// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.toolbar;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.Tab;
* Interface for components that wish to display a button in the "optional" button slot in the
* browsing mode toolbar.
public interface ButtonDataProvider {
* Observer class for changes in button state. Implementers should notify
* their observers when their feature-specific display state changes,
* e.g. the user signing out making the IdentityDisc non-displayable,
* or drawable for the button changing.
interface ButtonDataObserver {
* @param canShowHint Whether the provider thinks its button can be shown.
* Embedders should always respect the hint's value when it is false,
* but should only treat it as a hint when it is true; they will still
* need to call get() to receive the complete picture of the button's
* state.
void buttonDataChanged(boolean canShowHint);
/** Add an observer that should be notified every time a provider's button data changes. */
void addObserver(ButtonDataObserver obs);
/** Remove the given observer from the list of observers to notify. */
void removeObserver(ButtonDataObserver obs);
/** Get the current ButtonData, including any tab-specific adjustments. */
ButtonData get(@Nullable Tab tab);
* Destroy the provider. This should be made safe to call multiple times, in case a provider is
* held and destroyed as a separate, concrete instance in addition to a ButtonDataProvider.
void destroy();