
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>

#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/uuid.h"
#include "chrome/browser/android/historical_tab_saver.h"
#include "chrome/browser/android/tab_android.h"
#include "chrome/browser/tab/web_contents_state.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/android/tab_model/android_live_tab_context.h"
#include "components/sessions/core/live_tab.h"
#include "components/sessions/core/tab_restore_types.h"
#include "components/tab_groups/tab_group_id.h"
#include "components/tab_groups/tab_group_visual_data.h"

class TabModel;

// Subclass for supplying tabs and group data for bulk tab closures.
class AndroidLiveTabContextCloseWrapper : public AndroidLiveTabContext {
  // AndroidLiveTabContextCloseWrapper wraps AndroidLiveTabContext for
  // closing tabs. In this mode:
  // - `closed_tabs` is the list of tabs closed in a particular close event
  //   handled by the delegate
  // - `tab_id_to_tab_group` is a mapping from a closed Android Tab's ID to a
  //   TabGroupId if it is part of a group. This TabGroupId is not the same ID
  //   as an Android Group ID and is used as a proxy. However, it is a 1:1
  //   relationship.
  // - `tab_group_visual_data` is used to supply a title and color of a tab
  //   group. One of these entries must exist for every unique TabGroupId in
  //   `tab_id_to_tab_group`. If the title is null in Java use "".
  // - `saved_tab_group_ids` is used to supply a saved tab group id for each
  //   tab group. If an entry does not exist a null value will be used.
      TabModel* tab_model,
      std::vector<raw_ptr<TabAndroid, VectorExperimental>>&& closed_tabs,
      std::map<int, tab_groups::TabGroupId>&& tab_id_to_tab_group,
      std::map<tab_groups::TabGroupId, tab_groups::TabGroupVisualData>&&
      std::map<tab_groups::TabGroupId, std::optional<base::Uuid>>&&
      std::vector<WebContentsStateByteBuffer>&& web_contents_state);
  ~AndroidLiveTabContextCloseWrapper() override;

  AndroidLiveTabContextCloseWrapper(const AndroidLiveTabContextCloseWrapper&) =
  AndroidLiveTabContextCloseWrapper& operator=(
      const AndroidLiveTabContextCloseWrapper&) = delete;

  // Gets the number of closing tabs handled by this wrapper.
  int GetTabCount() const override;

  // Stubs getting the currently selected index.
  int GetSelectedIndex() const override;

  // Gets the sessions::LiveTab corresponding to the tab at
  // `relative_index` into `closed_tabs`. If the TabAndroid is frozen a
  // temporary WebContents without a renderer will be created. Note that only
  // one sessions::LiveTab* vended from this delegate should be alive at any
  // time as the temporary WebContents may be deleted upon next call to this
  // method as it's lifetime is managed by this wrapper class.
  sessions::LiveTab* GetLiveTabAt(int relative_index) const override;

  // Gets the TabGroupId for the Tab at `relative_index` into `closed_tabs` or
  // returns nullopt otherwise.
  std::optional<tab_groups::TabGroupId> GetTabGroupForTab(
      int relative_index) const override;

  // Gets the visual data for `group_id` if it exists or nullptr otherwise.
  const tab_groups::TabGroupVisualData* GetVisualDataForGroup(
      const tab_groups::TabGroupId& group_id) const override;

  // Gets the saved tab group id for `group_id` if it exists or std::nullopt
  // otherwise.
  const std::optional<base::Uuid> GetSavedTabGroupIdForGroup(
      const tab_groups::TabGroupId& group_id) const override;

  TabAndroid* GetTabAt(int relative_index) const;

  // List of indices to close for using BrowserClosing to proxy bulk
  // closure.
  std::vector<raw_ptr<TabAndroid, VectorExperimental>> closed_tabs_;

  // Maps tab IDs to tab groups.
  std::map<int, tab_groups::TabGroupId> tab_id_to_tab_group_;

  // Maps a group ID to its visual data (only a title on Android).
  std::map<tab_groups::TabGroupId, tab_groups::TabGroupVisualData>

  // Maps a group ID to its saved tab group ID.
  std::map<tab_groups::TabGroupId, std::optional<base::Uuid>>

  // List of webContentStates to close linked by tab index for bulk closure.
  std::vector<WebContentsStateByteBuffer> web_contents_state_;

  // The most recently unfrozen web contents. Mutable as const signature methods
  // modify this field (constness inherited from LiveTabContext).
  mutable std::unique_ptr<historical_tab_saver::ScopedWebContents>

// Subclass for extracting group data for bulk tab restores.
class AndroidLiveTabContextRestoreWrapper : public AndroidLiveTabContext {
  explicit AndroidLiveTabContextRestoreWrapper(TabModel* tab_model);
  ~AndroidLiveTabContextRestoreWrapper() override;

      const AndroidLiveTabContextRestoreWrapper&) = delete;
  AndroidLiveTabContextRestoreWrapper& operator=(
      const AndroidLiveTabContextRestoreWrapper&) = delete;

  // A group of tabs. Used for the purpose of converting between
  // TabRestoreService and Android representations of Tab Groups.
  struct TabGroup {

    TabGroup(const TabGroup&) = delete;
    TabGroup& operator=(const TabGroup&) = delete;

    TabGroup& operator=(TabGroup&&);

    // Visual data for the group (only a title for Android).
    tab_groups::TabGroupVisualData visual_data;

    // Android Tab IDs for members of the group.
    std::vector<int> tab_ids;

    // The saved tab group ID of the tab group.
    std::optional<base::Uuid> saved_tab_group_id;

  void SetVisualDataForGroup(
      const tab_groups::TabGroupId& group,
      const tab_groups::TabGroupVisualData& visual_data) override;
  sessions::LiveTab* AddRestoredTab(
      const sessions::tab_restore::Tab& tab,
      int tab_index,
      bool select,
      sessions::tab_restore::Type original_session_type) override;

  // Returns the TabGroup data aggregated via AddRestoredTab.
  const std::map<tab_groups::TabGroupId, TabGroup>& GetTabGroups();

  // Mapping of restored tab group ids to Android tab groups.
  std::map<tab_groups::TabGroupId, TabGroup> tab_groups_;