// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "ash/public/cpp/holding_space/holding_space_item.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/file_suggest/file_suggest_keyed_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/file_suggest/file_suggest_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/ash/holding_space/holding_space_keyed_service_delegate.h"
namespace ash {
// A holding space delegate that manages the file suggestions (i.e. the files
// predicted to be needed by users) used in the holding space. The delegate
// observes the file suggestion service. When file suggestions update, the
// delegate refreshes the file suggestion items in the holding space model.
class HoldingSpaceSuggestionsDelegate
: public HoldingSpaceKeyedServiceDelegate,
public FileSuggestKeyedService::Observer {
HoldingSpaceSuggestionsDelegate(HoldingSpaceKeyedService* service,
HoldingSpaceModel* model);
HoldingSpaceSuggestionsDelegate(const HoldingSpaceSuggestionsDelegate&) =
HoldingSpaceSuggestionsDelegate& operator=(
const HoldingSpaceSuggestionsDelegate&) = delete;
~HoldingSpaceSuggestionsDelegate() override;
// Refreshes suggestions. Note that this intentionally does *not* invalidate
// the file suggest service's item suggest cache which is too expensive for
// holding space to invalidate.
void RefreshSuggestions();
// Removes suggestions associated with the specified `absolute_file_paths`.
void RemoveSuggestions(
const std::vector<base::FilePath>& absolute_file_paths);
// HoldingSpaceKeyedServiceDelegate:
void OnHoldingSpaceItemsAdded(
const std::vector<const HoldingSpaceItem*>& items) override;
void OnHoldingSpaceItemsRemoved(
const std::vector<const HoldingSpaceItem*>& items) override;
void OnHoldingSpaceItemInitialized(const HoldingSpaceItem* item) override;
void OnPersistenceRestored() override;
// FileSuggestKeyedService::Observer:
void OnFileSuggestionUpdated(FileSuggestionType type) override;
// Fetches file suggestions of the specified `type` from the service. Returns
// early if the fetch on the suggestions of `type` is already pending.
void MaybeFetchSuggestions(FileSuggestionType type);
// Maybe schedules a task to update suggestions in the holding space model.
void MaybeScheduleUpdateSuggestionsInModel();
// Called when fetching file suggestions finishes.
void OnSuggestionsFetched(
FileSuggestionType type,
const std::optional<std::vector<FileSuggestData>>& suggestions);
// Updates suggestions in the holding space model. The method ensures that:
// 1. Drive file suggestions (if any) are always in front of local file
// suggestions; and
// 2. The suggestions of the same type (i.e. drive file ones or local file
// ones) follow the relevance order.
void UpdateSuggestionsInModel();
// Records the suggestion types on which data fetches are pending.
std::set<FileSuggestionType> pending_fetches_;
// Caches the suggested files in the holding space model. In each key-value
// pair: the key is a holding space suggestion item type; the value is an
// array of paths to the suggested files. NOTE: each file path array follows
// the relevance order, which means that a file path with a smaller index in
// the array has a higher relevance score.
std::map<HoldingSpaceItem::Type, std::vector<base::FilePath>>
// Used to schedule the task of updating suggestions in model.
base::OneShotTimer suggestion_update_timer_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<HoldingSpaceSuggestionsDelegate> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash