pause/resume, as primary/
  // secondary actions on the item's view itself.
  struct InProgressCommand {
    using Handler = base::RepeatingCallback<void(
        const HoldingSpaceItem* item,
        HoldingSpaceCommandId command_id,
        holding_space_metrics::EventSource event_source)>;

    InProgressCommand(HoldingSpaceCommandId command_id,
                      int label_id,
                      const gfx::VectorIcon* icon,
                      Handler handler);

    InProgressCommand(const InProgressCommand&);
    InProgressCommand& operator=(const InProgressCommand&);

    bool operator==(const InProgressCommand&) const;

    // The identifier for the command.
    HoldingSpaceCommandId command_id;

    // The identifier for the label to be displayed for the command.
    int label_id;

    // The icon to be displayed for the command.
    raw_ptr<const gfx::VectorIcon> icon;

    // The handler to be invoked to perform command execution.
    Handler handler;

  // Items types supported by the holding space.
  // NOTE: These values are recorded in histograms and persisted in preferences
  // so append new values to the end and do not change the meaning of existing
  // values.
  enum class Type {
    kMinValue = 0,
    kPinnedFile = kMinValue,
    kScreenshot = 1,
    kDownload = 2,
    kNearbyShare = 3,
    kScreenRecording = 4,
    kArcDownload = 5,
    kPrintedPdf = 6,
    kDiagnosticsLog = 7,
    kLacrosDownload = 8,
    kScan = 9,
    kPhoneHubCameraRoll = 10,
    kDriveSuggestion = 11,
    kLocalSuggestion = 12,
    kScreenRecordingGif = 13,
    // kCameraAppPhoto = 14, Deprecated.
    // kCameraAppScanJpg = 15, Deprecated.
    // kCameraAppScanPdf = 16, Deprecated.
    // kCameraAppVideoGif = 17, Deprecated.
    // kCameraAppVideoMp4 = 18, Deprecated.
    kPhotoshopWeb = 19,
    kMaxValue = kPhotoshopWeb,

  HoldingSpaceItem(const HoldingSpaceItem&) = delete;
  HoldingSpaceItem operator=(const HoldingSpaceItem&) = delete;

  bool operator==(const HoldingSpaceItem& rhs) const;

  // Returns an image for a given type and file path.
  using ImageResolver = base::OnceCallback<
      std::unique_ptr<HoldingSpaceImage>(Type, const base::FilePath&)>;

  // Creates a HoldingSpaceItem that's backed by a `file`.
  // NOTE: `file` system URL is expected to be non-empty.
  static std::unique_ptr<HoldingSpaceItem> CreateFileBackedItem(
      Type type,
      const HoldingSpaceFile& file,
      ImageResolver image_resolver);

  // Creates a HoldingSpaceItem that's backed by a `file`.
  // NOTE: `file` system URL is expected to be non-empty.
  static std::unique_ptr<HoldingSpaceItem> CreateFileBackedItem(
      Type type,
      const HoldingSpaceFile& file,
      const HoldingSpaceProgress& progress,
      ImageResolver image_resolver);

  // Returns `true` if `type` is a download type, `false` otherwise.
  static bool IsDownloadType(HoldingSpaceItem::Type type);

  // Returns `true` if `type` is a screen capture type, `false` otherwise.
  static bool IsScreenCaptureType(HoldingSpaceItem::Type type);

  // Returns `true` if `type` is a suggestion type, `false` otherwise.
  static bool IsSuggestionType(HoldingSpaceItem::Type type);

  // TODO(http://b/288471183): Update comment after removing file system URL.
  // Deserializes from `base::Value::Dict` to `HoldingSpaceItem`.
  // This creates a partially initialized item with an empty file system URL.
  // The item should be fully initialized using `Initialize()`.
  static std::unique_ptr<HoldingSpaceItem> Deserialize(
      const base::Value::Dict& dict,
      ImageResolver image_resolver);

  // Deserializes `id_` from a serialized `HoldingSpaceItem`.
  static const std::string& DeserializeId(const base::Value::Dict& dict);

  // Deserializes file path from a serialized `HoldingSpaceItem`.
  static base::FilePath DeserializeFilePath(const base::Value::Dict& dict);

  // Deserializes `type_` from a serialized `HoldingSpaceItem`.
  static Type DeserializeType(const base::Value::Dict& dict);

  // Serializes from `HoldingSpaceItem` to `base::Value::Dict`.
  base::Value::Dict Serialize() const;

  // Adds `callback` to be notified when `this` gets deleted.
  base::CallbackListSubscription AddDeletionCallback(
      base::RepeatingClosureList::CallbackType callback) const;

  // Indicates whether the item has been initialized. This will be false for
  // items created using `Deserialize()` for which `Initialize()` has not yet
  // been called. Non-initialized items should not be shown in holding space UI.
  bool IsInitialized() const;

  // Used to fully initialize partially initialized items created by
  // `Deserialize()`.
  void Initialize(const HoldingSpaceFile& file);

  // Sets the `file` backing the item, returning the previous value if a change
  // occurred or `std::nullopt` to indicate no-op.
  std::optional<HoldingSpaceFile> SetBackingFile(const HoldingSpaceFile& file);

  // Returns `text_`, falling back to the lossy display name of the item's
  // backing file if absent.
  std::u16string GetText() const;

  // Sets the text that should be shown for the item, returning the previous
  // value if a change occurred or `std::nullopt` to indicate no-op. If
  // `std::nullopt` is provided, text will fall back to the lossy display name
  // of the item's backing file.
  std::optional<std::optional<std::u16string>> SetText(
      const std::optional<std::u16string>& text);

  // Sets the secondary text that should be shown for the item, returning the
  // previous value if a change occurred or `std::nullopt` to indicate no-op.
  std::optional<std::optional<std::u16string>> SetSecondaryText(
      const std::optional<std::u16string>& secondary_text);

  // Sets the color variant for the secondary text that should be shown for the
  // item, returning the previous value if a change occurred or `std::nullopt`
  // to indicate no-op. If `std::nullopt` is provided, secondary text color will
  // fall back to default.
  SetSecondaryTextColorVariant(const std::optional<HoldingSpaceColorVariant>&

  // Returns `accessible_name_`, falling back to a concatenation of primary
  // and secondary text if absent.
  std::u16string GetAccessibleName() const;

  // Sets the accessible name that should be used for the item, returning the
  // previous value if a change occurred or `std::nullopt` to indicate no-op. If
  // `std::nullopt` is provided, accessible name will fall back to a
  // concatenation of primary and secondary text.
  std::optional<std::optional<std::u16string>> SetAccessibleName(
      const std::optional<std::u16string>& accessible_name);

  // Sets the commands for an in-progress item which are shown in the item's
  // context menu and possibly, in the case of cancel/pause/resume, as primary/
  // secondary actions on the item view itself. Returns the previous value if a
  // change occurred or `std::nullopt` to indicate no-op.
  std::optional<std::vector<InProgressCommand>> SetInProgressCommands(
      std::vector<InProgressCommand> in_progress_commands);

  // Sets the `progress_` of the item, returning the previous value if a change
  // occurred or `std::nullopt` to indicate no-op.
  // NOTE: Progress can only be updated for in progress items.
  std::optional<HoldingSpaceProgress> SetProgress(
      const HoldingSpaceProgress& progress);

  // Invalidates the current holding space image, so fresh image representations
  // are loaded when the image is next needed.
  void InvalidateImage();

  const std::string& id() const { return id_; }

  Type type() const { return type_; }

  const std::optional<std::u16string>& secondary_text() const {
    return secondary_text_;

  const std::optional<HoldingSpaceColorVariant>& secondary_text_color_variant()
      const {
    return secondary_text_color_variant_;

  const HoldingSpaceImage& image() const { return *image_; }

  const HoldingSpaceFile& file() const { return file_; }

  const HoldingSpaceProgress& progress() const { return progress_; }

  const std::vector<InProgressCommand>& in_progress_commands() const {
    return in_progress_commands_;

  HoldingSpaceImage& image_for_testing() { return *image_; }
  const HoldingSpaceImage& image_for_testing() const { return *image_; }

  // Constructor for file backed items.
  HoldingSpaceItem(Type type,
                   const std::string& id,
                   const HoldingSpaceFile& file,
                   std::unique_ptr<HoldingSpaceImage> image,
                   const HoldingSpaceProgress& progress);

  const Type type_;

  // The holding space item ID assigned to the item.
  std::string id_;

  // The file that backs the item.
  HoldingSpaceFile file_;

  // If set, the text that should be shown for the item.
  std::optional<std::u16string> text_;

  // If set, the secondary text that should be shown for the item.
  std::optional<std::u16string> secondary_text_;

  // If set, the color resolved from the color variant for the secondary text
  // that should be shown for the item.
  std::optional<HoldingSpaceColorVariant> secondary_text_color_variant_;

  // If set, the accessible name that should be used for the item.
  std::optional<std::u16string> accessible_name_;

  // The image representation of the item.
  std::unique_ptr<HoldingSpaceImage> image_;

  // The progress of the item.
  HoldingSpaceProgress progress_;

  // The commands for an in-progress item which are shown in the item's context
  // menu and possibly, in the case of cancel/pause/resume, as primary/secondary
  // actions on the item's view itself.
  std::vector<InProgressCommand> in_progress_commands_;

  // Mutable to allow const access from `AddDeletionCallback()`.
  mutable base::RepeatingClosureList deletion_callback_list_;

}  // namespace ash