// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
namespace ash {
class SystemTrayClient;
enum class DeferredUpdateState;
enum class NotificationStyle;
enum class UpdateSeverity;
struct DeviceEnterpriseInfo;
struct LocaleInfo;
struct RelaunchNotificationState;
namespace phonehub {
class PhoneHubManager;
// Public interface to control the system tray bubble in ash.
class ASH_EXPORT SystemTray {
static SystemTray* Get();
// Sets the client interface in the browser.
virtual void SetClient(SystemTrayClient* client) = 0;
// Sets the enabled state of the tray on the primary display. If not |enabled|
// any open menu will be closed.
virtual void SetPrimaryTrayEnabled(bool enabled) = 0;
// Sets the visibility of the tray on the primary display.
virtual void SetPrimaryTrayVisible(bool visible) = 0;
// Sets the clock to use 24 hour time formatting if |use_24_hour| is true.
// Otherwise sets 12 hour time formatting.
virtual void SetUse24HourClock(bool use_24_hour) = 0;
// Creates or updates an item in the system tray menu with information about
// enterprise management.
virtual void SetDeviceEnterpriseInfo(
const DeviceEnterpriseInfo& device_enterprise_info) = 0;
// Creates or updates an item in the system tray menu with information about
// enterprise management.
// |account_domain_manager| may be either a domain name (foo.com) or an email
// address ([email protected]). These strings will not be sanitized and so must
// come from a trusted location.
virtual void SetEnterpriseAccountDomainInfo(
const std::string& account_domain_manager) = 0;
// Shows or hides an item in the system tray indicating that performance
// tracing is running.
virtual void SetPerformanceTracingIconVisible(bool visible) = 0;
// Sets the list of supported UI locales. |current_locale_iso_code| refers to
// the locale currently used by the UI.
virtual void SetLocaleList(std::vector<LocaleInfo> locale_list,
const std::string& current_locale_iso_code) = 0;
// Shows an icon in the system tray or a notification on the unified system
// menu indicating that a software update is available. Once shown, the icon
// or the notification persists until reboot.
// |severity| specifies how critical is the update.
// |factory_reset_required| is true if during the update the device will
// be wiped.
// |rollback| specifies whether the update is actually an admin-initiated
// rollback. This implies that a the device will be wiped.
// |update_type| specifies the component which has been updated.
// These values are used to control the icon, color and the text of the
// tooltip or the notification.
virtual void ShowUpdateIcon(UpdateSeverity severity,
bool factory_reset_required,
bool rollback) = 0;
// Changes the update notification in the unified system menu,
// according to different policies, when there is an update available
// (it may be recommended or required, from Relaunch Notification policy,
// for example).
// Providing the `RelaunchNotificationState` allows the update countdown logic
// to remain in //chrome/browser, where it is shared with other platforms.
virtual void SetRelaunchNotificationState(
const RelaunchNotificationState& relaunch_notification_state) = 0;
// Resets update state to hide the update icon and notification. It is called
// when a new update starts before the current update is applied.
virtual void ResetUpdateState() = 0;
// Set deferred update state to be either showing a dialog or showing an icon
// in the system tray to indicate that a update is downloaded but deferred.
virtual void SetUpdateDeferred(DeferredUpdateState state) = 0;
// If |visible| is true, shows an icon in the system tray which indicates that
// a software update is available but user's agreement is required as current
// connection is cellular. If |visible| is false, hides the icon because the
// user's one time permission on update over cellular connection has been
// granted.
virtual void SetUpdateOverCellularAvailableIconVisible(bool visible) = 0;
// Sets whether end of life notice should be shown in quick settings.
virtual void SetShowEolNotice(bool show) = 0;
// Sets whether the extended updates support notice should be shown
// in quick settings.
virtual void SetShowExtendedUpdatesNotice(bool show) = 0;
// Shows the volume slider bubble shown at the right bottom of screen.
virtual void ShowVolumeSliderBubble() = 0;
// Shows the network detailed view bubble at the right bottom of the primary
// display.
virtual void ShowNetworkDetailedViewBubble() = 0;
// Provides Phone Hub functionality to the system tray.
virtual void SetPhoneHubManager(
phonehub::PhoneHubManager* phone_hub_manager) = 0;
SystemTray() = default;
virtual ~SystemTray() = default;
} // namespace ash