// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/app_list/app_list_controller_observer.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/session/session_observer.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/shelf_types.h"
#include "ash/style/ash_color_provider.h"
#include "ash/system/model/virtual_keyboard_model.h"
#include "ash/wm/overview/overview_observer.h"
#include "ash/wm/splitview/split_view_observer.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/observer_list_types.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/color/color_id.h"
#include "ui/display/display_observer.h"
#include "ui/gfx/animation/tween.h"
namespace base {
class TimeDelta;
namespace session_manager {
enum class SessionState;
} // namespace session_manager
namespace ash {
// Provides layout and drawing config for the Shelf. Note That some of these
// values could change at runtime.
class ASH_EXPORT ShelfConfig : public SessionObserver,
public AppListControllerObserver,
public display::DisplayObserver,
public VirtualKeyboardModel::Observer,
public OverviewObserver {
class Observer : public base::CheckedObserver {
// Invoked when shelf config values are changed.
virtual void OnShelfConfigUpdated() {}
ShelfConfig(const ShelfConfig&) = delete;
ShelfConfig& operator=(const ShelfConfig&) = delete;
~ShelfConfig() override;
static ShelfConfig* Get();
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// Add observers to this objects's dependencies.
void Init();
// Remove observers from this object's dependencies.
void Shutdown();
// OverviewObserver:
void OnOverviewModeWillStart() override;
void OnOverviewModeEnding(OverviewSession* overview_session) override;
void OnSplitViewStateChanged(SplitViewController::State previous_state,
SplitViewController::State state);
// SessionObserver:
void OnSessionStateChanged(session_manager::SessionState state) override;
// DisplayObserver:
void OnDisplayMetricsChanged(const display::Display& display,
uint32_t changed_metrics) override;
// VirtualKeyboardModel::Observer:
void OnVirtualKeyboardVisibilityChanged() override;
// AppListControllerObserver:
void OnAppListVisibilityWillChange(bool shown, int64_t display_id) override;
// Updates the shelf configuration to match the provided tablet mode state.
// Called during transitions to enter or exit tablet mode.
void UpdateForTabletMode(bool in_tablet_mode);
// Whether the shelf control buttons must be shown for accessibility
// reasons.
bool ShelfControlsForcedShownForAccessibility() const;
// Returns the optimal shelf button size for the given hotseat density.
int GetShelfButtonSize(HotseatDensity density) const;
// Returns the optimal shelf icon size for the given hotseat density.
int GetShelfButtonIconSize(HotseatDensity density) const;
// Returns the shelf shortuct icon size.
int GetShelfShortcutIconSize() const;
// Returns the shelf shortcut icon border size.
int GetShelfShortcutIconBorderSize() const;
// Returns the shelf shortcut host badge icon size.
int GetShelfShortcutHostBadgeIconSize() const;
// Returns the shelf shortcut host badge icon border size.
int GetShelfShortcutHostBadgeBorderSize() const;
// Returns the shelf shortcut bottom right corner radius.
int GetShelfShortcutTeardropCornerRadiusSize() const;
// Returns the hotseat height for the given hotseat density.
// NOTE: This may not match the actual hotseat size, as hotseat may get scaled
// down if it does not fit in available bounds within the shelf. Use
// HotseatWidget::GetHotseatSize() to get the actual widget size.
int GetHotseatSize(HotseatDensity density) const;
// Returns the padding between the shelf and elevated homecher.
int GetHomecherElevatedAppBarOffset() const;
// Size of the shelf when visible (height when the shelf is horizontal and
// width when the shelf is vertical).
int shelf_size() const;
// Size of the shelf when an app is visible in tablet mode.
int in_app_shelf_size() const;
// Size of the shelf when not in tablet mode, or when no apps are visible.
int system_shelf_size() const;
// The shelf size within which the drag handle should be centered.
int shelf_drag_handle_centering_size() const;
// The size of the gap between the hotseat and shelf when the hotseat is
// extended.
int hotseat_bottom_padding() const;
// Size of the space between buttons on the shelf.
int button_spacing() const;
// Size for controls like the home button, back button, etc.
int control_size() const;
// The radius of shelf control buttons.
int control_border_radius() const;
// The spacing between the edge of the shelf and the control buttons. When
// shelf is horizontal, the left/right edges of the shelf are considered a
// primary axis edge. When shelf is vertical, the top/bottom edges are
// considered the primary axis edge.
int control_button_edge_spacing(bool is_primary_axis_edge) const;
// The duration of the hotseat background animations in ms.
base::TimeDelta hotseat_background_animation_duration() const;
// The duration of the shelf show/hide animation in ms.
base::TimeDelta shelf_animation_duration() const;
// The extra padding added to status area tray buttons on the shelf.
int status_area_hit_region_padding() const;
// The threshold relative to the size of the shelf that is used to determine
// if the shelf visibility should change during a drag.
float drag_hide_ratio_threshold() const;
int workspace_area_visible_inset() const {
return workspace_area_visible_inset_;
int workspace_area_auto_hide_inset() const {
return workspace_area_auto_hide_inset_;
int hidden_shelf_in_screen_portion() const {
return hidden_shelf_in_screen_portion_;
int status_indicator_offset_from_shelf_edge() const {
return status_indicator_offset_from_shelf_edge_;
int scrollable_shelf_ripple_padding() const {
return scrollable_shelf_ripple_padding_;
int shelf_tooltip_preview_height() const {
return shelf_tooltip_preview_height_;
int shelf_tooltip_preview_max_width() const {
return shelf_tooltip_preview_max_width_;
float shelf_tooltip_preview_max_ratio() const {
return shelf_tooltip_preview_max_ratio_;
float shelf_tooltip_preview_min_ratio() const {
return shelf_tooltip_preview_min_ratio_;
int shelf_blur_radius() const { return shelf_blur_radius_; }
int mousewheel_scroll_offset_threshold() const {
return mousewheel_scroll_offset_threshold_;
int in_app_control_button_height_inset() const {
return in_app_control_button_height_inset_;
bool is_dense() const { return is_dense_; }
bool is_in_app() const { return is_in_app_; }
bool in_split_view_with_overview() const {
return in_split_view_with_overview_;
bool shelf_controls_shown() const { return shelf_controls_shown_; }
bool is_virtual_keyboard_shown() const { return is_virtual_keyboard_shown_; }
bool in_tablet_mode() const { return in_tablet_mode_; }
bool in_overview_mode() const { return overview_mode_; }
bool elevate_tablet_mode_app_bar() const {
return elevate_tablet_mode_app_bar_;
// Gets the current color for the shelf control buttons.
SkColor GetShelfControlButtonColor(const views::Widget* widget) const;
// Gets the shelf color when a window is maximized.
SkColor GetMaximizedShelfColor(const views::Widget* widget) const;
// Gets the ColorId for shelf color.
ui::ColorId GetShelfBaseLayerColorId() const;
// Gets the default shelf color, calculated using the wallpaper color if
// available.
SkColor GetDefaultShelfColor(const views::Widget* widget) const;
// Returns the current blur radius to use for the control buttons.
int GetShelfControlButtonBlurRadius() const;
// The padding between the app icon and the end of the scrollable shelf.
int GetAppIconEndPadding() const;
// Returns the margin on either side of the group of app icons.
int GetAppIconGroupMargin() const;
// The animation time for dimming shelf icons, widgets, and buttons.
base::TimeDelta DimAnimationDuration() const;
// The tween type for dimming shelf icons, widgets, and buttons.
gfx::Tween::Type DimAnimationTween() const;
// The size of the shelf drag handle.
gfx::Size DragHandleSize() const;
// Size of the shelf in tablet mode.
int GetSystemShelfSizeInTabletMode() const;
// Records the UMA of showing the stacked hotseat app bar and returns the size
// of the insets used in tablet mode to allocate space to the shelf.
int GetTabletModeShelfInsetsAndRecordUMA();
// Minimum size for the inline app bar.
int GetMinimumInlineAppBarSize() const;
// Updates 'elevate_tablet_mode_app_bar_' for `inline_app_bar_size`.
void UpdateShowElevatedAppBar(const gfx::Size& inline_app_bar_size);
friend class ShelfConfigTest;
class ShelfAccessibilityObserver;
class ShelfSplitViewObserver;
// Called whenever something has changed in the shelf configuration. Notifies
// all observers.
void OnShelfConfigUpdated();
// Updates |is_dense_|, |is_app_list_visible_|, and |shelf_controls_shown_|
// and notifies all observers of the update if the state changes.
// |new_is_app_list_visible| - The new app list visibility state.
// |tablet_mode_changed| should be set to true if this config is being updated
// as a result of a change in tablet mode state.
void UpdateConfig(bool new_is_app_list_visible, bool tablet_mode_changed);
// Gets the current shelf size.
// |ignore_in_app_state| - Whether the returned shelf size should be
// calculated as if is_in_app() returns false.
int GetShelfSize(bool ignore_in_app_state) const;
// Updates shelf config - called when the accessibility state changes.
void UpdateConfigForAccessibilityState();
// Calculates the intended in-app state with the provided app list and virtual
// keyboard visibility.
bool CalculateIsInApp(bool app_list_visible,
bool virtual_keyboard_shown) const;
// Whether an elevated app bar has been rendered (stacked hotseat). This
// boolean is used for logging UMA metrics.
std::optional<bool> has_shown_elevated_app_bar_;
// Whether tablet mode homecher should use elevated app bar.
bool elevate_tablet_mode_app_bar_ = false;
// Whether the in app shelf should be shown in overview mode.
bool use_in_app_shelf_in_overview_ = false;
// True if device is currently in overview mode.
bool overview_mode_ = false;
// True if device is currently in tablet mode.
bool in_tablet_mode_ = false;
// Whether shelf is currently standard or dense.
bool is_dense_ = false;
// Whether the shelf is currently in in-app state.
bool is_in_app_ = false;
// Whether the device is in split view. Only tracked in overview mode.
bool in_split_view_with_overview_ = false;
// Whether the shelf buttons (navigation controls, and overview tray button)
// should be shown.
bool shelf_controls_shown_ = false;
// Whether virtual IME keyboard is shown.
bool is_virtual_keyboard_shown_ = false;
// Whether the app list (or home launcher in tablet mode) is visible.
bool is_app_list_visible_ = false;
// Size of the icons within shelf buttons.
const int shelf_button_icon_size_;
const int shelf_button_icon_size_median_;
const int shelf_button_icon_size_dense_;
// Size of the shortcut icon.
const int shelf_shortcut_icon_size_;
// Size of the shortcut icon border.
const int shelf_shortcut_icon_border_size_;
// Size of the shortcut host badge icon.
const int shelf_shortcut_host_badge_icon_size_;
// Size of the shortcut host badge border.
const int shelf_shortcut_host_badge_border_size_;
// Size of the bottom right corner radius of a shortcut.
const int shelf_shortcut_teardrop_corner_radius_;
// Size allocated for each app button on the shelf.
const int shelf_button_size_;
const int shelf_button_size_median_;
const int shelf_button_size_dense_;
// Size of the space between buttons on the shelf.
const int shelf_button_spacing_;
// The extra padding added to status area tray buttons on the shelf.
const int shelf_status_area_hit_region_padding_;
const int shelf_status_area_hit_region_padding_dense_;
// The margin on either side of the group of app icons in tablet/clamshell.
const int app_icon_group_margin_tablet_;
const int app_icon_group_margin_clamshell_;
// We reserve a small area on the edge of the workspace area to ensure that
// the resize handle at the edge of the window can be hit.
const int workspace_area_visible_inset_;
// When autohidden we extend the touch hit target onto the screen so that the
// user can drag the shelf out.
const int workspace_area_auto_hide_inset_;
// Portion of the shelf that's within the screen bounds when auto-hidden.
const int hidden_shelf_in_screen_portion_;
// The distance between the edge of the shelf and the status indicators.
const int status_indicator_offset_from_shelf_edge_;
// Padding between the shelf container view and the edging app icon in order
// to show the app icon's ripple correctly.
const int scrollable_shelf_ripple_padding_;
// Dimensions for hover previews.
const int shelf_tooltip_preview_height_;
const int shelf_tooltip_preview_max_width_;
const float shelf_tooltip_preview_max_ratio_;
const float shelf_tooltip_preview_min_ratio_;
// The blur radius used for the shelf.
const int shelf_blur_radius_;
// The threshold at which mousewheel and touchpad scrolls are either ignored
// or acted upon.
const int mousewheel_scroll_offset_threshold_;
// The height inset on the control buttons when in-app shelf is shown.
const int in_app_control_button_height_inset_;
// The padding between the app icon and the end of the scrollable shelf in
// tablet mode.
const int app_icon_end_padding_;
// Object responsible for observing accessibility settings relevant to shelf
// config.
std::unique_ptr<ShelfAccessibilityObserver> accessibility_observer_;
// Object responsible for observing overview mode split state changes relevant
// to shelf config.
std::unique_ptr<ShelfSplitViewObserver> split_view_observer_;
// Receive callbacks from DisplayObserver.
display::ScopedDisplayObserver display_observer_{this};
base::ObserverList<Observer> observers_;
} // namespace ash