// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "ash/public/cpp/ash_public_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/shelf_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
namespace ash {
struct ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT ScrollableShelfInfo {
ScrollableShelfInfo(const ScrollableShelfInfo& info);
ScrollableShelfInfo& operator=(const ScrollableShelfInfo& info);
// Current offset on the main axis.
float main_axis_offset = 0.f;
// Offset required to scroll to the next shelf page.
float page_offset = 0.f;
// Target offset on the main axis.
float target_main_axis_offset = 0.f;
// Bounds of the left arrow in screen.
gfx::Rect left_arrow_bounds;
// Bounds of the right arrow in screen.
gfx::Rect right_arrow_bounds;
// Indicates whether scrollable shelf is under scroll animation.
bool is_animating = false;
// Indicates whether there is any shelf icon under bounds animation.
bool icons_under_animation = false;
// Indicates whether scrollable shelf is in overflow mode.
bool is_overflow = false;
// Screen bounds of visible shelf icons.
std::vector<gfx::Rect> icons_bounds_in_screen;
// Indicates whether shelf widget is animating;
bool is_shelf_widget_animating = false;
struct ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT ShelfState {
// The distance by which shelf will scroll.
float scroll_distance = 0.f;
struct ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT HotseatSwipeDescriptor {
// The start location of the swipe gesture in screen coordinates.
gfx::Point swipe_start_location;
// The end location of the swipe gesture in screen coordinates.
gfx::Point swipe_end_location;
struct ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT HotseatInfo {
// The gesture to swipe the hotseat up from kHidden to kExtended. Note that
// |swipe_up| is independent of the current hotseat state.
HotseatSwipeDescriptor swipe_up;
// Indicate whether the hotseat bounds are in animation.
bool is_animating = false;
// The current hotseat state.
HotseatState hotseat_state = HotseatState::kHidden;
// Indicates whether the hotseat is being autohidden.
bool is_auto_hidden = false;
} // namespace ash