// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "ash/public/cpp/ash_public_export.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
class GURL;
namespace aura {
class Window;
namespace base {
class FilePath;
namespace ui {
class OSExchangeData;
namespace ash {
// A delegate interface that an ash user sends to ash to handle certain window
// management responsibilities.
class ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT NewWindowDelegate {
// Sources of feedback requests.
enum FeedbackSource {
virtual ~NewWindowDelegate();
// Returns an instance connected to ash-chrome.
static NewWindowDelegate* GetInstance();
// Returns an instance connected to the primary browser.
// Specifically, if Lacros is the primary browser, the instance connected
// to the registered browser via crosapi.
static NewWindowDelegate* GetPrimary();
// Invoked when the user uses Ctrl+T to open a new tab.
virtual void NewTab() = 0;
// Invoked when the user uses Ctrl-N or Ctrl-Shift-N to open a new window. If
// the |should_trigger_session_restore| is true, a new window opening should
// be treated like the start of a session (with potential session restore,
// startup URLs, etc.). Otherwise, don't restore the session.
virtual void NewWindow(bool incognito,
bool should_trigger_session_restore) = 0;
using NewWindowForDetachingTabCallback =
// Opens a new Browser window in response to a drag'n drop operation performed
// by the user while in "tablet mode".
virtual void NewWindowForDetachingTab(
aura::Window* source_window,
const ui::OSExchangeData& drop_data,
NewWindowForDetachingTabCallback closure) = 0;
// Opens the specified URL in a new tab.
// If the |from| is kUserInteraction then the page will load with a user
// activation. This means the page will be able to autoplay media without
// restriction.
// If the |from| is kArc, then the new window is annotated a special tag,
// so that on requesting to opening ARC app from the page, confirmation
// dialog will be skipped.
// |Disposition| corresponds to the subset of |WindowOpenDisposition| that is
// supported by crosapi.
enum class OpenUrlFrom {
enum class Disposition {
virtual void OpenUrl(const GURL& url,
OpenUrlFrom from,
Disposition disposition) = 0;
// Invoked when an accelerator (calculator key) is used to open calculator.
virtual void OpenCalculator() = 0;
// Invoked when an accelerator is used to open the file manager.
virtual void OpenFileManager() = 0;
// Opens File Manager in the MyFiles/Downloads folder.
virtual void OpenDownloadsFolder() = 0;
// Invoked when the user opens Crosh.
virtual void OpenCrosh() = 0;
// Invoked when an accelerator is used to open diagnostics.
virtual void OpenDiagnostics() = 0;
// Invoked when an accelerator is used to open help center.
virtual void OpenGetHelp() = 0;
// Invoked when the user uses Shift+Ctrl+T to restore the closed tab.
virtual void RestoreTab() = 0;
// Show the shortcut customization app.
virtual void ShowShortcutCustomizationApp() = 0;
// Shows the task manager window.
virtual void ShowTaskManager() = 0;
// Opens the feedback page for "Report Issue".
// |source| indicates the source of the feedback request, which is Ash by
// default.
// |description_template| is the preset description when the feedback dialog
// is opened.
virtual void OpenFeedbackPage(
FeedbackSource source = kFeedbackSourceAsh,
const std::string& description_template = std::string()) = 0;
// Show the Personalization hub.
virtual void OpenPersonalizationHub() = 0;
// Shows the a captive portal signin window.
virtual void OpenCaptivePortalSignin(const GURL& url) = 0;
// Opens a file on the local file system (which may be DriveFS).
virtual void OpenFile(const base::FilePath& file_path) = 0;
NewWindowDelegate(const NewWindowDelegate&) = delete;
NewWindowDelegate& operator=(const NewWindowDelegate&) = delete;
// Interface to provide delegate instances for
// NewWindowDelegate::GetInstance/GetPrimary methods.
class ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT NewWindowDelegateProvider {
virtual ~NewWindowDelegateProvider();
virtual NewWindowDelegate* GetInstance() = 0;
virtual NewWindowDelegate* GetPrimary() = 0;
NewWindowDelegateProvider(const NewWindowDelegateProvider&) = delete;
NewWindowDelegateProvider& operator=(const NewWindowDelegateProvider&) =
} // namespace ash