// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/app_restore/app_launch_handler.h"
class Profile;
namespace apps {
enum class AppTypeName;
} // namespace apps
namespace app_restore {
class DeskTemplateReadHandler;
} // namespace app_restore
namespace ash {
class DeskTemplate;
} // namespace ash
// The DesksTemplatesAppLaunchHandler class is passed a profile, and will launch
// apps and web pages based on the template. Note that a new handler should be
// created for each template launch.
class DesksTemplatesAppLaunchHandler : public ash::AppLaunchHandler {
explicit DesksTemplatesAppLaunchHandler(Profile* profile);
DesksTemplatesAppLaunchHandler(const DesksTemplatesAppLaunchHandler&) =
DesksTemplatesAppLaunchHandler& operator=(
const DesksTemplatesAppLaunchHandler&) = delete;
~DesksTemplatesAppLaunchHandler() override;
// Launch the given template.
void LaunchTemplate(const ash::DeskTemplate& desk_template);
// chromeos::AppLaunchHandler:
bool ShouldLaunchSystemWebAppOrChromeApp(
const std::string& app_id,
const app_restore::RestoreData::LaunchList& launch_list) override;
void OnExtensionLaunching(const std::string& app_id) override;
base::WeakPtr<ash::AppLaunchHandler> GetWeakPtrAppLaunchHandler() override;
// Go through the restore data launch list and launches the browser windows.
void LaunchBrowsers();
// Launches ARC apps if they are supported.
void MaybeLaunchArcApps();
// Launches Lacros browsers if there are entries for them in the restore data.
void MaybeLaunchLacrosBrowsers();
// Notifies observers that a single instance app has moved.
void NotifyMovedSingleInstanceApp(int32_t window_id);
// chromeos::AppLaunchHandler:
void RecordRestoredAppLaunch(apps::AppTypeName app_type_name) override;
// Checks to see if the browser app with `app_name` is installed.
bool IsBrowserAppInstalled(const std::string& app_name);
// Cached convenience pointer to the desk template read handler.
const raw_ptr<app_restore::DeskTemplateReadHandler> read_handler_;
// The ID of the specific launch this handler deals with.
int32_t launch_id_ = 0;
base::WeakPtrFactory<DesksTemplatesAppLaunchHandler> weak_ptr_factory_{this};