// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.theme;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.ColorStateList;
import androidx.annotation.ColorInt;
import org.chromium.base.supplier.ObservableSupplier;
import org.chromium.base.supplier.Supplier;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.CurrentTabObserver;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.EmptyTabObserver;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.Tab;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.TabState;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ui.native_page.NativePage;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ui.theme.BrandedColorScheme;
import org.chromium.components.browser_ui.styles.ChromeColors;
import org.chromium.ui.util.ColorUtils;
* Manages the theme color used on the top part of the UI based on Tab's theme color and other
* conditions such as dark mode settings, incognito mode, security state, etc.
* <p>The theme color is only updated when the supplied tab is non-null.
public class TopUiThemeColorProvider extends ThemeColorProvider {
private final CurrentTabObserver mTabObserver;
private final Supplier<Integer> mActivityThemeColorSupplier;
private final boolean mIsTablet;
private final Context mContext;
/** Whether the theme should apply while in dark mode. */
private final boolean mAllowThemingInNightMode;
/** Whether bright theme colors are allowed. */
private final boolean mAllowBrightThemeColors;
/** Whether or not the default color is used. */
private boolean mIsDefaultColorUsed;
* @param context {@link Context} to access the theme and the resources.
* @param tabSupplier Supplier of the current tab.
* @param activityThemeColorSupplier Supplier of activity theme color.
* @param isTablet Whether the current activity is being run on a tablet.
* @param allowThemingInNightMode Whether the tab theme should be used when the device is in
* night mode.
* @param allowBrightThemeColors Whether the tab allows bright theme colors.
public TopUiThemeColorProvider(
Context context,
ObservableSupplier<Tab> tabSupplier,
Supplier<Integer> activityThemeColorSupplier,
boolean isTablet,
boolean allowThemingInNightMode,
boolean allowBrightThemeColors) {
mContext = context;
mTabObserver =
new CurrentTabObserver(
new EmptyTabObserver() {
public void onDidChangeThemeColor(Tab tab, int themeColor) {
updateColor(tab, themeColor, true);
(tab) -> {
if (tab != null) updateColor(tab, tab.getThemeColor(), false);
mActivityThemeColorSupplier = activityThemeColorSupplier;
mIsTablet = isTablet;
mAllowThemingInNightMode = allowThemingInNightMode;
mAllowBrightThemeColors = allowBrightThemeColors;
* @return Theme color or the given fallback color if the default color is
* used or there is no current tab.
public int getThemeColorOrFallback(Tab tab, int fallbackColor) {
return (tab == null || mIsDefaultColorUsed) ? fallbackColor : getThemeColor();
private void updateColor(Tab tab, int themeColor, boolean shouldAnimate) {
updatePrimaryColor(calculateColor(tab, themeColor), shouldAnimate);
mIsDefaultColorUsed = isUsingDefaultColor(tab, themeColor);
final @BrandedColorScheme int brandedColorScheme =
calculateBrandedColorScheme(tab.isIncognito(), mIsDefaultColorUsed);
final ColorStateList iconTint =
ThemeUtils.getThemedToolbarIconTint(mContext, brandedColorScheme);
updateTint(iconTint, iconTint, brandedColorScheme);
private int calculateBrandedColorScheme(boolean isIncognito, boolean isDefaultColor) {
if (isIncognito) return BrandedColorScheme.INCOGNITO;
if (isDefaultColor) return BrandedColorScheme.APP_DEFAULT;
final boolean isDarkTheme =
return isDarkTheme
? BrandedColorScheme.DARK_BRANDED_THEME
: BrandedColorScheme.LIGHT_BRANDED_THEME;
* Calculate theme color to be used for a given tab.
* @param tab Tab to get the theme color for.
* @param themeColor Initial color to calculate the theme color with.
* @return Final theme color for a given tab, with other signals taken into account.
public @ColorInt int calculateColor(Tab tab, @ColorInt int themeColor) {
// This method is used not only for the current tab but also for
// any given tab. Therefore it should not alter any class state.
if (!isUsingTabThemeColor(tab, themeColor)) {
themeColor = ChromeColors.getDefaultThemeColor(mContext, tab.isIncognito());
if (isThemingAllowed(tab)) {
int customThemeColor = mActivityThemeColorSupplier.get();
if (customThemeColor != TabState.UNSPECIFIED_THEME_COLOR) {
themeColor = customThemeColor;
// Ensure there is no alpha component to the theme color as that is not supported in the
// dependent UI.
return ColorUtils.getOpaqueColor(themeColor);
private boolean isUsingDefaultColor(Tab tab, int themeColor) {
// This method is used not only for the current tab but also for
// any given tab. Therefore it should not alter any class state.
return !(isUsingTabThemeColor(tab, themeColor)
|| (isThemingAllowed(tab)
&& mActivityThemeColorSupplier.get() != TabState.UNSPECIFIED_THEME_COLOR));
* The default background color used for {@link Tab} if the associate web content doesn't
* specify a background color.
* @param tab {@link Tab} object to get the background color for.
* @return The background color of {@link Tab}.
public int getBackgroundColor(Tab tab) {
// This method makes it easy to mock, test-friendly.
return ThemeUtils.getBackgroundColor(tab);
* @param tab Tab to get the theme color for.
* @param themeColor Initial color to calculate the theme color with.
* @return Whether the given tab is using the tab theme color.
private boolean isUsingTabThemeColor(Tab tab, int themeColor) {
return isThemingAllowed(tab)
&& themeColor != TabState.UNSPECIFIED_THEME_COLOR
&& (mAllowBrightThemeColors || !ColorUtils.isThemeColorTooBright(themeColor));
* Returns whether theming the activity is allowed (either by the web contents or by the
* activity).
private boolean isThemingAllowed(Tab tab) {
boolean disallowDueToNightMode =
!mAllowThemingInNightMode && ColorUtils.inNightMode(tab.getContext());
return tab.isThemingAllowed()
&& !mIsTablet
&& !disallowDueToNightMode
&& !tab.isNativePage()
&& !tab.isIncognito();
* @param tab The {@link Tab} on which the toolbar scene layer color is used.
* @return The toolbar (or browser controls) color used in the compositor scene layer. Note that
* this is primarily used for compositor animation, and doesn't affect the Android view.
public int getSceneLayerBackground(Tab tab) {
NativePage nativePage = tab.getNativePage();
int defaultColor = calculateColor(tab, tab.getThemeColor());
return nativePage != null
? nativePage.getToolbarSceneLayerBackground(defaultColor)
: defaultColor;
public void destroy() {