// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.ui.android.webid;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.chromium.blink.mojom.RpContext;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ui.android.webid.data.Account;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ui.android.webid.data.ClientIdMetadata;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ui.android.webid.data.IdentityCredentialTokenError;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ui.android.webid.data.IdentityProviderData;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ui.android.webid.data.IdentityProviderMetadata;
import org.chromium.content.webid.IdentityRequestDialogDismissReason;
import org.chromium.content.webid.IdentityRequestDialogLinkType;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.url.GURL;
import java.util.List;
* This component supports accounts selection for WebID. It shows a list of
* accounts to the user which can select one of them or dismiss it.
public interface AccountSelectionComponent {
* This delegate is called when the AccountSelection component is interacted with (e.g.
* dismissed or a suggestion was selected).
interface Delegate {
* Called when the user select one of the accounts shown in the
* AccountSelectionComponent.
void onAccountSelected(GURL idpConfigUrl, Account account);
* Called when the user dismisses the AccountSelectionComponent. Not called if a suggestion
* was selected.
void onDismissed(@IdentityRequestDialogDismissReason int dismissReason);
/** Called when the user clicks on the button to sign in to the IDP. */
void onLoginToIdP(GURL idpConfigUrl, GURL idpLoginUrl);
/** Called when the user clicks on the more details button in an error dialog. */
void onMoreDetails();
/** Called on the opener when a modal dialog that it opened has been closed. */
void onModalDialogClosed();
/** Called when the accounts UI is displayed. */
void onAccountsDisplayed();
* Gets the WebContents used by this delegate.
* <p>For use by code running in the CCT popup.
WebContents getWebContents();
/** Called to associate the popup with the delegate. */
void setPopupComponent(AccountSelectionComponent popupComponent);
* Displays the given accounts in a new bottom sheet.
* @param rpEtldPlusOne The {@link String} for the relying party.
* @param idpEtldPlusOne The {@link String} for the identity provider.
* @param accounts A list of {@link Account}s that will be displayed.
* @param idpMetadata Metadata related to identity provider.
* @param clientMetadata Metadata related to relying party.
* @param isAutoReauthn A {@link boolean} that represents whether this is an auto re-authn flow.
* @param rpContext is an enum representing the desired text to be used in the title of the
* FedCM prompt: "signin", "continue", etc.
* @param requestPermission A {@link boolean} indicating whether we need to request permission
* from the user to share their data with the IDP, if the user is not a returning user.
void showAccounts(
String rpEtldPlusOne,
String idpEtldPlusOne,
List<Account> accounts,
IdentityProviderMetadata idpMetadata,
ClientIdMetadata clientMetadata,
boolean isAutoReauthn,
@RpContext.EnumType int rpContext,
boolean requestPermission,
@Nullable IdentityProviderData newAccountsIdp);
* Displays a dialog telling the user that they can sign in to an IDP for the purpose of
* federated login when the IDP sign-in status is signin but no accounts are received from the
* fetch.
* @param rpForDisplay is the formatted RP URL to display in the FedCM prompt.
* @param idpForDisplay is the formatted IDP URL to display in the FedCM prompt.
* @param idpMetadata is the metadata of the IDP.
* @param rpContext is an enum representing the desired text to be used in the title of the
* FedCM prompt: "signin", "continue", etc.
void showFailureDialog(
String rpForDisplay,
String idpForDisplay,
IdentityProviderMetadata idpMetadata,
@RpContext.EnumType int rpContext);
* Displays a dialog telling the user that an error has occurred in their attempt to sign-in to
* a website with an IDP.
* @param rpForDisplay is the formatted RP URL to display in the FedCM prompt.
* @param idpForDisplay is the formatted IDP URL to display in the FedCM prompt.
* @param idpMetadata is the metadata of the IDP.
* @param rpContext is an enum representing the desired text to be used in the title of the
* FedCM prompt: "signin", "continue", etc.
* @param IdentityCredentialTokenError is contains the error code and url to display in the
* FedCM prompt.
void showErrorDialog(
String rpForDisplay,
String idpForDisplay,
IdentityProviderMetadata idpMetadata,
@RpContext.EnumType int rpContext,
IdentityCredentialTokenError error);
* Displays a dialog with a spinner to indicate that contents are loading.
* @param rpForDisplay is the formatted RP URL to display in the FedCM prompt.
* @param idpForDisplay is the formatted IDP URL to display in the FedCM prompt.
* @param rpContext is an enum representing the desired text to be used in the title of the
* FedCM prompt: "signin", "continue", etc.
void showLoadingDialog(
String rpForDisplay, String idpForDisplay, @RpContext.EnumType int rpContext);
* Closes the outstanding bottom sheet or the popup, depending on what this object corresponds
* to.
void close();
/** Gets the sheet's title. */
String getTitle();
/** Gets the sheet's subtitle, if any, or null.. */
String getSubtitle();
/** Show the given URL in a popup window. */
void showUrl(@IdentityRequestDialogLinkType int linkType, GURL url);
* Shows a custom tab with the given url. Returns the WebContents of the new dialog.
* @param url The URL to be loaded in the dialog.
WebContents showModalDialog(GURL url);
/** Closes a modal dialog, if one is opened. */
void closeModalDialog();
/** Gets notified about the modal dialog that it opened being closed. */
void onModalDialogClosed();
/** Gets the WebContents for this object. */
WebContents getWebContents();
* Gets the WebContents for the RP associated with this object.
* <p>This is intended to be called on the custom tab object to return the WebContents for the
* RP, i.e. the WebContents for the object that showModalDialog was called on.
WebContents getRpWebContents();
/** Called to associate the popup with the delegate. */
void setPopupComponent(AccountSelectionComponent popupComponent);